Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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nhaät n. every day

      bình phaåm v. to comment, to criticize

      bình phong n. [folding] screen

      bình phuïc v. to recover [from an illness]

      bình phöông n. square [in mathematics]

      bình quyeàn n. equal rights; equality of rights

      bình sinh adv. in one’s lifetime

      bình thaûn adj. peaceful, uneventful; indifferent, calm

      bình thöôøng 1 adj. normal, ordinary 2 adv. ordinarily, normally

      bình tónh 1 adj. calm, peaceful 2 v. to keep calm

      bình yeân See bình an

      bòp v. to bluff, to cheat

      bít taát n. socks, stockings

      bít teát n. beefsteak

      bòt v. to cover, to stop up

      bíu v. to cling to, to grasp, to hold

      bóu v. to purse [one’s lips]

      bo bo adj. jealously guarding, close, griping

      boù v., n. to tie in a bundle; bunch

      boù buoäc v. to compel, to force; [of a system] to be strict, severe

      boù tay v. to give up, to be unable to do anything

      boø 1 v. to crawl, to creep, to go on all fours 2 n. cow, ox, bull

      boû v. to put, to cast; to leave, to abandon, to give up; to deposit

      boû beâ v. to neglect

      boû cuoäc v. to give up joining a competition

      boû dôû v. to leave [something] unfinished

      boû maëc v. to abandon oneself

      boû mình v. to die

      boû nhoû v. to make a passing shot

      boû phieáu v. to cast a vote, to vote

      boû qua v. to pass, to overlook, to throw away [a chance]

      boû queân v. to forget

      boû rôi v. to leave far behind

      boû soùt v . to omit, to leave out, to miss

      boû tuø v. to jail, to put in jail

      boû tuùi v. to put into a pocket

      boï n. insect, worm, flea

      boùc v. to peel [fruit]; to open

      boùc loät v. to rob; to exploit

      boïc v., n. to wrap, to cover, to pack; package; parcel, bundle

      boùi v . to tell one’s fortune, to divine

      boùi caù n. kingfisher

      bom n. bomb

      boûm beûm v. to chew [betel] a mouthful

      bon bon adj. [of vehicles] to run fast

      boùn 1 v. to fertilize 2 adj. to be constipated

      boïn n. small group of people [derogatory]; gang

      bong v. to get loose, to come off

      bong boùng n. bubble, toy balloon, bladder

      boùng 1 n. shadow, shade, light 2 n. ball, balloon 3 adj. shiny

      boûng adj. burned, scalded

      boong n. deck of a ship

      boùp 1 v. to squeeze with one’s hand, to press 2 n. wallet

      boùp buïng v. to deny oneself in everything, to suffer

      boùp meùo v. to distort

      boït n. foam, bubble, suds, lather

      boâ n. chamber pot, bedpan

      boâ boâ adj. loud and noisy

      boâ laõo n. village elderly

      boá n. father, dad, papa

      boá caùo v. to proclaim, to announce

      boá cuïc v., n. to arrange; to structure; arrangement; structure

      boá thí v. to give alms, to give to charities

      boá trí v. to deploy [troops]

      boà n. friend, pal, sweetheart, lover

      boà caâu n. pigeon, squab, dove

      boà coâi adj. to be an orphan

      Boà Ñaøo Nha n. Portugal, Portuguese

      boà ñeà n. bodhi tree [Buddhism]

      boà hoùng n. soot

      boà hoâi n. sweat, perspiration

      boà nhìn See buø nhìn

      boà noâng n. pelican

      boå 1 v. to split, to chop, to open 2 v. to name, to appoint 3 adj. to be nourishing, nutritious

      boå duïng v. to appoint, to nominate

      boå ích adj. to be useful, interesting

      boå khuyeát v. to fill [lacuna, position]

      boå nhieäm v. to appoint

      boå tuùc v. to complement, to supplement, to add to

      boä 1 n. set, series, pack [of cards], suit [of clothes] 2 n. section, part, branch, [government] department, ministry

      boä binh n. infantry(man)

      boä ñieäu n. gesture, attitude

      boä ñoäi n. troops, army

      boä haønh n. pedestrian

      boä laïc n. tribe

      boä moân n. subject, department, section, field of specialization or endeavor

      boä tröôûng n. minister, secretary

      boä xöông n. skeleton

      boác v. to take

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