Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v. to mobilize

      ñoáp n. clapping [of hands], pop, smack [of bullet]

      ñoäp n. sound of a heavy thing falling on the ground, thud

      ñoát 1 n. finger joint, section 2 v. to light, to burn, to fire 3 v. [of insects] to sting, to bite

      ñoát chaùy v. to burn, to set blazing

      ñoät v. R to act suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly

      ñoät bieán v. to change suddenly

      ñoät khôûi v. to break out suddenly

      ñoät kích v., n. to attack suddenly; surprise attack, rush attack, assault

      ñoät ngoät adv. suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly, by surprise

      ñoät nhaäp v. to break into, to burst into

      ñoät nhieân adv. suddenly, unexpectedly

      ñoät xuaát v. to burst out of, to occur all of a sudden, to come out of the blue

      ñô adj. stiff

      ñôù adj. dumbfounded, speechless

      ñôø adj. motionless, indolent, lazy

      ñôø ñaãn adj. stupid, unintelligent

      ñôø ngöôøi adj. stunned, dumb

      ñôõ 1 v. to ward off; to help [by taking the burden onto one’s own shoulders]; to catch [ball, object] 2 v. to decrease, to be better; to improve in health

      ñôõ ñaàn v. to help, to assist

      ñôõ ñaàu v. to sponsor

      ñôõ ñeû v. to assist in childbirth, to deliver a baby

      ñôõ lôøi v. to speak in reply to

      ñôùi n. R zone [of earth]

      ñôøi n. life, existence; generation, times

      ñôøi ñôøi adv. eternally, perpetually

      ñôøi ngöôøi n. human life

      ñôøi soáng n. living, livelihood, life, existence

      ñôøi soáng ñaét ñoû n. high cost of living

      ñôïi v. to wait for

      ñôïi thôøi v. to bide one’s time

      ñôm 1 v. to fill [dish with food] neatly 2 n. eel pot

      ñôøm n. spittle, spit, sputum, phlegm

      ñôn 1 n. application 2 adj. R to be single, alone; [of number] to be odd

      ñôn baïc n. ingratitude

      ñôn ñoäc adj. alone, isolated, solitary

      ñôn giaûn adj. simple, uncomplicated

      ñôn soá n. odd number

      ñôn sô adj. simple, meager, modest

      ñôn thaân adj. single, alone

      ñôn tính n. unisex, unisexual

      ñôn trò n. uniform

      ñôn töø n. application

      ñôn vò n. unit

      ñôùn heøn adj. miserable, wretched

      ñôøn See ñaøn

      ñôùp v. [of animals, insects] to snap up, to snatch, to catch

      ñôït n. wave, stage

      ñu v. to swing, to sway, to seesaw

      ñu ñuû n. papaya

      ñuù v. to jest

      ñuû adj. sufficient; enough [object follows]

      ñuû aên adj. enough to eat, well-off

      ñuû duøng adj. sufficient, enough

      ñuû maët n. all sorts [of], everyone

      ñua v. to compete, to race

      ñua chen v. to compete

      ñua ñoøi v. to copy, to imitate

      ñuøa v. to amuse oneself

      ñuøa bôõn v. to joke, to jest

      ñuøa nghòch v. to play, to fool around

      ñuõa n. chopstick

      ñuùc v. to cast, to mold [metal]; to cast [statue]

      ñuïc 1 v. to chisel, to drill 2 n. chisel, carver 3 adj. turbid, muddy

      ñuïc chaïm v. to carve

      ñuïc khoeùt v. to hollow out; to extort money

      ñuïc ngaàu adj. cloudy, turbid, muddy, dirty [water]

      ñui adj. blind, sightless

      ñuøi n. thigh

      ñuõi n. silk, shantung

      ñuøm v. to wrap, to envelop, to cover

      ñuøm boïc v. to protect, to help, to assist [one’s kin]

      ñun 1 v. to cook, to boil, to heat 2 v. to push, to propel

      ñun beáp v. to light the kitchen stove, to cook

      ñun naáu v. to cook, to prepare meals

      ñuøn v. to thrust, to push back

      ñuïn n. pile, heap

      ñuùng adj., adv. right, exact, correct, precise; exactly, correctly, precisely

      ñuùng ñaén adj. right, correct, serious

      ñuùng luùc adv. on time, in time

      ñuøng 1 adv. suddenly, unexpectedly 2 ejac. Boom! Bang!

      ñuøng ñuøng adv. loudly, violently

      ñuûng ñænh v. to go slowly, leisurely

      ñuõng n. crotch [of trousers]

      ñuïng v. to collide with, to touch on, to knock against,to hurtle

      ñuïng chaïm v. to bump against each other, to harm, to

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