Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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eùc v., n. [of pig] to squeal

      eo n. waist

      eo beå n. straits

      eo ñaát n. isthmus

      eo eùo v. to scream

      eo heïp adj. [of financial situation] scanty, too tight

      eo oùc n. confused noise

      eo oâi! exclam. [interjection showing disgust, surprise]

      eùo le adj. [of situation] tricky, full of surprises, awkward

      eûo laû adj. weak, thin, feeble

      eõo ôït adj. in an effected voice

      eùp v. to squeeze, to press, to extract [oil, wine, etc.]; to force

      eùp duyeân v. to force a woman to marry against her will

      eùp naøi v. to insist, to urge someone to do something

      eùp uoång v. to force, to compel

      eïp adj. crushed, flattened

      eùt n. driver’s assistant

      eùt xaêng n. petrol, gasoline

      eâ 1 exclam. Hey! 2 adj. sore, numb, aching 3 v. to be ashamed, to feel ashamed

      eâ a v. to make noises loudly and unceasingly [as a child studying a primer aloud]

      eâ aåm adj. tired, exhausted

      eâ cheà adj. [of pain] overwhelmed by anguish

      eâ heà adj. abundant, too much

      eá adj. to have no customer, in little demand, quiet

      eách n. frog

      eâm adj. [of music, voice] soft, [of weather] calm, [of seat, cushion] to be soft

      eâm aû adj. quiet, peaceful,

      eâm aùi adj. soft, tender, sweet; melodious

      eâm aám adj. peaceful, tranquil, calm

      eâm dòu adj. sweet, gentle

      eâm ñeàm adj. quiet and gentle

      eâm giaác v., adj. to sleep soundly; sleeping well

      eâm ru adj. very mild, very soft; smooth-sailing, quiet

      eâm tai adj. pleasing to theear, melodious

      eâm thaám adj., adv. amicable, peaceful; amicably

      eám v. to bring bad luck by one’s presence; to exorcize

      eâu intj. Bloody bad! Phew!

      eâu oâi exclam. Phew!


      ga 1 n. accelerator 2 n. railroad station, bus station

      ga ra n. garage

      gaù v. to harbor [gamblers]

      gaø 1 n. chicken, fowl 2 v. to assist someone

      gaø choïi n. fighting cock

      gaø con n. chick

      gaø gioø n. chicken

      gaø maùi n. biddy, hen

      gaø môø adj. dim, obscure

      gaø noøi n. pure bred cock

      gaø soáng n. rooster

      gaø taây n. turkey

      gaø troáng n. rooster

      gaû v. to give [one’s daughter] in marriage

      gaõ n. individual, block, chap, young man

      gaï v. to court, to seduce [a young girl]

      gaï chuyeän v. to try to approach someone

      gaï gaãm v. to make approaches to, to persuade someone

      gaùc 1 n. upper floor 2 v. to guard

      gaùc beáp n. kitchen shelf

      gaùc boû v. to set aside

      gaùc buùt v. to put away one’s pen, to stop writing

      gaùc chuoâng n. bell-tower, belfry

      gaùc thöôïng n. upper story, top floor

      gaùc xeùp n. garret, loft, small floor

      gaïc 1 n. antlers [of deer] 2 v. to cross out

      gaïch 1 n. brick 2 v. to draw [a line]; to cross out

      gaïch cua n. red-yellow fat inside the shell of a crab

      gaïch döôùi v. to underline

      gaïch men n. tile

      gaïch noái n. hyphen (-)

      gai 1 n. thorn 2 n . hemp

      gai goác adj., n. difficult; obstacle, hurdle

      gai maét adj. bad-looking, shocking to the eyes

      gaùi n. girl; female

      gaùi ñieám n. prostitute, street walker

      gaùi giang hoà n. prostitute, street walker, whore

      gaùi goaù n. widow

      gaùi nhaûy n. taxi-dancer, dancing girl

      gaøi v. to bolt, to button, to pin, to fasten

      gaõi v. to scratch

      gam n. gram

      gan 1 n. liver 2 v. to be brave, to be courageous

      gan goùc adj. fearless, intrepid

      gan lì adj. calm and relaxed

      gaùn v. to pawn, to attribute, to pledge

      gaùn gheùp v. to force to take, to allot arbitrarily

      gaøn 1 v. to dissuade; to block 2 adj. crazy, cracked

      gaïn v. to decant, to purify

      gaïn hoûi v. to press with questions, to interrogate thoroughly


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