Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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[people, customer]; to pamper, to spoil [child]

      chim n. bird

      chim chuoät v. to woo, to flirt

      chim muoâng n. birds and beast

      chìm v. to sink, to be submerged; to be hidden

      chìm ñaém v. to be engulfed in [pleasure, passion]

      chín 1 num. nine 2 adj. ripe, cooked

      chín chaén adj. mature

      chín muoài adj. very ripe

      chinh v. R to make an expedition against

      chinh chieán n. war, warfare

      chinh phaït v. to send a punitive expedition against

      chinh phu n. warrior, fighter

      chinh phuï n. warrior’s wife

      chinh phuïc v. to subdue, to conquer

      chính 1 adj. principal, main, chief 2 adj. R righteous, just

      chính baûn n. the original copy

      chính bieán n. political upheaval, coup d’etat

      chính chuyeân adj. [of woman] virtuous

      chính coáng adj. real, real McCoy, original

      chính cung hoaøng haäu n. official queen

      chính danh n. a correct name

      chính dieän adj. right side; face front

      chính ñaïi adj. straightforward, upright

      chính ñaùng adj. legitimate, proper, correct

      chính ñaûng n. political party

      chính ñaïo n. the right way, the correct way

      chính giaùo n. orthodox religion

      chính giôùi n. political circles, government circles; politicians

      chính khaùch n. politician

      chính kieán n. political views

      chính nghóa n. righteous cause, cause

      chính phaïm n. author of a crime, principal to a crime

      chính phuû n. government

      chính qui adj. [of army] regular

      chính quyeàn n. political power; government

      chính saùch n. policy

      chính söï n. political affairs, government affairs, politics

      chính taû n. orthography; dictation

      chính thaát n. legal wife, first wife

      chính theå n. form of government, regime

      chính thò adv. exactly, precisely

      chính thoáng adj. orthodox

      chính thöùc adj., adv. official, formal; officially, formally

      chính tình n. political situation

      chính toâng adj. authentic, genuine, real, real McCoy

      chính trò n., adj. politics, policy; political

      chính trò gia n. statesman, politician

      chính trò hoïc n. political science

      chính trò phaïm n. political prisoner

      chính trò vieân n. political instructor

      chính tröïc adj. righteous, upright

      chính xaùc adj. accurate, corrected

      chính yeáu adj. important, main, principal, vital

      chænh 1 adj. right, straight, correct 2 v. to correct, to repair; to amend; to fix

      chænh ñoán v. to revamp

      chænh huaán v. to re-educate

      chænh löu v. to rectify [electric] current

      chænh lyù v. to re-adjust, to correct and edit

      chænh teà adj. correct; tidy, in good order

      chónh n. jar [to store rice,salt, etc.]

      chít 1 v. to wrap 2 n. great-great-great-grandchild

      chòu v. to bear, to stand, to endure; to give up

      chòu cöïc v. to endure hardship

      chòu ñöïng v. to bear, to put up with, to suffer

      chòu khoù v. to be patient, to work hard

      cho v. to give; to add; to let/allow/permit to, for

      cho khoâng v. to give away, to grant

      cho neân adv. therefore, hence

      cho pheùp v. to allow, to authorize

      choù n. dog

      choõ 1 n. elbow 2 v. to direct one’s mouth to; to stick out

      choaïc v. to open wide; to spread

      choaùn v. to take up, to occupy space

      choang adj. bright

      choaùng adj. shocked into a daze, to be dazzling

      choaùng vaùng v. to feel dizzy

      choaøng v. to embrace, to throw over or around

      choaûng v. to stick, to beat, to hit, to come to blows

      choaét adj. dwarfed, stunted

      choïc v. to pierce, to puncture; to tease, to annoy, to bother

      choïc gheïo v. to tease

      choïc tieát v. to stick; to bleed

      choeù 1 n. ornamental jar 2 adj. very bright

      choi choi n. warbler

      choùi adj. [of light] dazzling, blind, shrill

      choùi loïi adj. brilliant, radiant, blazing

      choøi n. shed, hut


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