Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v. to crush, to run over; to be strangled, to be crushed in between

      cheâ v. to belittle, to spurn, to criticize, to scorn, to find fault with [opp. khen]: cheâ cöôøi to laugh at, to mock

      cheâ bai v. to criticize, to scorn

      cheâ cöôøi v. to laugh at, to mock

      cheá 1 v. to jeer, to mock: cheá rieãu to mock at 2 v. to manufacture; to process: baøo cheá to prepare drugs; saùng cheá to invent 3 v. R system; R to moderate, to limit, to control: tieát cheá to control; phaùp cheá legislation; hoïc cheá educational system

      cheá bieán v. to process

      cheá duïc v. to restrain one’s desire

      cheá ñònh v. to determine, to decide

      cheá ñoä n. system, regime, -ism: cheá ñoä quaân chuû monarchy; cheá ñoä khoa cöû examination system

      cheá ngöï v. to control, to restrain, to bridle

      cheá nhaïo v. to mock, to jeer

      cheá taùc v. to create, to invent

      cheá taïo v. to manufacture, to make: nhaø cheá taïo manufacturer

      cheách adj. tilted, slanting

      cheâm v. to wedge; to add

      cheãm cheä adj. sitting in a solemn, haughty manner

      cheânh adj. tilted; very different

      cheânh cheách adj. oblique, tilted, slanted

      cheânh leäch adj., n. uneven, unequal; different; at variance

      cheánh choaùng adj. tipsy, groggy, tight

      cheånh maûng adj., v. to be negligent, be neglectful; to neglect

      cheát v., adv. [SV töû] to die; [of timepiece, machine] to stop; extremely, awfully [follows main verb]: xaùc cheát corpse; gieát cheát to kill; ñaâm cheát to stab to death; caén cheát to bite, to sting to death

      cheát cha intj. Oh my god!

      cheát dôû v. to be between life and death, to have [financial] trouble

      cheát ñieáng v. to be half dead [because of pain, shock]

      cheát ñoùi v. to starve to death

      cheát ñuoái v. to be drowned

      cheát giaác v. to lose consciousness, to swoon

      cheát huït v. to escape death [very narrowly]

      cheát (meâ cheát) meät v. to be madly in love with

      cheát ngaït v. to be suffocated

      cheát ngaát v. to swoon, to faint, to be unconscious

      cheát non v. (= cheát yeåu) to die young

      cheát oan v. to die because of someone’s injustice or error, to die innocently

      cheát soáng n., adv. life and death; at any cost, in any event

      cheát toi v. to die of a contagious disease, to die in an epidemic

      cheát töôi v. to die on the spot, to die in one’s boots

      cheát yeåu v. to die young

      cheät n. Chinese

      chi 1 pron. (= gì) What?; something, anything, everything: Chi baèng Wouldn’t it be better to... .; khoâng can chi it doesn’t matter; heøn chi no wonder; phöông chi all the more reason; vò chi …. that makes ...; Voäi chi What’s the hurry? 2 n. R branch (= caønh); limb: töù chi the four limbs 3 v. to pay, to disburse, to spend [opp. thu] out

      chi boä n. cell of a political party

      chi caáp v. to allot, to grant, to provide

      chi chít adj. thickly set; all over, condensed

      chi cuïc n. branch office

      chi duïng v. to pay, to spend

      chi ñoäi n. detachment [army]

      chi hoäi n. branch of association/ society

      chi li adj. to be stingy; particular

      chi löu n. tributary

      chi nhaùnh n. branch office

      chi phí n. expenses, expenditures

      chi phieáu n. check [bank document]

      chi phoái v. to control, to govern, to rule

      chi thu n. expenditures and receipts

      chi tieát n. detail: ñaày ñuû chi tieát fully detailed, in full detail

      chi tieâu v. to spend

      chí 1 n. will, resolution: yù chí ambition, aim; chí khí, chí höôùng purpose in life; ñoàng chí comrade 2 v. R to arrive, to each (= ñeán, tôùi); to, until: töø baéc chí nam from the north to the south; töø ñaàu chí cuoái from beginning to end 3 adv. R very, quite, most: chí phaûi quite right; chí hieáu very pious; chí lyù quite right 4 n. head louse 5 n. R magazine, newspaper: baùo chí press; taïp chí magazine, journal

      chí choùe v. to quarrel, to argue noisily

      chí höôùng n. ambition, aim, purpose in life

      chí khí n. will, purpose, integrity

      chí lyù adj. most reasonable

      chí nguyeän n. volunteer

      chí só n. retired mandarin; strong-willed scholar

      chí thuù adj. serious, interested in

      chí tuyeán n. tropic

      chì n. lead: buùt chì pencil

      chæ 1 v. (= ngoùn tay) to show, to point out, to indicate: chæ baûo to teach, to guide 2 adv. only, merely, simply, but [thoâi or maø thoâi ending the sentence]; R to stop: ñình chæ to cease, to stop 3 n. thread, string: sôïi chæ a string of thread; chæ tay line on palm; kim chæ needle and thread, needlework

      chæ daãn v. to explain, to inform, to guide

      chæ ñaïo v. to manage, to guide, to steer

      chæ ñònh v. to designate, to appoint

      chæ giaùo v. [of superior, teacher] to show, to teach, to advise

      chæ huy v. to command, to control

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