Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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maét v. to have a look at, to glue one’s eyes to

      gheù vai v. to share one’s responsibility

      gheø v. to break, to crush, to strike, to hit

      gheû 1 n. itch, scabies 2 adj. to be cold, indifferent

      gheû laïnh adj. indifferent

      gheû lôû n. itch, scabies

      gheï n., v. at the expense of;to sponge something

      gheùm n. salad, mixed [raw] vegetables

      ghen v., adj. jealous; envious

      ghen gheùt v. to be jealous, to covet; to hate

      ghen tuoâng v. to be jealous in love

      gheïo v. to tease; to bother

      gheùp v. to assemble, to join, to unite; to graft

      gheùt 1 n. dirt, filth [rubbed off body/skin] 2 v. to detest, to hate

      gheùt boû v. to abandon because of hate

      gheùt cay gheùt ñaéng v. to hate someone’s guts

      gheâ v., adv. to be horrified, to shiver; to be horrible, terrible; terribly

      gheâ ghôùm adj. frightful, awful, formidable

      gheâ ngöôøi adj. frightful, awful

      gheâ raêng v. to set the teeth on edge

      gheâ sôï adj. terrific, awful, terrible, horrible

      gheâ tôûm adj. sickening, disgusting, nauseous, repulsive

      gheá n. chair, seat, bench

      gheá daøi n. bench, seat

      gheá döïa n. chair with a back

      gheá ñaåu n. stool, high chair

      gheá xích ñu n. rocking chair, swing

      gheách v. to lean on, to lean against

      gheách chaân v. to set, to put one’s feet up on an object

      gheành n. fall, waterfall, cataract

      ghi v. to record, to note, to write down

      ghi cheùp v. to note, to write down

      ghi nhaän v. to acknowledge [receipt of something]

      ghi nhôù v. to remember

      ghi teân v. to put one’s name down, to sign up, to register

      ghì v. to hold tight, to tighten

      ghim n., v. pin; to pin

      ghim baêng n. safety pin

      gì n., pron. What?; anything, everything, something

      gia 1 n. R house, household, home, family 2 v. R to increase

      gia aân v. to grant a favor

      gia baûo n. family treasure

      gia bieán n. family disaster

      gia boäc n. servant

      gia caûnh n. family situation

      gia chaùnh n. home economics, cooking

      gia chuû n. head of family

      gia cö n. habitation, dwelling, abode

      gia dó adv. moreover, besides, furthermore

      gia ñinh n. servant, attendant

      gia ñình n. family, home

      gia giaûm v. to increase and decrease, to make necessary adjustments

      gia giaùo n. family education

      gia haïn v. to extend [a period], to renew

      gia höông n. native village

      gia leã n. family rites

      Gia Naõ Ñaïi n. Canada

      gia nhaân n. servants

      gia nhaäp v. to enter, to participate in, to join

      gia phaû n. family register, family tree, family history

      gia phong n. family tradition

      gia quyeán n. family, relatives, dependents

      gia saûn n. family inheritance

      gia taøi n. family inheritance, family property

      gia taêng v. to increase

      gia thanh n. the family reputation

      gia thaát n. family, household

      gia theá n. genealogy, family situation

      gia tieân n. ancestors, forefathers

      gia toác v. to speed up, to accelerate

      gia toäc n. family, tribe, household

      gia troïng v. to add weight [as evidence]

      gia truyeàn adj. hereditary

      gia tröôûng n. head, chief of the family

      gia tö n. family property

      gia vò n. seasoning, condiment

      giaù 1 v., n. to cost; cost, price, value 2 n. bean sprouts 3 n. shelf, support

      giaù baùn n. selling price

      giaù bieåu n. price list

      giaù buoân n. purchase price, wholesale price

      giaù buoát adj. bitter, biting cold

      giaù caû n. price, cost

      giaù duï v., adv. to suppose, let’s presume that; for example

      giaù laïnh n. a biting cold

      giaù mua n. purchase price

      giaù muïc n. price list

      giaù saùch n. bookshelves, bookcases

      giaù theå adv. if, for example

      giaù thuù n. marriage certificate


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