Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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case: ca caáp cöùu an emergency case 4 v. to sing (= haùt): baøi ca a song, melody; ñoàng ca, hôïp ca chorus

      ca dao n. folk song, folk ballad

      ca khuùc n. a song

      ca kòch n. a play, opera, theater

      ca loâ ri n. calorie

      ca nhaïc n. music and song

      ca noâ n. boat, speed boat

      ca tuïng v. to praise, to eulogize

      ca vaùt n. necktie

      caù 1 n. [SV ngö] fish: moùn caù fish dish; caâu/ñaùnh caù to fish; ngöôøi ñaùnh caù fisherman; thuyeàn ñaùnh caù fishing boat; caù hoäp canned fish; caùnöôùc ngoït fresh water fish; caù öôn spoiled or rotten fish; caù oâng voi whale 2 v. to bet, to wager

      caù bieät adj. particular, individual

      caù hoài n. salmon

      caù hoàng n. snapper

      caùmaäp n. shark

      caùnhaân adj. individual, personal

      caù tính n. personality

      caø n. eggplant, aubergine: caø chua tomato; caø tím eggplant

      caø keâ v., adj. to drag out, to tell a very long yarn; palavering

      caø khaúng adj. tall and skinny

      caø khòa v. to pick a quarrel [a fight] with

      caø laêm v. to stutter, to stammer

      caø meøng adj. good for nothing, worthless

      caø nhom adj. very skinny

      caø nhaéc v. to limp

      caø pheâ n. coffee, coffee bean: pha caø pheâ to make coffee; aám pha caø pheâ coffee pot, coffeemaker; moät taùch caø pheâ a cup of coffee

      caø roát n. carrot

      caø raù n. carat, diamond, ring (= nhaãn)

      caø kheo adj. stilts: ñi caø kheo to walk on stilts

      caø sa n. monk’s robe

      caø vaït n. See ca vaùt

      caû 1 adj. the oldest, the biggest: con caû eldest brother 2 pron. all, the whole, at all: caû ngaøy all day long; caûnhaø the whole family; caû thaåy, caû thaûy in all, altogether; caû hai both; heát caû all, the whole

      caùc 1 adv. every, all: Thöa caùc oâng caùc baø! Ladies and gentlemen! 2 n. card, visiting card 3 v. to pay an extra sum in a trade in

      caùc toâng n. cardboard

      caùch 1 n. manner, way, method, fashion: caùch thöùc laøm vieäc working method; tìm caùch ñoái phoù to find out the way to deal with 2 v. R to change, to reform; to revoke: caûi caùch haønh chaùnh to reform an administration system 3 adj. to be distant from: xa caùch separated from

      caùch bieät v. to be distant, to separate, to be isolated, to cut off

      caùch böùc v. to be indirect, to be distant, to cut off

      caùch chöùc v. to revoke, to dismiss

      caùch ñieän v. to insulate

      caùch maïng n. revolution: cuoäc caùch maïng kyõ ngheä the Industrial Revolution

      caùch meänh n. See caùch maïng

      caùch ngoân n. maxim, aphorism, saying

      caùch nhaät adj. recurrent

      caùch quaõng adj. intermittent

      caùch thöùc n. style, method, way

      caùch trí n. natural science

      caùch trôû v. to be difficult, to separate and obstruct

      cai 1 n. superintendent, jail keeper, corporal: cai quaûn foreman 2 v. to abstain from, to quit [habit]: cai thuoác phieän to give up smoking opium

      cai quaûn v. to supervise, to manage, to administer: cai quaûn nhaân coâng to supervise workers

      cai trò v. to administer, to govern, to rule

      caùi 1 n. object, thing; CL for most nouns denoting inanimate things and some nouns denoting small insects [such as ants kieán, bees ong etc.]; CL for single action; single strokes, single blows: caùi ñeïp the beautiful; moät caùi baøn a table; caùi aáy/ñoù that one; maáy/ vaøi caùi a few; Maáy caùi? How many? 2 adj. to be female [opp. ñöïc]: boø caùi cow; choù caùi bitch 3 adj. main, principal, largest: ñöôøng caùi main road, highway; soâng caùi big river [Red River in North Vietnam]

      caøi v. to fasten; to bolt; to shut: caøi aùo to fasten clothes; caøi khuy to button; caøi toùc to fasten hair

      caûi 1 n. cabbage: cuû caûi beets; caûi hoa cauliflower 2 v. R to change, to reform (= ñoåi): bieán caûi, canh caûi to reform; hoaùn caûi to change

      caûi caùch v., n. to reform; reform: caûi caùch xaõ hoäi social reform

      caûi chính v. to deny; to rectify, to correct

      caûi daïng v. to disguise oneself

      caûi giaù v. [of widow] to marry again, to remarry

      caûi hoaù v. to change, to convert:

      caûi löông v., n. to improve, to reform; renovated theater, modern play

      caûi taùng v. to reinter for reburial [a body]

      caûi taïo v. to reconstruct, to reform, to re-educate

      caûi thieän v. to improve

      caûi tieán v. to improve, to ameliorate

      caûi toå v. to reorganize, to reshuffle: caûi toå noäi caùc to reshuffle the cabinet

      caûi trang v. to disguise oneself

      caûi laõo hoaøn ñoàng v. to rejuvenate

      caûi töû hoaøn sinh v. to revive, to resuscitate

      caõi v. to argue, to deny, to retort, to discuss, to quarrel

      caõi coï v. to quarrel, to argue with someone

      caõi loän v. to quarrel

      caõi vaõ v. to argue, to debate

      cam 1 n. orange: boác cam to peel an

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