Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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oâng pron. we [very arrogant]

      chuùng sinh n. all living creatures; wandering souls

      chuùng ta pron. we, us [inclusive I and you]

      chuùng toâi pron. we [exclusive I, he and I, they and I, but not you]

      chuøng adj. [of rope, string] loose, slack; [of trousers] to be long, hanging

      chuøng chình v. to loiter; to procrastinate

      chuûng 1 n. R species, kind, sort 2 v. to vaccinate

      chuûng loaïi n. sort, kind, variety, type, species

      chuûng toäc n. race, people

      chuoác v. to seek, to bring upon oneself [worry, profit, honors]

      chuoäc v. to buy back [lost or pawned object], to redeem

      chuoâi n. [knife’s] handle, hilt

      chuoái n. banana

      chuoãi n. a string [of beads], necklace; file, series, succession

      chuoâm n. small pond

      chuoàn v. to take French leave, to clear out, to sneak out

      chuoàn chuoàn n. dragonfly

      chuoâng n. bell

      chuoàng n. cage, shed, shelter, coop, stable, sty

      chuoäng v. to be fond of, to like, to esteem

      chuoát v. to polish, to refine

      chuoät n. rat, mouse, cobaye

      chuoät baïch n. white mice

      chuoät boï n. rodents

      chuoät ñoàng n. field mouse

      chuoät nhaét n. mouse, mice

      chuoät ruùt n. cramp

      chuïp v . to spring upon and seize suddenly

      chuïp aûnh v. to take a photograph [of]; to have one’s picture taken

      chuïp ñeøn n. lamp shade

      chuùt adj. tiny

      chuùt con n. a small child, the only child

      chuùt ñænh adj. a little bit, a touch of

      chuùt ít adj. tiny

      chuùt phaän n. modest condition

      chuùt thaân n. humble life

      chuùt tình n. humble sentiment

      chuùt xíu adj. tiny

      chuït n. smacking noise

      chuøy n. mallet, hammer; blow

      chuyeân 1 v. to transfer [liquid, merchandise]; to transport;to carry 2 adj., n., v. specialized in; expert, main occupation; to concentrate on

      chuyeân caàn adj. diligent, industrious

      chuyeân cheá adj. absolute, dictatorial, arbitrary, autocratic

      chuyeân chính n. dictatorship

      chuyeân chôû v. to transport

      chuyeân chuù v. to apply oneself, to be attentive, to concentrate on

      chuyeân ñeà n. special subject/topic

      chuyeân gia n. specialist, expert

      chuyeân khoa n. specialty, advanced and specialized course

      chuyeân moân n., adj. specialty [to specialize in], professional; to be technical

      chuyeân nghieäp n. specialist, professional; vocational

      chuyeân nhaát v. to be devoted to one thing

      chuyeân quyeàn v. to be despotic, to rule as an autocracy, to be a dictatorship

      chuyeân taâm v. to concentrate on [with fixed intention]

      chuyeân traùch v. to be responsible

      chuyeân trò v. [of doctor] to be a specialist in

      chuyeân tu v. to give or to get special training

      chuyeân vieân n. expert, specialist

      chuyeán n. trip, journey, voyage, flight [as a unit, single event]; time

      chuyeàn v. to pass, to hand; to pass from place to place; to carry, to transfer

      chuyeån v. to move, to transfer; to shift; to change [direction]

      chuyeån bieán v. to change

      chuyeån buïng v. to start to have labor pains

      chuyeån ñaït v. to transmit, to convey

      chuyeån ñeä v. to transmit, to forward

      chuyeån ñoäng v., n. to move; movement, motion

      chuyeån giao v. to hand over [authority, government office]

      chuyeån hoaù v. to transform, to change

      chuyeån hoaùn v. to complete an evolution

      chuyeån höôùng v. to change direction

      chuyeån nhöôïng v. to transfer, to cede

      chuyeån tieáp v., n. to transit; transition

      chuyeån vaän v. to transport; to set in motion

      chuyeän n. talk; story

      chuyeän troø v. to converse, to chat

      chuyeän vaõn v. to converse, to chat

      chö taêng n. all the monks

      chö vò n. gentlemen, every one of …

      chö haàu n. all the vassals; satellite, vassal

      chöù 1 conj. and not, but not 2 adv. [final particle] I suppose

      chöù lò adv. naturally, of course; surely, certainly

      chöø n., adv. now, at present, at the present time

      chöõ n. letter [of the alphabet]; [written] word

      chöa adv. not yet [precedes main verb in statements]; Yet? [final particle in questions]

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