Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      bia 1 n. tombstone, stoneslab, stele 2 n. beer

      bìa n. book cover; cardboard

      bòa v. to invent, to fabricate

      bòa ñaët v. to invent, to fabricate

      bích chöông n. poster

      bích baùo n. newspaper posted on the wall

      bieác adj. green or azure blue

      bieám hoaï n. cartoon

      bieân v. to write down, to note down

      bieân baûn n. report, log, minutes

      bieân caûnh n. frontier area

      bieân cheùp v. to write, to copy

      bieân cheá v. to arrange staff

      bieân cöông n. frontier, boundaries, border

      bieân giôùi n. frontier, border

      bieân lai n. receipt

      bieân soaïn v. to edit, to compile, to write

      bieân taäp vieân n. editor, writer

      bieân thuyø n. frontier, border

      bieán 1 v. to disappear, to vanish 2 v. to change, to turn into

      bieán caûi v. to change, to transform

      bieán chuyeån v. to change, to develop

      bieán coá n. event, happening, occurrence

      bieán ñoåi v. to change, to fluctuate

      bieán hoaù v. to change, to evolve

      bieán loaïn adj., n. rebellious; turmoil

      bieán soá n. variable number

      bieán thieân v. to change, to vary

      bieàn ngaãu n. parallel, couple [stylistics]

      bieån 1 n. sea, ocean 2 n. sign, placard

      bieån laän adj. avaricious; fraudulent

      bieån thuû v. to embezzle

      bieän baùc v. to discuss, to argue, to explain, to debate

      bieän giaûi v. to explain

      bieän luaän v. to discuss, to argue

      bieän lyù n. prosecutor

      bieän phaùp n. method, measure, means, procedure

      bieáng adj. lazy; indolent

      bieát v. to know, be aware of

      bieát ñaâu adv. Who knows!

      bieát ñieàu adj. reasonable

      bieát ôn adj. grateful

      bieät 1 adj. separated, isolated 2 v. to disappear without a trace

      bieät ñaõi v. to treat exceptionally well

      bieät hieäu n. nickname, pen name, pseudonym, alias

      bieät laäp adj. independent, isolated

      bieät ly v. to be separated, to part

      bieät phaùi v. to detail

      bieät taøi n. special talent

      bieät thöï n. countryhouse, villa

      bieät xöù adj. exiled, banished

      bieáu v. to offer as a gift/present

      bieáu xeùn v. to make [frequent] gifts

      bieåu 1 v. to say to, to tell, to order 2 n. table, index, scale, meter

      bieåu dieãn v. to perform, to demonstrate, to parade

      bieåu döông v. to show, to manifest

      bieåu ñoàng tình v. to express agreement

      bieån hieän v. to manifest, to show plainly

      bieåu loä v. to express, to convey

      bieåu ngöõ n. slogan, banner

      bieåu quyeát v. to decide, to vote

      bieåu thò v. to show, to express

      bieåu tình 1 v. to demonstrate [as a crowd] 2 n. demonstration

      bieåu töôïng n. symbol

      binh n. R soldier, private

      binh bò n. military affairs

      binh cheá n. military system or organization

      binh chuûng n. arms, service, branch

      binh ñao adj., n. pertaining to war; war, warfare, hostilities

      binh ñoäi n. troops, forces

      binh lính n. soldiers, troops

      binh löïc n. combat forces, military power

      binh nguõ n. troops, army ranks

      binh phaùp n. military strategy/tactics

      binh só n. soldier, fighter, serviceman

      binh thö n. military book/manual

      binh vaâïn v. to carry out agitation and propaganda among enemy troops

      bình 1 v. to comment, to criticize 2 n. vase, pot

      bình an adj. well, safe

      bình daân adj. common, popular; simple-mannered; democratically-mannered

      bình dò adj. ordinary, simple

      bình dieän n. aspect, facet

      bình ñaúng adj. to be equal, on the same level

      bình ñòa n. level ground

      bình ñieän n. battery

      bình ñònh v. to pacify

      bìng laëng adj. quiet and peaceful

      bình luaän 1 v. to comment 2 n. commentary, editorial

      bình minh n. dawn, early morning

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