Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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n. tail; end

      ñuoâi gaø n. short pig-tail

      ñuoâi nheo n. sheatfish’s tail

      ñuoái adj. tired, exhausted

      ñuoåi v. to run after; to drive away, to expel, to dismiss

      ñuùp v. to duplicate; to repeat [a grade in school]

      ñuïp v., adj. to patch over again; triple, three times

      ñuùt v. to insert; to put into; to feed

      ñuït 1 n. coward, yellow, chicken 2 v. to take shelter

      ñöø adj. immobile, immovable

      ñöa v. to take, to give, to hand; to guide; to see [someone] off

      ñöa chaân v. to direct one’s steps towards, to venture into

      ñöa daâu v. to accompany the bride [to her husband’s home]

      ñöa ñaø v. to push, to propel

      ñöa ñaùm v. to follow the funeral procession

      ñöa ñöôøng v. to guide, to direct, to show the way to

      ñöa ma v. See ñöa

      ñaùmñöa maét v. to cast a glance at

      ñöa tình v. to ogle

      ñöùa n. individual, CL for children or low-status adults

      ñöùa ôû n. house servant

      ñöùc n. virtue

      Ñöùc n. Germany, German

      ñöùc duïc n. moral education, ethical instruction

      ñöùc ñoä adj. virtuous and tolerant

      ñöùc haïnh n., adj. virtue; virtuous

      ñöùc tính n. virtue, quality

      ñöïc adj. male [of all animals except chickens]

      ñöùng v. to stand, to be standing; to stop

      ñöùng ñaén adj. serious, correct

      ñöùng ñaàu adv., n. to be at the head of; a leader of, chief of

      ñöùng giaù n. stable price

      ñöùng laïi intj. Stop! Halt!

      ñöùng tuoåi adj. middle-aged, mature

      ñöøng v. to restrain [emotion, tears], do not, let us not

      ñöïng v. to contain, to hold

      ñöôïc adj., v. acceptable, correct, fine, O.K., all right; to win [game, battle]

      ñöôïc kieän v. to win one’s case [in court]

      ñöôïc muøa v. to have a good harvest

      ñöôïm adj. to be imbibed with a scent

      ñöông v. See ñang

      ñöông v. to face, to resist, to oppose

      ñöông cuïc n. authorities

      ñöông nhieân adj., adv. evident; obviously, naturally

      ñöông söï n. interested party, applicant

      ñöông thì adj. in full youth

      ñöông thôøi adj. [of] the time, [at] that time

      ñöôøng 1 n. sugar 2 n. road, way, street, line

      ñöôøng caùi n. highway, main road

      ñöôøng cheùo n. diagonal

      ñöôøng cong n. curved line, curve

      ñöôøng ñoät adv. abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly

      ñöôøng ñôøi n. path of life

      ñöôøng ñöôøng adv. stately, openly, significantly, magnificently

      ñöôøng giaây noùi n. telephone line, cable

      ñöôøng heûm n. narrow street, back street, lane

      ñöôøng hoaøng adj. openly, publicly

      ñöôøng kính n. diameter

      ñöôøng naèm ngang n. horizontal

      ñöôøng pheøn n. sugar candy, rock sugar

      ñöôøng saét n. rail, railroad

      ñöôøng taét n. short cut

      ñöôøng thaúng n. straight line

      ñöôøng thaúng ñöùng n. vertical

      ñöôøng thaúng goùc n. perpendicular

      ñöôøng troøn n. circumference, circle

      ñöôøng xích ñaïo n. equator

      ñöùt v. to be broken, [of skin] to be cut

      ñöùt hôi adj . out of breath, exhausted

      ñöùt quaõng adj. interruptive

      ñöùt ruoät adj. deeply pained


      e v. to be afraid; to fear

      e deø adj. circumspect, cautious

      e leä adj. shy

      e ngaïi v. to hesitate

      e raèng v. to fear

      eø coå v. to bear a heavy load, to have to pay

      eùc eùc v. [of pig] to squeal

      em 1 n. younger sibling 2 pron. I, me [used by younger sibling to elder brother/sister]; you [used by young man to his sweetheart or by husband to wife]; you [used to young child]

      em daâu n. sister-in-law

      em hoï n. cousin

      em reå n. [one’s younger sister’s husband] brother-in-law

      em uùt n. youngest brother/sister

      eùm v. to cover up, to hide


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