Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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ñieän v. to insulate

      caùch maïng n. revolution

      caùch ngoân n. maxim, aphorism, saying

      caùch nhaät adj. recurrent

      caùch quaõng adj. intermittent

      caùch thöùc n. style, method, way

      caùch trí n. natural science

      caùch trôû v. to be difficult, to separate and obstruct

      cai 1 n. superintendent, jail keeper, corporal 2 v. to abstain from, to quit [habit]

      cai quaûn v. to supervise, to manage, to administer

      cai trò v. to administer, to govern, to rule

      caùi 1 n. object, thing 2 adj. to be female 3 adj. main, principal, largest

      caøi v. to fasten; to bolt; to shut

      caûi 1 n. cabbage 2 v. R to change, to reform

      caûi caùch v., n. to reform; reform

      caûi chính v. to deny; to rectify, to correct

      caûi daïng v. to disguise oneself

      caûi giaù v. [of widow] to marry again, to remarry

      caûi hoaù v. to change, to convert

      caûi löông v., n. to improve, to reform; renovated theater, modern play

      caûi taùng v. to reinter for reburial [a body]

      caûi taïo v. to reconstruct, to reform, to re-educate

      caûi thieän v. to improve

      caûi tieán v. to improve, to ameliorate

      caûi toå v. to reorganize, to reshuffle

      caûi trang v. to disguise oneself

      caûi laõo hoaøn ñoàng v. to rejuvenate

      caûi töû hoaøn sinh v. to revive, to resuscitate

      caõi v . to argue, to deny, to retort, to discuss, to quarrel

      caõi coï v. to quarrel, to argue with someone

      caõi loän v. to quarrel

      caõi vaõ v. to argue, to debate

      cam n. orange

      cam thaûo n. liquorice

      caùm n. bran

      caùm ôn v. to thank, thank you

      caùm doã v. to tempt, to seduce

      caûm 1 v. to feel, to be affected by, to be touched 2 v. to catch cold

      caûm ñoäng v., adj. to be moved, to be touched; emotional

      caûm giaùc v., n. to feel; feeling, sensation

      caûm höùng n. inspiration

      caûm kích v. to be touched, to be moved

      caûm phuïc v. to admire

      caûm taï v. to express one’s gratitude; to thank

      caûm tình n. sympathy, affection; feeling, sentiment

      caûm thoâng v. to comprehend, to sympathize with

      caûm töû v. to volunteer for death

      caûm töôûng n. impression, imprint, remarks, comment

      caûm xuùc v., n. to be moved, to be affected; feeling, emotion

      can 1 v. to concern, to involve, to be interested 2 v. to stop a quarrel or a fight

      can döï v. to be implicated, to have something to do with

      can ñaûm adj., n. courageous; courage

      can heä v. to be vital, to concern

      can ngaên v. to advise [against something], to stop doing something

      can thieäp v. to intervene, to interfere

      caùn 1 n. straight handle [of a tool] 2 v . to run over; to grind

      caùn boä n. cadre

      caùn caân n. balance

      caùn söï n. technician

      caøn 1 v. to rush through, to raid, to mop up 2 adj. to be inconsiderate; arbitrary; wanton

      caûn v. to hinder, to stop, to block, to prevent

      caûn trôû v. to hinder, to prevent, to obstruct

      caïn 1 adj. dried up 2 v. no more to say; finished

      caùng 1 n. stretcher, litter, palanquin 2 v. to carry on a stretcher or litter

      caùng ñaùng v. to take charge of; to assume the responsibility

      caøng adv. increasingly, all the more, the more

      caûng n. R port, harbor

      canh 1 n. soup, broth 2 v. to watch over, to guard

      canh caûi v. to change, to reform

      canh gaùc v. to guard, to watch

      canh giöõ v. to guard, to defend, to protect

      canh noâng n. agriculture

      canh phoøng v. to watch, to defend, to be vigilant

      canh taùc v. to cultivate, to do farming

      canh taân v. to modernize, to reform

      caùnh n. wing [bird’s], a leaf, a side

      caønh n. branch, bough, twig, limb

      caûnh n. landscape, view, scenery, sight, scene, site, spectacle; condition, state, plight

      caûnh caùo v. to warn; to arouse, to alarm

      caûnh bò v., n. to guard; guard, police, patrol

      caûnh binh n. military police

      caûnh caùo v. to warn

      caûnh huoáng n. situation, plight

      caûnh ngoä n. situation, plight

      caûnh saùt n. police, policeman

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