Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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character 中 represents an arrow penetrating the center of an object.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 家は街の中心から少しはなれている。

      Ie wa machi no chūshin kara sukoshi hanarete iru.

      My house is a short distance from the center of town.

      2. 彼は電話中です。

      Kare wa denwa-chū desu.

      He is on the phone.

      3. 私立の中学校に通っている。

      Shiritsu no chūgakkō ni kayotte iru.

      I attend a private junior high school.

      4. 体中が痛い。

      Karada-jū ga itai.

      I ache all over.

      5. 冷蔵庫の中にビールが入っている。

      Reizōko no naka ni biiru ga haitte iru.

      There's beer in the refrigerator.

Common Compounds and Phrases
中心chūshinthe center; the middle
電話中denwa-chūon the phone
中学校chūgakkoa junior high school; a middle school
途中tochūon the way; en route
中指nakayubithe middle finger
*体中karada-jūall over (one's body)
*一日中ichinichi-jūall day (long)




      テン TEN あめ ame *あま ama

      The character 天 combines the characters 一 and 大.大 represents a person while 一 suggests that which is above a person, namely heaven.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 今日はいい天気ですね。

      Kyō wa ii tenki desu ne.

      The weather's beautiful today, isn't it?

      2. この部屋は天井が低い。

      Kono heya wa tenjō ga hikui.

      The ceiling in this room is low.

      3. この石けんには天然香料が入っている。

      Kono sekken ni wa tennen kōryō ga haitte iru.

      This soap is naturally scented.

      4. ぼくは天才じやないよ。

      Boku wa tensai ja nai yo.

      I'm no genius!

      5. 今夜、天の川の写真を撮ってみよう。

      Konya, amanogawa no shashin o totte miyō.

      I'm going to take some photos of the Milky Way tonight.

Common Compounds and Phrases
天気tenkithe weather; fine weather
天井tenjōthe ceiling; the roof
天然tennennature; natural
天文台tenmondaian observatory
天野AmanoAmano (a name)
天の川amanogawathe Milky Way



      day, sun

      ニチ NICHI ジツ JITSU ひ hi か ka

      The character 日 represents the shape of the sun.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 日常会話には困りません。

      Nichijō kaiwa ni wa komarimasen.

      I have no problems with day-to-day conversation.

      2. 彼女は映画の宣伝のため来日する。

      Kanojo wa eiga no senden no tame rainichi suru.

      She will visit Japan to promote her movie.

      3. 先日はありがとうございました。

      Senjitsu wa arigatō gozaimashita.

      Thank you for (your help) the other day.

      4. 今日は楽しかった。

      Kyō wa tanoshikatta.

      Today was fun.

      5. 締め切りまであと三日しかない。

      Shimekiri made ato mikka shika nai.

      There are only three days until the deadline.

Common Compounds and Phrases
日常nichijōdaily; every day
日本Nihon / NipponJapan
日記nikkia diary; a journal
先日senjitsuthe other day; a few days ago
日付hizukea date; dating
*昨日kinō / sakujitsuyesterday



      a father

      フ FU ちち chichi

      The character 父 derived from a pictograph of a hand gripping a stone axe, which represented someone with power, namely, a father.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 祖父は九十歳です。


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