Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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to diminish

      giaûm bôùt v. to reduce, to discount

      giaûm khinh v. to lighten [burden, punishment]

      giaûm thieåu v. to decrease, to reduce, to lessen

      giaûm thoï v. to shorten life

      gian 1 adj. dishonest, deceitful, cheating 2 n. apartment, compartment

      gian aùc adj. dishonest and wicked

      gian daâm adj. adulterous

      gian doái adj. tricky, deceitful, false

      gian giaûo adj. cheating, shifty

      gian haøng n. stall, stand

      gian hieåm adj. crafty, artful, wily, sneaky, treacherous

      gian huøng n. scoundrel

      gian khoå adj., n. hard; hardship, adversity

      gian lao adj., n. hard; hardship, adversity

      gian laän v. to trick, to cheat [at an exam]

      gian nan adj. difficult, laborious, troubled, hard

      gian nguy adj. dangerous

      gian nònh n. wily flatterer

      gian phi n. malefactor, evildoer

      gian phu n. adulterer

      gian phuï n. adulteress, loose woman

      gian taëc n. brigand, bandit

      gian tham adj. covetous, dishonest, greedy

      gian thaàn n. traitor [among mandarins]

      gian traù adj. cheating, false, crooked

      gian truaân n. adversity, trial

      giaùn n. cockroach

      giaùn ñieäp n. spy; espionage

      giaùn ñoaïn v. to interrupt

      giaùn hoaëc adv. in case

      giaùn thu adj. [taxes] indirect

      giaùn tieáp adv., adj. indirectly; indirect

      giaøn giuïa adj. bathed in tears

      giaûn dò adj. simple, easy

      giaûn dò hoùa v. to simplify

      giaûn ñoà n. diagram

      giaûn ñôn adj. simple, uncomplicated

      giaûn löôïc n. summary, brief, abstract, synopsis

      giaûn minh v. to be concise

      giaûn tieän adj. practical, convenient

      giaûn öôùc v. to be concise, simple, compact

      giaûn yeáu adj. essential, elementary, concise

      giaõn v. to slacken, to become distended, to stretch

      giang n. R [large] river

      giang bieân n . river bank, riverside

      giang hoà adj., n. errant; adventure

      giang khaåu n. mouth of a river

      giang sôn n. rivers and mountains; country, fatherland

      giaùng 1 v. R to demote, to lower; to descend 2 v. to give a hiding

      giaùng caáp v. to demote

      giaùng chöùc v. to demote

      giaùng haï v. to descend

      giaùng sinh v. to be born

      giaùng theá v. to come into the world

      giaûng v. to explain, to teach, to preach

      giaûng daïy v. to teach

      giaûng ñaïo v. to preach a religion

      giaûng ñeà n. topic, subject [of lecture]

      giaûng ñöôøng n. amphitheater, lecture room, auditorium

      giaûng giaûi v. to explain, to expound

      giaûng hoaø v. to make peace

      giaûng khoa n. subject, course of study

      giaûng kinh v. to comment on the classics

      giaûng luaän v. to dissert, to expound

      giaûng nghóa v. to explain, to interpret

      giaûng nghieäm tröôûng n. senior assistant [in laboratory, university]

      giaûng nghieäm vieân n. assistant [in laboratory, university]

      giaûng sö n. assistant professor [in university]

      giaûng taäp v. to teach, to drill

      giaûng vieân n. lecturer

      gianh n. thatch

      giaønh 1 v. to secure, to win 2 n. basket [for fruit]

      giaønh giaät v. to scramble for, to dispute

      giao v. to entrust, to deliver; to assign

      giao caáu v. to have sexual intercourse

      giao chieán v. to be engaged in fighting

      giao dòch v. to trade, to communicate

      giao du v. to contact frequently with, to be friends with, to accompany

      giao ñieåm n. point of intersection

      giao haûo v. to have a good relation

      giao heïn v. to agree; to promise conditionally

      giao hoaùn v. to exchange [culture, prisoners-of-war, etc.]

      giao hoaøn v. to return, to give back

      giao hôïp v. to have sexual intercourse

      giao höôûng n. symphony

      giao höõu n. friendship

      giao keøo n. contract

      giao keát v. to establish relations

      giao löu v. to exchange relations

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