Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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cöôùi v. to send wedding presents, to bring wedding offerings to the bride

      daãn daâu v. to accompany the bride

      daãn duï v. to induce; to explain using examples

      daãn ñaïo v. to guide

      daãn ñaàu v. to lead [race, contest]

      daãn ñieän v. to conduct electricity

      daãn ñöôøng v. to show the way

      daãn giaûi v. to explain and comment

      daãn khôûi v. to bring about

      daãn kieán v. to introduce [somebody to see somebody]

      daãn löïc n. attraction

      daãn nhieät v. to conduct heat

      daãn thuûy v. to irrigate [rice-fields]

      daãn xaùc v. to come in person

      daän v. to trample, to step on

      daâng v. to offer [tribute, gift, petition]

      daâng v. [of water] to rise

      daäp v. to put out [fire]; to bury, to cover; to be broken

      daáp v. to wet, to soak

      daäp dìu adj. bustling with people, getting in a great number

      daäp taét v. to put out [fire]

      daät só n. retired scholar, retired official

      daät söû n. a strange story, an unusual tale

      daâu 1 n. daughter-in-law 2 n. strawberry

      daáu n. sign, mark, accent mark, accent, tone mark; stamp, seal

      daáu chaám n. period, full stop

      daáu chaám phaåy n. semicolon

      daáu hoûi n. question mark, mark for low rising tone

      daáu huyeàn n. mark for falling tone; grave accent [`]

      daáu muõ n. circumflex accent [^]; mark for secondary stress

      daáu naëng n. mark for low constricted tone; dot

      daáu ngaõ n. mark for creaky rising tone; tilde [~]

      daáu ngoaêïc ñôn n. parenthesis

      daáu ngoaëc keùp n. inverted commas, quotation marks

      daáu ngoaëc vuoâng n. bracket

      daáu phaåy n. comma

      daáu saéc n . mark for high rising tone or primary stress; acute accent [ù]

      daáu than n. exclamation mark

      daáu veát n. trace, vestige

      daàu 1 n. oil, petroleum 2 conj. though, although

      daàu aên n. salad oil, table oil

      daàu baïc haø n. peppermint oil, tiger balm

      daàu caù (thu) n. cod liver oil

      daàu haéc adj. far

      daàu hoaû n. kerosene, petroleum

      daàu hoâi n. kerosene, oil, petroleum

      daàu loøng v. to be kind enough to

      daàu maø conj. although, though, even though

      daàu raèng conj. although, though, even though

      daàu sao conj. at any rate, anyway

      daàu xaêng n. petrol, gasoline

      daãu conj. though, although

      daãu maø conj. though, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that

      daãu raèng conj. though, although

      daây n. string, cord

      daây chuyeàn n. necklace

      daây cöông n. bridle

      daây döa v. to drag, to get involved

      daây ñieän n. electric wire

      daây ñoàng n. brass wire

      daây giaày n. shoe lace, shoe string

      daây keõm gai n. See daây theùp gai

      daây theùp n. steel wire [clothes line]; electric wire; telegram

      daây theùp gai n. barbed wire

      daây tô hoàng n. marriage bonds, matrimonial ties

      daây xích n. chain

      daáy v. to raise [troops]; to cause

      daäy v. to wake up

      daäy thì adj. pubescent, pubertal

      deø 1 adj. to be moderate; reserved 2 v. to foresee, to expect

      deø bæu v. to slight, to sneer at

      deø chöøng v. to foresee the eventuality of

      deø daët v., adj. to be reserved, be cautious, to be careful

      deø xeûn v. to save here and there, to be parsimonious

      deû n. hazel nut

      deøn deït adj. relatively flattened

      deo deûo adj. relatively pliable and soft

      deûo adj. pliable and soft

      deûo dai adj. enduring, resistant and supple

      deûo dang adj. lithesome, resistant

      deûo queïo v. very lithely

      deûo söùc adj. untiring, indefatigable

      deûo tay adj. agile

      deùp n. sandal, slipper

      deïp v. to put away, to arrange

      deït adj. flat or flattened

      deâ 1 n. goat 2 adj. oversexed, lustful

      deá n. cricket

      deå ngöôi v. to despise;

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