Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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1 v. to carry under one’s arms 2 v. to steal, to swipe, to pilfer

      caëp 1 n. pair, couple 2 n. brief bag, briefcase

      caét 1 v. to assign [to a specific job] 2 v. to cut, to carve

      caâm adj., v. to be dumb, mute; to hold one’s tongue

      caám v. to forbid, to prohibit, to ban

      caám chæ v. to prohibit, to forbid

      caám coá v. to detain

      caám ñòa n. forbidden area

      caám ñoaùn v. to interdict; to prevent arbitrarily

      caám vaän v. to sanction, to embargo

      caàm 1 v. to hold, to take hold of; to retain; R to capture

       2 v. to pawn

      caàm baèng v., adv. to consider as; as if

      caàm caäp v. to tremble like a leaf; to clatter

      caàm chaéc v. to be sure; to hold something for certain

      caàm chöøng v., adv. to take one’s time, to take it easy; half-heartedly, perfunctorily

      caàm cöï v. to resist; to contend

      caàm hôi v. to survive; to maintain enough for living

      caàm laùi v. to drive

      caàm loøng v. to keep back emotions; to hold back one’s feeling

      caàm quyeàn v. to be in power, to hold power

      caàm thuù n. animals

      caåm thaïch n. marble

      caân v. to weigh; to equal, to balance, to scale

      caân ñoái adj. well-proportioned

      caân naõo n. nerves and brain

      caân nhaéc v. to consider carefully; to weigh [pros and cons]

      caàn 1 v. to be needed, to be urgent, to want 2 n. pole, rod

      caàn cuø adj. industrious, hardworking

      caàn kieäm adj. thrifty

      caàn lao adj. laborious

      caàn thieát adj. essential, needed, wanted

      caån v. to inlay, to incrust

      caån phoøng v. to be vigilant

      caån thaän adj. careful, cautious, attentive

      caän adj. R to be near

      caän ñaïi n., adj. modern times; modern

      caän Ñoâng n. Near East

      caän söû n. modern history

      caän thò adj. short-sighted

      caän veä n. imperial guard, bodyguard

      caáp 1 v. to grant, to bestow,to confer 2 n. level, step; rank, degree, grade

      caáp baùch adj. urgent, pressing

      caáp baùo v. to notify immediately

      caáp baäc n. grade, class, rank

      caáp cöùu v. to give emergency aid/first aid [to]

      caáp döôõng v. to provide relief for

      caáp phaùt v. to issue, to supply

      caáp soá n. progression [math.]

      caáp tieán adj. progressive, reformed

      caáp toác adv., adj. swiftly, urgently; urgent; intensive

      caäp v. to land, to reach, to come up to

      caát 1 v. to put away, to hide; to lift, to build [house, school, factory] 2 v. to distill

      caät n. kidney

      caät vaán v. to interrogate, to investigate

      caâu 1 n. phrase, expression, sentence, clause, proposition 2 v. to fish

      caâu chuyeän n. story, talk

      caâu ñoá n. riddle

      caâu ñoái n. parallel sentences

      caâu laïc boä n. [social] club

      caâu löu v. to detain

      caâu neä v. to stick too much to the formalities

      caâu thuùc v. to bind, to hold, to restrain

      caáu v. to pinch, to claw, to nip off

      caáu taïo v. to create, to engender, to build, to structure; to design

      caáu thaønh v. to form, to complete, to compose, to make up

      caáu truùc n. structure

      caáu xeù v. to tear, to claw and tear

      caàu 1 n. bridge 2 v. to seek, to request, to pray

      caàu an v. to pray for peace and safety

      caàu bô caàu baát adj. vagrant, homeless

      caàu caïnh v. to request a favor; to entreat favors of

      caàu chì n. fuse

      caàu chuùc v. to wish

      caàu coáng n. bridges and locks

      caàu cöùu v. to ask for help

      caàu hoân v. to ask for an engagement

      caàu kinh v. to pray

      caàu khaån v. to beg, to plead

      caàu kyø adj. far-fetched, sophisticated

      caàu loâng n. badminton

      caàu may v. to try one’s luck

      caàu nguyeän v. to pray

      caàu sieâu v. to pray for the peace of someone’s soul

      caàu thuû n. player, football player

      caàu tieâu n. toilet, restroom

      caàu treo n. suspension bridge


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