Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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oâi! intj. Alas! Oh dear!

      chaùo n. [SV chuùc] rice gruel, congee: chaùo hoa plain rice congee

      chaøo v. to greet, to salute: chaøo khaùch to greet customers; chaøo ñôøi to be born; chaøo haøng to try to sell merchandise; caâu chaøo greeting

      chaøo ñoùn v. to welcome, to greet

      chaøo maøo n. peewit, lapwing

      chaøo möøng v. to welcome, to extend a welcome

      chaûo n. frying pan [shaped like a skullcap]

      chaõo n. rope, cable

      chaïo toâm n. sugar-cane wrapped with minced prawn

      chaïp n. the twelfth month of the lunar year: thaùng chaïp December; gioã chaïp festivals

      chaùt 1 adj. tart, strong, acrid: chua chaùt [of words] bitter 2 n. thump, slang

      chau v. to frown, to knit: chau maøy to frown [eyebrows]

      chaùu n. [SV toân] grandchild, nephew, niece: con chaùu off-spring; chaùu gaùi granddaughter, niece; chaùu giai/trai grandson, nephew

      chay adj. [SV trai] vegetarian, diet: aên chay to be vegetarian

      chay tònh adj., n. pure, chaste; diet

      chaùy v. to blaze, to burn in a conflagration: ñoát chaùy nhaø to set blaze to a house; côm chaùy burnt rice at the bottom of the pot (= xeùm); moät ñaùm chaùy a fire; ñoát chaùy to set fire to; Chaù y! Fire!

      chaûy v. [SV löu] to run, to flow; [of metals] to melt; [of fabrics] to stretch; [of container] to leak: chaûy maùu cam to have a nose-bleed

      chaïy 1 v. [of people, vehicles, ships] to run; [of machine, clock] to run; [of goods] to sell well; [of work] to get done: chaïy tieàn to seek money; chaïy choït to bribe 2 v. to give up, to pass 3 adj. doing well, smoothly running: saùch baùn chaïy nhaát best seller

      chaïy chöõa v. to treat one’s best, to treat with all means

      chaïy ñua v. to race: chaïy ñua vôùi thôøi gian to race against time

      chaïy laøng v. to run away, to give up the game

      chaéc adj. firmly based, firm, certain, sure: chaéc daï to be full; chaéc yù certain ideas

      chaéc chaén 1 adj. to be firm, stable, steady; certain; reliable 2 adv. definitely

      chaéc haún adv. surely, certainly

      chaêm 1 adj. [SV caàn] assiduous; to be hard-working, industrious: chaêm hoïc to be studious 2 v. to look after diligently; to take care of

      chaêm boùn v. to cultivate

      chaêm chuù adj. concentrated, attentive

      chaêm lo v. to give one’s mind to something, to take care of

      chaêm nom v. to look after, to take care of

      chaên 1 n. (= meàn) blanket: ñaép chaên to cover oneself with a blanket; chaên boâng quilted blanket; truøm chaên to be a fence sitter 2 v. to tend [animals]: thaèng beù chaên traâu buffalo boy; ngheà chaên nuoâi cattle raising, animal husbandry

      chaên chieáu v. to live as husband and wife; to make love; blanket and mat

      chaên goái v, n.. to make love; to live as husband and wife; blanket and pillow

      chaên nuoâi v. to breed, to raise

      chaén 1 v. to stop, to bar: kính chaén gioù windshield; chaén nöôùc chaûy laïi to stop water running 2 n. [sort of] card game

      chaün adj. [SV ngaàu] [of a number, amount] even [opp. leû]: soá chaün even number

      chaën v. to stop, to block: caùi chaën giaáy paper weight; chaën ñöùng to stop, to hold up

      chaêng 1 v. to stretch [string, rope], to spread [net löôùi], to hang: chaêng maøn muoãi to hang a mosquito net 2 adv. [final particle denoting doubt] it seems to me, I presume, I suspect: vaû chaêng besides

      chaèng v. to tie up; to use [somebody else’s money, belongings]; to fasten

      chaèng chòt adj. interlaced, intertwined

      chaúng adv. (= khoâng, chaû) [SV baát] not to be, not to do [precedes main verb]

      chaúng bao giôø adv. never

      chaúng bao laâu adv. soon

      chaúng boõ adv. not to be worthwhile

      chaúng cöù adv. not necessarily, not only

      chaúng haïn adv. for example, as an example, for instance, namely

      chaúng qua adv. only, just, at most; actually speaking

      chaúng thaø adv. it would be better, it would be preferable

      chaëng n. stage, leg [of trip]; portion, section; range [of mountains]

      chaép v. to join, to assemble: chaép noái to connect, to assemble, to join

      chaét 1 n. great-grandchild: chaùu chaét offspring 2 v. to drain off, to decant

      chaét boùp v. to be thrifty, to deny oneself [in terms of money]

      chaët 1 v. to cut off, to amputate, to chop: chaët coå/chaët ñaàu to behead 2 adj. tight: chaët cheõ tightly; buoäc chaët to tie securely; ñoùng chaët to shut tight

      chaâm 1 v. to light, to kindle, to ignite, to burn: chaâm thuoác huùt to light a cigarette 2 v. to pin, to needle

      chaâm bieám v. to attack, to ridicule, to satirize

      chaâm cheá v. (= chaâm chöôùc) to adjust, to be tolerant

      chaâm chích v. to criticize

      chaâm choïc v. to tease

      chaâm chöôùc v. to be tolerant, to adjust

      chaâm cöùu n., v. acupuncture

      chaâm ngoân n. saying, precept

      chaám 1 n. [SV ñieåm] dot, point, period 2 v. to put a dot, to select; to correct, to grade, to mark: chaám baøi thi to mark examination papers 3 v. to reach; to dip

      chaàm chaäm adv. slowly: ñi chaàm chaäm to go slowly

      chaäm adj. [SV trì] slow, halting

      chaäm chaïp adj. [opp. nhanh] slow, late [opp. sôùm]: ñeán chaäm to be late, to arrive late

      chaäm raõi adj. [of speech] slow and poised

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