Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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entrance; level crossing

      coäng 1 v. to add 2 adj. common

      coäng ñoàng n., adj. community; common, collective

      coäng hoaø n., adj. republic; republican

      Coäng saûn n. communist

      coäng söï vieân n. colleague

      coäng taùc v. to collaborate, to cooperate; to contribute

      coát 1 n. bones, skeleton; framework 2 adj., v. to be essential to; to aim at

      coát caùn n. loyal cadre, party veteran [communist]

      coát nhuïc n. blood relationship

      coát truyeän n. plot, framework

      coát tuyû n. marrow; essence, quintessence

      coát töû adj. most essential, most fundamental

      coát yeáu adj. basic, essential, vital

      coät 1 n. pillar, column, pole, post, poster 2 v. to tie up, to bind

      cô 1 n. occasion; opportunity, circumstances 2 n. muscle [anatomy]

      cô baûn n., adj. fundamental, elementary, basic

      cô caáu n. structure

      cô cheá n. mechanism, structure; organization

      cô cöïc adj., n. very poor and hard up; hard life

      cô ñoà n. family estate, undertaking

      Cô Ñoác giaùo n. Christ, Christianity, Christian

      cô giôùi n. machine, mechanical implement

      cô haøn n. poverty, hunger and cold

      cô hoïc n. mechanics

      cô hoà adv. very nearly, almost

      cô hoäi n. opportunity, chance

      cô khí n. mechanism, machinery

      cô man adj. innumerable, countless

      cô maät n. secret

      cô möu n. ruse, stratagem

      cô naêng n. ability, function

      cô nghieäp n. assets, fortune

      cô quan n. organ, organism, agency, foundation

      cô sôû n. base, installation, organ, establishment

      cô theå n. human body; organism

      cô theå hoïc n. anatomy

      côù n. reason, excuse, pretext

      côø 1 n. flag, banner 2 n. chess

      côø baïc v., n. to gamble; gambling

      côøi v. to get [something from a tree, etc.] by means of a stick

      côûi v. to untie, to unfasten, to unbutton; to take off

      côm n. cooked rice, food

      côm aùo n. food and clothing; living supply

      côm nöôùc n. food, meals

      côm toi n. wasted money

      côn n. outburst, fit

      côõn n. heat, rut

      côït v. to joke, to jest

      cu 1 n. cock, prick 2 n. dove

      cu li n. coolie

      cuù 1 n. owl 2 n. R sentence 3 n. blow; [football, soccer] shot

      cuø v. to tickle

      cuø lao n. island

      cuû n. bulb, edible root, tuber

      cuû soaùt v. to check, to verify

      cuõ adj. old, used, secondhand, former

      cuõ kyõ adj. old, oldish

      cuõ rích adj. very old

      cuï n. very old person; great-grandparents

      cuï theå adj., adv. concrete, tangible; concretely, real

      cua n. crab

      cuûa n. belongings, possession, property

      cuûa boá thí n. alms, charities

      cuûa chìm n. hidden wealth/property

      cuûa ñuùt loùt n. bribe

      cuûa gia taøi n. family heritage

      cuûa gia baûo n. heirloom

      cuûa hoái loä n. bribe

      cuûa noåi n. material wealth; real estate

      cuûa hoài moân n. dowry

      cuûa phi nghóa n. ill-acquired wealth

      cuùc 1 n. daisy, chrysanthemum 2 n. button

      cuïc 1 n. ball, piece, broken piece 2 n. bureau, agency

      cuïc suùc adj. brutish

      cuïc taùc v. [of hens] to cackle

      cuùi v. to bend over, to bow down

      cuøi 1 n. pulp, meat [of fruit, nut] 2 n. leper

      cuûi 1 n. firewood, fuel 2 n. cage, kennel

      cuùm n. influenza, flu; gripe

      cuøm v. to shackle, to be in fetters, to chain

      cuïm n. cluster, clump, tuft, grove

      cuøn adj. dull, blunt; rusty

      cuõn côõn adj. too short

      cung 1 n. bow; arc [math] 2 n. declaration, testimonial, evidence 3 n. palace, temple

      cung caàu n. supply and demand

      cung chuùc v. to express respectful wishes

      cung döôõng v. to feed, to take care, to support [parents]

      cung ñieän n. palaces

      cung hieán v. to offer, to donate


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