Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      buoåi n. half a day, session, event, performance; time

      buoàm n. sail

      buoân v. to buy in [in order to sell later]; to trade or to deal in

      buoàn adj. sad

      buoàn böïc adj. annoyed, angry, displeased

      buoàn raàu adj. sad, melancholic

      buoâng v. to let go, to release; to lower, to drop

      buoâng loûng v. to disengage, to spare

      buoâng troâi v. to let drift, to loose

      buoàng 1 n. room, chamber; cage 2 n. bunch

      buoát v. [of pain] to be sharp, to be bitter

      buoät v. to slip, to get loose

      buùp n. bud, shoot

      buùp beâ n. doll

      buùp pheâ n. cupboard

      buùt n. writing brush, pen

      buùt chieán v. to engage in a polemic [between writers]

      buùt danh n. pen name

      buùt ñaøm n. written conversation

      buùt nghieân n. pen and ink slab; writing materials; academic activities

      buùt phaùp n. style of writing

      buùt tích n. written documents

      Buït n. Buddha

      böï adj. big, large

      böùa n. mangosteen

      böøa v., n. to rake, to harrow; harrow

      böõa n. meal; a period of time

      böïa n. tartar, food particles between or on teeth

      böùc 1 adj. hot and sultry, humid 2 n. a unit of board, a piece, a set

      böùc thieát adj. urgent; pressing

      böùc xaï n. radiation

      böïc v., adj. displeased, annoyed, vexed

      böïc doïc v., adj. testy

      böng v. to carry with both hands

      böng bít v. to cover up; to suppress

      böùng v. to uproot, to pull up

      böøng v. to flare up, to blaze up

      böôùc v., n. to step; step

      böôùc ñaàu n. the initial, at the beginning

      böôùc ñöôøng n. stages on the road/way

      böôùc ngoaët n. turning point

      böôûi n. pomelo, grapefruit

      böôùm n. butterfly

      böôùng adj. stubborn, bull-headed

      böôu v. to lump; to bump

      böôùu n. hump

      böùt v. to pick, to pluck off; to scratch

      böu chính n. postal service

      böu cuïc n. post office

      böu ñieän n. postal service, post office

      böu kieän n. parcel post; postal matter

      böu phaåm n. postal matter, mail item

      böu phí n. mailing cost, postage

      böu phieáu n. money order

      böu taù n. postman, mailman

      böu thieáp n. postcard

      böûu boái n. valuable thing; magic wand


      ca 1 n. mug 2 n. shift 3 n. case 4 v. to sing

      ca dao n. folk song, folk ballad

      ca khuùc n. a song

      ca kòch n. a play, opera, theater

      ca loâ ri n. calorie

      ca nhaïc n. music and song

      ca noâ n. boat, speed boat

      ca tuïng v. to praise, to eulogize

      ca vaùt n. necktie

      caù 1 n. fish 2 v. to bet, to wager

      caù bieät adj. particular, individual

      caù hoài n. salmon

      caù hoàng n. snapper

      caù maäp n. shark

      caù nhaân adj. individual, personal

      caù tính n. personality

      caø n. eggplant, aubergine

      caø keâ v., adj. to drag out, to tell a very long yarn; palavering

      caø khaúng adj. tall and skinny

      caø khòa v. to pick a quarrel [a fight] with

      caø laêm v. to stutter, to stammer

      caø nhom adj. very skinny

      caø nhaéc v. to limp

      caø pheâ n. coffee, coffee bean

      caø roát n. carrot

      caø raù n. carat, diamond, ring

      caø kheo adj. stilts

      caø sa n. monk’s robe

      caû 1 adj. the oldest, the biggest 2 pron. all, the whole, at all

      caùc adv. every, all

      caùc toâng n. cardboard

      caùch 1 n. manner, way, method, fashion 2 adj. to be distant from

      caùch bieät v. to be distant, to separate, to be isolated, to cut off

      caùch böùc v. to be indirect, to be distant,

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