Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v. to be scared/afraid of

      gôïn adj., n. [of water] rippled, wavy; flaw [in gem]

      gôïn soùng adj. undulating, wavy

      gôït v. to scum, to skim

      guø 1 v. to coo [of dove] 2 adj. hunch-backed

      guï n. a kind of tough wood used for furniture

      guïc v. to bend down [one’s head]

      guoác n. wooden shoe or clog

      guoàng n. spinning wheel; machine, machinery

      göø v. [of dog] to snarl, to growl

      göûi v. to send, to forward, to remit, to dispatch; to entrust

      göûi laïi v. to commit, to entrust someone with something; to send back

      göûi lôøi v. to send a message

      göûi reå v. [of a son-in-law] to live with one’s wife’s family

      göûi thaân v. to die

      göøng n. ginger

      göôm n. sword

      göôøm v. to scowl, to glower

      göôïm v. to hold back, to postpone

      göông n. mirror

      göông maët n. appearance, look

      göông maãu n. model, example

      göông toát n. good example

      göôïng v., adj. to do something reluctantly; unnatural


      ha! intj. [exclamation of joy, surprise] Ah! Oh!

      ha haû adv. loudly

      haù v. to open wide [one’s mouth]

      haù deã adj. not at all easy

      haù hoác v. to gape, to open one’s mouth wide

      haø 1 v. to breathe, to blow 2 n. oyster, teredo

      haø chính n. tyranny

      haø hieáp v. to oppress

      haø khaéc adj. tyrannical, very harsh

      haø khoác adj. tyrannical

      haø laïm adj. graft-ridden

      Haø Lan n. Holland, Dutch

      haø maõ n. hippopotamus

      Haø Noäi n. Hanoi [capital of Vietnam]

      haø taàn haø tieän adj. miserly, stingy

      haø taát adv. What is the use of?, Why?; no need

      Haø thaønh n. Hanoi city

      haø tieän adj. miserly, stingy

      haû 1 v. to lose flavor 2 adj. to be satisfied, to be content

      haï 1 n. summer 2 v. to lower [price, flag]; to land; to defeat; to bring down

      haï beä v. to topple

      haï boä n. man’s sexual organs, man’s private parts

      haï buùt v. to begin to write

      haï caùnh v. to land, to touch down

      haï caáp n. low level, lower rank, subordinate

      haï chí n. summer solstice

      haï coá v. to condescend

      haï côø v. to lower the national flag

      haï du n. delta, lowland

      haï giaù v. to lower/reduce the price

      haï giôùi n. this world

      haï huyeät v. to lower the coffin into the grave

      haï leänh v. to command, to order

      haï löu n. downstream; low class

      haï maõ v. to dismount, to get off one’s horse

      haï maøn v. to lower the curtain

      haï mình v. to stoop, to condescend

      haï nghò vieän n. lower house, House of Representatives

      haï taàng 1 n. lower layer 2 v.

       to demote to a lower rank

      haï thaàn n. I, me [your humble subject]

      haï thoå v. to bury, to inter

      haï thuû v. to kill someone

      haï thuyû v. to launch [a ship]

      haï tuaàn n. last ten days of a month

      Haï Uy Di n. Hawaii, Hawaiian

      haïc n. crane, flamingo

      haùch adj., v. authoritative; to show off one’s power

      haùch dòch adj. imperious

      haïch n. R nucleus [of atom]

      haïch 1 n. gland, ganglion 2 v. to find faults with

      haïch toaùn v. to keep a business account

      haïch xaùch v. to insult someone

      hai num. two, double

      hai chaám n. colon (:)

      hai loøng adj., n. double-faced, duplicitous, disloyal

      haùi v. to pick, to pluck [fruit, flower, vegetable]

      haøi 1 v. R to laugh at, to be humorous 2 n. slipper

      haøi coát n. bones, remains

      haøi höôùc adj. comic, humorous

      haøi kòch n. comedy

      haøi nhi n. infant, baby

      haûi n. R sea, ocean

      haûi caûng n. seaport

      haûi caåu n. seal


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