Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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left hand左向きhidari-mukifacing left右左migi-hidarileft and right




      シ SHI よ yo よ • つ yo(tsu) よつ • つ yot(tsu) よん yon

      The character 四 originally depicted breath coming out of a mouth. Some believe that the meaning four came from breath spreading out in four directions.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 日本の四季は美しい。

      Nihon no shiki wa utsukushii.

      The seasons in Japan are beautiful.

      2. 四方八方手を尽くして、人を探した。

      Shihō happō te o tsukushite, hito o sagashita.

      No stone was left unturned as they searched for the person.

      3. 四人で旅行したらどうですか。

      Yonin de ryokō shitara dō desu ka.

      Why don't you travel in a group of four?

      4. 昨夜、あの四つ角で事故を起こした。

      Sakuya, ano yotsukado de jiko o okoshita.

      I had an accident at those crossroads last night.

      5. この四つの中から選ぶのは大変だ。

      Kono yottsu no naka kara erabu no wa taihen da.

      It's hard to choose from among these four.

Common Compounds and Phrases
四季shikithe four seasons
四方八方shihō happōfrom every direction
四捨五入shisha gonyūrounding to the nearest whole number
四人yoninfour people
四回yonkaifour times



      to go out; to take out; to send

      シュツ SHUTSU *スイ SUI で • る de(ru) だ • す da(su)

      The character 出 depicts a foot stepping over a line, to suggest the idea of go out, emerge.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. あの 自動車は輸出用ですか。

      Ano jidōsha wa yushutsu-yō desu ka.

      Are those cars for export?

      2. 月曜日会議に出席する。

      Getsuyōbi kaigi ni shusseki suru.

      I will attend a conference on Monday.

      3. 去年、新しい辞書を出版しました。

      Kyonen, atarashii jisho o shuppan shimashita.

      They published a new dictionary last year.

      4. 七時に家を出た。

      Shichiji ni ie o deta.

      I left the house at 7:00.

      5. いつ手紙を出すつもりですか。

      Itsu tegami o dasu tsumori desu ka.

      When do you plan to mail the letter?

Common Compounds and Phrases
提出teishutsusubmission; presentation
出席shussekiattendance; presence
出前shutchōa business trip
出前demaehome delivery (from a restaurant)



      birth; life; to grow; raw

      セイ SEI ショウ SHŌ う • む、u(mu) い • きる i(kiru) お • ラ o(u) は • える ha(eru) なま nama き ki

      The character 生 derived from a pictograph of a growing plant.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. うちの子供は中学生です。

      Uchi no kodomo wa chūgakusei desu.

      My child is a junior high school student.

      2. お誕生日おめでとう!

      Otaniōbi omedetō!

      Happy birthday!

      3. きのう女の子が生まれました。

      Kinō onna no ko ga umaremashita.

      A baby girl was born yesterday.

      4. 祖母は九十歳まで生きた。

      Sobo wa kvujūssai made ikita.

      My grandmother lived until she was 90.

      5. ジャズの生演奏を聴きにいった。

      Jazu no nama-ensō o kiki ni itta.

      I went to listen to a live jazz performance.

Common Compounds and Phrases
中学生chūgakuseia junior high school student
生徒seitoa student; a pupil
生年月日seinen gappidate of birth
誕生日tanjōbione's birthday
生け花ikebanaflower arrangement

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