Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v. [SV du] to play, to amuse oneself; to play [game, musical instrument, cards, sport]; to be a fan of, to collect, to keep [as a hobby]; to indulge in; to take part in—not seriously—for fun [follows main verb] [opp. thaät]: saân chôi playground; ñoà chôi plaything, toy; ñeán chôi to come for a visit; chôi dao to play hop-scotch; chôi baøi to play cards; chôi côø to play chess; chôi boùng roå to play basketball; chôi lan to collect orchids; chôi ñoà coå to collect antiques; chôi gaùi to frequent prostitutes; aên chôi to eat for fun, as in boán moùn aên chôi hors d’oeuvres, assorted appetizers; chôi chôi not to play for money, to play [card game] for fun; giôø [ra] chôi to have a break; laøng chôi the pleasure world; gaùi laøng chôi prostitute(s)

      chôi aùc v. to play a dirty trick [on somebody]

      chôi bôøi v. to be a playboy, to indulge in playing

      chôi khaâm v. to play a nasty trick [on somebody]

      chôi lu buø v. to have rounds after rounds of fun [literally and pejoratively]

      chôi vôi adj. lonely, to be in a precarious position

      chôm chôûm adj. rugged, craggy, shaggy

      chôùm v. to start to, to begin to, to be about to

      chôùm nôû v. [of feelings] to be budding

      chôùn n. limit: quaù chôùn to go beyond the limit

      chôøn vôøn v. to flutter about

      chôùp v. [of heaven giôøi, trôøi] to lighten; chôùp maét to blink/wink; nhanh nhö chôùp as fast as lightning; cöûa chôùp shutters

      chôùp aûnh v. to project movies

      chôùp boùng v. to show movies

      chôùp nhoaùng adv. at lightning speed; chieán tranh chôùp nhoaùng lightning war

      chôïp v. to doze off

      chôùt nhaû v. to use non-serious language

      chôït adv. suddenly or unexpectedly [precedes main verb]; alternately: chôït noùi chôït cöôøi alternately talking and laughing

      chu caáp v. to support, to assist, to help, to provide

      chu cheùo v. to yell, to holler

      chu du v. to travel [around]

      chu ñaùo adj. perfectly done, perfectly taken care of

      chu kyø n. cycle, period [of recurring phenomena]

      chu nieân n. anniversary

      chu taát adj., v. full and careful, perfect; to pay all back

      chu toaøn v., adj. to be perfect; to complete perfectly, safe; intact

      chu trình n. circular [which is sent around], cycle

      chu vi n. circumference

      chuù 1 n. uncle [father’s younger brother]: chuù ruoät uncle [addressed by nephew or niece]; chuù hoï father’s male cousin; chuù thím toâi my uncle and his wife; coâ chuù toâi my aunt and her husband 2 n., v. note; to annotate, to explain, to mark: ghi chuù/ cöôùc chuù footnote 3 n. incantation, conjuration: ñoïc thaàn chuù to read incantation

      chuù aâm v. to phoneticize

      chuù cöôùc n. explanatory notes, marginal notes

      chuù daãn v. to note, to annotate

      chuù giaûi v. to explain, to quote, to annotate

      chuù löïc v. to concentrate or to apply one’s strength on

      chuù muïc v. to pay attention to

      chuù reå n. bridegroom

      chuù taâm v. to concentrate on

      chuù tieåu n. novice [in a Buddhist temple]

      chuù troïng v. to pay attention to, to attach importance to [ñeán, tôùi precedes object]

      chuù yù v. to pay attention [ñeán, tôùi precedes object]; Attention!

      chuû n. owner, master, boss, lord (= chuùa); landlord: oâng chuû nhaø landlord; chuû nhaø host, hostess [opp. khaùch]; chuû haõng employer [opp. thôï]; ñòa chuû landowner; gia chuû head of family; nghieäp chuû manager of industry

      chuû buùt n. editor-in-chief, editor

      chuû chieán v. to advocate war

      chuû ñaïo adj. decisive

      chuû ñeà n. main subject, main topic

      chuû ñích n. main objective, main aim, chief goal

      chuû ñoäng v., adj. to be active, to take the initiative; principal

      chuû giaùo n. bishop

      chuû hoaø v. to advocate peace

      chuû hoä n. head of a family

      chuû hoân n., v. celebrant; to conduct a wedding ceremony [preceded by ñöùng]

      chuû khaûo n. head of examiners

      chuû löïc n. main force, driving force

      chuû möu v., n. to instigate; to be the mastermind, to contrive; instigator

      chuû nghóa n. doctrine, ideology

      chuû ngöõ n. subject [of a sentence]

      chuû nhaân n. boss, master

      Chuû nhaät n. Sunday (= chuùa nhaät)

      chuû nhieäm n. director; editor

      chuû quan n., adj. subjective thinking [opp. khaùch quan]; subjective

      chuû quyeàn n., adj. sovereignty; sovereign

      chuû söï n. chief of a bureau

      chuû taâm v., n. to intend, to aim; intention

      chuû teå n. chief, master, lord

      chuû thaàu n. contractor

      chuû theå n. subject, main organ

      chuû tòch n. chairman

      chuû toaï v., n. to preside over [a meeting]; chairperson: chuû toaï buoåi hoïp to chair a meeting

      chuû töø n. subject

      chuû tröông v., n. to advocate, to assert, to maintain; policy

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