Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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      earth; soil; land

      ド DO 卜 TO つち tsuchi

      The character 土 represents a seedling emerging from a mound of earth.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 昔は船で本土へ渡った。

      Mukashi wa fune de hondo e watatta.

      We used to go to the mainland by ship.

      2. 土日は仕事が休みです。

      Donichi wa shigoto ga yasumi desu.

      We have Saturdays and Sundays off.

      3. そのうち、東京に土地を買いたい。

      Sono uchi, Tōkyō ni tochi o kaitai.

      I'd like to buy some land in Tokyo some day.

      4. 球根を土に埋めた。

      Kyūkon o tsuchi ni umeta.

      The bulb was buried under the soil.

      5. 裏庭で土器を発見した。

      Uraniwa de doki o hakken shita.

      I found some old earthenware in the backyard.

Common Compounds and Phrases
本土hondothe mainland
土日donichithe weekend; Saturday(s) and Sunday(s)
土手dotea bank, embankment
土地tochiland; property
*土産miyagea souvenir; a present



      ten thousand; all sorts of

      マン MAN バン BAN *よろず yorozu

      The character 万 derived from a pictograph of a scorpion pronounced man in Chinese. From phonetic borrowing and perhaps because scorpions were very numerous, the character became associated with ten thousand.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. サイクロンで十万人以上の死者が出た。

      Saikuron de jūman-nin ijō no shisha ga deta.

      The cyclone caused more than one hundred thousand deaths.

      2. 昨日、一万円下ろしたばかりだ。

      Kinō, ichiman-en oroshita bakari da.

      I just withdrew ten thousand yen yesterday.

      3. 万が一にもそんなことはないと思うよ。

      Man' ga ichi ni mo sonna koto wa nai to omou yo.

      There isn't a chance in a million that would ever happen.

      4. 万国博覧会を一度見てみたい。

      Bankoku hakurankai o ichido mite mitai.

      I'd like to see an international exposition just once.

      5. 防災に万全の備えをする。

      Bōsai ni banzen no sonae o suru.

      We will be fully prepared for disaster prevention.

Common Compounds and Phrases
十万人jūman-ninone hundred thousand people
一万円ichiman-enten thousand yen
万が一man'ga ichian unlikely event; by any chance
万年筆mannenhitsua fountain pen
万全のbanzen noperfect; flawless; sure
万国 博覧会bankoku hakurankaia world's fair



      yen; circle; round

      エン EN まる maru まる • い maru(i)

      Originally 圓, this character consisted of ロ an enclosure and representing a round vessel. From this came the meaning of a round enclosure.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. コンパスで円を描いた。

      Kompasu de en o kaita.

      I drew a circle with a compass.

      2. 百九十円の地下鉄の切符を買いなさい。

      Hyaku kyūjū-en no chikatetsu no kippu o kainasai.

      Buy a ¥190 subway ticket.

      3. 円高が長く続いた。

      Endaka ga nagaku tsuzuita.

      The value of the yen was high for a long time.

      4. 関東一円に大雨が降るでしょう。

      Kantō ichien ni ōame ga furu deshō.

      Heavy rains are expected throughout the Kanto area.

      5. 夫婦円満の秘訣はなんですか。

      Fūiu enman no hiketsu wa nan desu ka.

      What is the secret of harmony for married couples?

Common Compounds and Phrases
九十円kyūjū-enninety yen
円高endakaa strong yen (rate)
円盤enbana disc
円満enmanperfection; harmony
円心enshinthe center of a circle

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