Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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thöông adj. sorrowful

      ñau tim adj. having heart trouble

      ñau yeáu adj. [frequently] ill

      ñay n. jute

      ñay nghieán v. to reproach, to reprimand or to scold bitterly

      ñaùy n. bottom, base

      ñaøy v. to deport, to exile

      ñaøy aûi v. to exile; to ill-treat

      ñaøy ñoaï v. to ill-treat

      ñaøy tôù n. servant

      ñaõy n. bag, sack

      ñaéc v. R to obtain; to be elected

      ñaèc chí adj. self-satisfied, proud of oneself

      ñaéc duïng adj. useful, usable

      ñaéc ñaïo v. to reach enlightenment

      ñaéc ñòa n. good spot, prospitous location

      ñaéc keá v. to succeed in one’s scheme

      ñaéc lôïi v., adj. to achieve a profit; to be profitable; advantageous

      ñaéc löïc adj. efficient; capable

      ñaéc saùch n. good/clever method

      ñaéc thaéng adj., v. victorious; to win a victory

      ñaéc theá v. to be favored [by luck, success]

      ñaéc thôøi v., adj. to have the opportunity; lucky

      ñaéc toäi v. to be guilty

      ñaéc yù v., adj. to be satisfied; contented

      ñaëc adj. thick; strong; condensed

      ñaëc aân n. privilege, special favor

      ñaëc bieät adj. special, characteristic, typical, particular

      ñaëc caùch n., adv. an exception; exceptionally

      ñaëc caùn mai adj. very stupid

      ñaëc chaát n. peculiar matter

      ñaëc dò adj. to be distinctive

      ñaëc ñieåm n. characteristic

      ñaëc kòt adj. dense [of crowd]

      ñaëc nhieäm n., adj. special mission; extraordinary

      ñaëc phaùi v. to send on a special mission

      ñaëc phaùi vieân n. special correspondent

      ñaëc quyeàn n. privilege

      ñaëc san n. special magazine

      ñaëc saõn n. seafood; special food

      ñaëc saéc n., adj. characteristic feature; to be brilliant, outstanding; special

      ñaëc söù n. special envoy; ambassader extraordinary

      ñaëc taøi n. exceptional talent, special gift

      ñaëc thuø adj. special

      ñaëc tính n. special character, peculiarity

      ñaëc tröng n. specific trait

      ñaëc öôùc n. special agreement

      ñaëc vieân n. special agent

      ñaëc vuï n. special mission, intelligence service, secret agent

      ñaëc xaù v. to release prisoners early on a special occasion, to grant a special reprieve

      ñaêm chieâu adj. [of look] absorbed, worried, anxious

      ñaêm ñaêm v. to stare at, to look fixedly at

      ñaém adj., v. to be drowned; to sink

      ñaém ñuoái adj. engulfing in [passion]; [of look] full of love

      ñaèm adj. calm, equable

      ñaèm thaém adj. fervid, profound, sweet

      ñaüm adj. wet, soaked

      ñaén ño v. to weigh the pros and cons, to hesitate

      ñaün v. to chop, to fell [tree]/section, to piece

      ñaêng v. to insert, to print; R to register

      ñaêng baï v. to register

      ñaêng cai v. to host

      ñaêng ñaøn v. to go up to the rostrum

      ñaêng khoa v. to pass the examination

      ñaêng kyù v. to register

      ñaêng lính v. to enlist in the army

      ñaêng luïc v. to register

      ñaêng quang adj. to be crowned

      ñaêng taûi v. to carry, to publish [news, story]

      ñaêng ten n. lace

      ñaêng tieân v. to go up to Fairyland, i.e. to die

      ñaêng trình v. to set out, to go on a trip

      ñaêng vò v. to ascend the throne

      ñaéng v., adj. bitter

      ñaéng cay adj. bitter and hot, miserable, painful

      ñaéng ngaét adj. very bitter

      ñaèng n. side, direction, way

      ñaèng ñaüng adv. for a long time

      ñaèng haéng v. to clear one’s throat

      ñaèng la n. concubine

      ñaèng thaèng adj. serious, correct

      ñaúng n. rank, grade, level

      ñaèng caáp n. grade, level; class

      ñaúng thöù n. rank, order

      ñaúng thöùc n. equality

      ñaúng tích n. constant volume

      ñaúng tính n. homogeneity

      ñaúng traät n. rank, grade


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