Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      caàu coáng n. bridges and locks

      caàu cöùu v. to ask for help

      caàu hoân v. to ask for an engage- ment: leã caàu hoâ n requiem mass

      caàu kinh v. to pray

      caàu khaån v. to beg, to plead

      caàu kyø adj. far-fetched, sophisticated

      caàu loâng n. badminton

      caàu may v. to try one’s luck

      caàu nguyeän v. to pray

      caàu sieâu v. to pray for the peace of someone’s soul

      caàu thuû n. player, football player

      caàu tieâu n. toilet, restroom

      caàu treo n. suspension bridge

      caàu tröôït n. children’s slide

      caàu vai n. shoulder-strap

      caàu vieän v. to request for aid, to seek reinforcements

      caàu voøng n. rainbow

      caåu thaû adj. negligent, careless, sloppy

      caåu treä n. beast [dog and hog]

      caäu n. mother’s younger brother: anh/chò em con coâ con caäu first cousins [A calls B’s mother coâ, and B calls A’s father caäu]

      caây 1 n. plant, tree [name of species follows]: töôùi caây to water plants; xeùn caây to trim; chieát caây to graft; vöôøn öông caây nursery; caây con sapling; caây caûnh dwarf tree; boùng caây tree shade; caønh caây branch; goác caây foot of a tree, stump; thaân caây tree trunk; caây nhaø laù vöôøn home-grown, home-made 2 n. CL for objects shaped like sticks; wood (= goã): moät caây neán a candle; nhaø caây wooden house; cho leo caây to keep [somebody] waiting in vain

      caây boâng n. flower trees; fireworks

      caây buùt n. writer

      caây coái n. trees, vegetation

      caây soá n. milestone; kilometer

      caáy v. to transplant [rice seedlings]

      caày caáy v. to till, to cultivate, to farm [land]

      caày 1 v. (= caøy) to plow 2 n. dog (= choù): ngu nhö caày very stupid; caày höông civet cat

      caäy v. to depend on, to rely on

      cha n. [SV phu] father; [Catholic] father, I [used by father to child, second person pronoun being con], you [used by child to father, first person pronoun being con]; you [used by Catholic priest]: cha naøo con aáy like father like son; cha meï parents; thaèng cha guy, fellow; cha truyeàn con noái hereditary; anh em cuøng cha khaùc meï half-brothers

      cha anh n. elders

      cha coá n. Catholic priests, clergymen

      cha xöù n. vicar, local priest

      chaø intj. Oh! [exclamation of surprise or admiration]

      chaø laø n. date palm

      Chaø vaø n. Javanese; Indian

      chaø xaùt v. to rub, to crush

      chaû 1 n. meat pie or ham: gioø chaû pork pies/ham 2 adv. not to be, not to do (= chaúng, khoâng)

      chaû gioø n. Saigon spring rolls

      chaï adj. mixed, mingled: soáng chung chaï to live with other people

      chaïc 1 n. bamboo plaited cord 2 v. to borrow to eat; to buy without paying

      chaïch n. small and long eel

      chai 1 n. bottle: ñoùng chai to bottle; nuùt chai cork 2 n., adj. callus; callosity; corn: chai chaân callus, callosity; to be callous

      chaøi 1 n. fishing net 2 v. to fish with a fishing net:ù thuyeàn chaøi fishing boat; phöôøng chaøi fishermen [as a guild]

      chaûi v. to comb, to brush: chaûi toùc to comb hair; baøn chaûi brush

      chaûi chuoát v., adj. spruced up; well-groomed, meticulous [about dressing, writing]

      chaøm 1 n. olive CL quaû: hình quaû/ mieáng chaøm lozenge; diamond 2 n. Champa, Cham 3 adj. indigo, dark blue; indigo dye

      chaïm 1 v. to carve, to sculpt: thôï chaïm sculptor 2 v. to touch, to encounter, to collide [vaøo, phaûi against], to clink [glasses coác]: chaïm traùn to confront, to meet face to face

      chan v. to souse, to overflow

      chan hoaø adj. dampened, soaked, bathed in

      chaùn 1 adj. sufficient, be [sick and] tired of, fed up with [followed by noun or preceded by verb]; boring, dull, tedious, tiresome 2 v. to have no lack of, to have plenty of; to be tired of, to be sick of

      chaùn cheâ adj. satiated; plentiful, to have more than enough

      chaùn chöôøng v., adj. to be tired of [person, regime]; to be embittered

      chaùn ñôøi v. to be tired of the world, to be tired of living

      chaùn naûn v. to be discouraged, to be disheartened

      chaùn ngaùn v. to be [sick and] tired of

      chaùn ngaét adj. very dull, wearisome

      chaùn pheø adj. dull, monotonous, colorless

      chaùn vaïn adj. many, a great many, a lot

      chaïn n. screened larder, cupboard

      chang chang adj. [of sunlight] hot and blazing

      chaøng 1 n. young man; you [from wife to husband; first person pronoun being thieáp]: chaøng reã son-in-law; anh chaøng the fellow, the chap, the guy, the lad 2 n. chisel

      chaïng haùng v., adj. to straddle; straddling

      chaïng vaïng n., adj. twilight, dusk

      chanh n. lemon, lime: nöôùc chanh lemonade; chua nhö chanh sour as lemon

      chanh chua adj. sharp-tongued, tart, sour

      chaùnh n. (= chính) chief, head

      chaùnh aùn n. presiding judge, tribunal president

      chaùnh chuû khaûo n. chairman of examination board

      chaùnh vaên phoøng n. chief of the secretariat


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