Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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men; male

      ñaûn n. R holy birthday [of saints, gods]

      ñaûn nhaät n. birthday

      ñaïn n. bullet, slug

      ñaïn döôïc n. ammunition

      ñaïn ñaïi baùc n. cannon ball

      ñaïn traùi phaù n. shell

      ñang adv. to be engaged in [doing ...]

      ñang khi adv., conj. while

      ñang luùc adv., conj. while

      ñang tay v. to have the heart to do something, to be ruthless to

      ñang taâm v. to be callous enough to

      ñang thì v. to be in the flush of youth

      ñaùng v., adj. to deserve, to merit; to be worthy of

      ñaùng cheâ adj. to be blamed

      ñaùng ñôøi adj. well-deserved; worthy

      ñaùng giaù adj. worth the money paid for

      ñaùng keå adj. noticeable, remarkable

      ñaùng khen adj. praiseworthy

      ñaùng kieáp adj. deserving well

      ñaùng leõ adv. instead of; normally

      ñaùng lyù adv. instead of

      ñaùng maët adj. worthy of [being something]

      ñaùng thöông adj. pitiful, pitiable

      ñaùng tieàn adj. worth its price, worth the money

      ñaùng toäi adj. deserving punishment

      ñaùng traùch adj. to be blamed

      ñaøng n. See ñöôøng

      ñaûng n. gang, party, band

      ñaûng boä n. committee of a party

      ñaûng cöông n. party policy/outline

      ñaûng phaùi n., adj. parties and factions; to be partisan

      ñaûng phí n. party dues/fee, membership fee

      ñaûng trò n. one-party system/rule

      ñaûng tröôûng n. party head/leader

      ñaûng vieân n. party member/man

      ñaûng uyû n. committee of a party

      ñaõng adj. absent-minded, forgetful

      ñaõng tính adj., n. absentminded; absent-mindedness

      ñaõng trí adj. absent-minded, forgetful

      ñaùng töû n. vagabond; libertine

      ñanh n. nail, screw

      ñanh ñaù adj. sharp-tongued; resolute; impertinent

      ñanh ghim n. pin

      ñanh khuy n. nut

      ñanh oác n. screw

      ñanh theùp adj. [of voice, character] trenchant, steel-like, firm, energetic, forceful

      ñaùnh v. to hit, to strike, to combat, to fight; to polish; to play [cards, chess, etc.], to play [string instrument]

      ñaùnh baïc v. to gamble

      ñaùnh baøi v. to play cards

      ñaùnh baïi v. to defeat

      ñaùnh baïo v. to venture to

      ñaùnh baåy v. to trap, to ensnare

      ñaùnh beå v. to break [glass-ware, chinaware]

      ñaùnh bi v. to shoot marbles

      ñaùnh boùng v. to polish; to stump, to shave off

      ñaùnh caù v. to fish; to wager

      ñaùnh cheùn v. to eat and drink

      ñaùnh cheát v. to beat to death

      ñaùnh côø v. to play chess

      ñaùnh cuoäc v. to bet, to wager

      ñaùnh daáu v. to mark; to mark the accent or diacritic

      ñaùnh deïp v. to put down, to suppress; to crush

      ñaùnh dieâm v. to strike a match

      ñaùnh ñaém v. to sink [transitive]

      ñaùnh ñaäp v. to beat

      ñaùnh ñó v. to be a prostitute, to act like a prostitute

      ñaùnh ñieän v. to send a telegram

      ñaùnh ñoøn v. to beat, to flog

      ñaùnh ñoá v. to bet, to wager

      ñaùnh ñoå v. to spill

      ñaùnh ñoâi v. to team up, to play double

      ñaùnh ñoåi v. to swap, to trade in

      ñaùnh ñu v. to swing; to join the company

      ñaùnh ñuøng adv. all of a sudden

      ñaùnh ghen v. to make a scene because one is jealous

      ñaùnh giaù v. to evaluate, to appraise

      ñaùnh giaëc v. to go to war, to fight the rebels

      ñaùnh giaày v. to polish shoes

      ñaùnh gioù v. to rub a sore spot, to rub out a cold

      ñaùnh hôi v. to smell, to scent

      ñaùnh laùng v. to polish

      ñaùnh lieàu v. to risk

      ñaùnh luoáng v. to furrow

      ñaùnh löôùi v. to catch with a net

      ñaùnh maù hoàng v. to make up

      ñaùnh maùy (chöõ) v. to type

      ñaùnh maát v. to lose, to mislay

      ñaùnh moùng tay v. to polish one’s

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