Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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gǔdài 古代 N ancient times
gǔdiǎn 古典 ADJ classical
gǔdǒng 古董 N antique, old curio
gǔguài 古怪 ADJ weird, queer
gǔjì 古迹 N historic site, place of historic interest
gǔlǎo 古老 ADJ ancient, time-honored
gǔ 鼓 N drum
gǔchuī 鼓吹 V advocate, preach (usually wrong and harmful ideas)
gǔlì 鼓励 V encourage
gǔwǔ 鼓舞 V inspire, fire up … with enthusiasm, hearten
gǔzhǎng 鼓掌 V applaud
gǔ 骨 N bone
gǔgàn 骨干 N backbone (denoting people)
gǔròu 骨肉 N one’s flesh and blood
gǔtou 骨头 N bone
gǔzhé 骨折 V fracture a bone
gǔ 股 N share, stock (in a company)
gǔdōng 股东 N shareholder, stockholder
gǔfèn 股份 N share, stock
gǔpiào 股票 N share, stock
gǔshì 股市 N share market
gǔ 谷 TRAD 穀 N grain, cereal
Gǔgē 谷歌 N (Internet search engine) Google
gǔwù 谷物 N grain, cereal (collectively)
gù 雇 TRAD 僱 V employ, hire
gùyōng 雇佣 V hire, employ
gùyuán 雇员 N employee, staff member
gù 故 I ADJ old, former II ADV on purpose, deliberately
gùshi 故事 N story, tale
gùxiāng 故乡 N native place, hometown
gùyì 故意 ADV deliberately, intentionally, on purpose
gùzhàng 故障 N breakdown (of a machine)
gù 顾 TRAD 顧 V attend to, care for
gùcǐ shībǐ 顾此失彼 IDIOM pay too much attention to one thing at the expense of another
gùkè 顾客 N customer, client
gùlǜ 顾虑 V have misgivings, worry
gùwèn 顾问 N advisor, consultant
gù 固 I ADJ secure, solid II V secure, consolidate, strengthen
gùdìng 固定 V fix, make immovable
gùrán 固然 CONJ granted (that), although
gùtǐ 固体 N solid matter, solid
gùyǒu 固有 ADJ inherent, innate
gùzhí 固执 ADJ obstinate, stubborn
guā 瓜 N melon, gourd
guāzǐ 瓜子 N melon seeds
guā 刮 V (of a wind) blow
guǎ 寡 ADJ 1 few, insufficient 2 widowed
guǎfu 寡妇 N widow
guà 挂 TRAD 掛 V hang
guàgōu 挂钩 V hook up, couple together
guàhào 挂号 V register (at a hospital)
guàniàn 挂念 V miss and worry about (a person)
guāi 乖 ADJ (of children) be good, be well-behaved
guǎi 拐 V turn, make a turn
guǎiwān 拐弯 V turn a corner
guài 怪 I ADJ strange, odd, queer II V blame
guàibudé 怪不得 ADV no wonder, so that’s why
guān 关 TRAD 關 V 1 close 2 turn off, switch off 3 V concern, involve
guānbì 关闭 V close down, shut down
guānhuái 关怀 V be kindly concerned about, show loving care to
guānjiàn 关键 N what is crucial or critical
guānjiéyán 关节炎 N arthritis
guānqiè 关切 V be deeply concerned
guāntóu 关头 N juncture, moment
guānxi 关系 I N connection, relation II V affect, have bearing on
guānxīn 关心 V be concerned about, care for
guānyú 关于 PREP about, on
guānzhào 关照 V 1 look after, take care of 2 notify, inform
guān 观 TRAD 觀 I V look at, observe II N view, outlook
guāncè 观测 V observe
guānchá 观察 V observe, watch
guāndiǎn 观点 N viewpoint, view
guānguāng 观光 V go sightseeing, visit and observe
guānkàn 观看 V watch (a theatrical performance, sports event)
guānniàn 观念 N concept, sense
guānshǎng 观赏 V view and admire (beautiful flowers, rare animals, etc.)
guānzhòng 观众 N audience (in a theater, on TV, etc.), spectator
guān 官 N (government) official
guānfāng 官方 ADJ official
guānliáo 官僚 N bureaucrat
guānyuán 官员 N official
guān 棺 N coffin
guǎn 管1 V be in charge, take care (of)
guǎnlǐ 管理 V manage,