Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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beát adj. smeared all over, splashed all over

      beâ boái adj. in a pother, in a stew

      beâ toong/toâng n. [Fr. beâton] concrete

      beâ treå v. to leave undone, to neglect

      beá v. to hold in one’s arms

      beá maïc v. [of a conference] to close, to adjourn, to end, to finish, to be over

      beá quan toûa caûng n. the closed-door policy

      beá taéc adj. obstructed, deadlocked

      beà n. side, dimension: beà ngoaøi appearance; beà cao height

      beà boän adj. jumbled, in a jumble, busy, mess

      beà maët n. surface, area, appearance

      beå 1 n. (= bieån) [SV haûi] sea; cistern, tank 2 v. [of glassware, china, etc.] to be broken (= vôõ)

      beä n. platform, pedestal; throne

      Beä Haï n. Your Majesty; Your Excellency; Sire

      beä raïc adj. slovenly, squalid

      beä veä adj. stately, imposing

      beân n. [SV bieân] side; edge; party: caû hai beân both sides

      beán n. landing place, pier, port; bus or railroad station

      beàn adj. strong, durable, solid; long-wearing: beàn bæ enduring

      beânh v. to protect, to defend, to take the side of

      beänh n., v. sickness, disease; to be sick: khaùm beänh, xem beänh to give or receive a medical examination; chöõa beänh to cure a disease

      beänh hoa lieãu n. (= beänh phong tình) venereal disease

      beänh lyù n. pathology

      beänh taät n. illness and infirmity

      beänh tình n. patient’s condition, history of ailment

      beänh vieän n. hospital, clinic

      beáp n. kitchen; stove: ngöôøi laøm beáp cook, chef; beáp nöôùc cooking

      bi n. [Fr. bille] marbles: chôi bi, ñaùnh bi to shoot marbles

      bi ai adj. sorrowful, sad, lamentable, tragic

      bi ñaùt adj. lamentable, tragic, heart-rending

      bi haøi kòch n. tragedy-comedy

      bi kòch n. tragedy, drama

      bi quan adj. pessimistic [opp. laïc quan]

      bi thaûm adj. tragic: caùi cheát bi thaûm a tragic death

      bi traùng adj. pathetic

      bí 1 n. pumpkin, squash, winter melon: quaû/traùi bí a pumpkin 2 adj. obstructed; constipated; to be stumped

      bí aån adj. hidden, secret

      bí danh n. pseudonym, pen name

      bí hieåm adj. mysterious

      bí maät adj., adv. secret, mysterious; secretly, mysteriously; coâng taùc bí maät secret mission

      bí quyeát n. hint, secret [formula]

      bí thö n. secretary

      bí tæ adj. unconscious

      bì 1 v. to compare: khoâng ai bì kòp no one is comparable 2 n. skin (= da), derm, peel; envelope, bag: phong bì envelope; cho gaïo vaøo bì to pack rice in bags

      bæ adj. scornful or contemptuous of

      Bæ n. Belgium, Belgian

      bó adj. cornered, unfortunate, unlucky [opp. thaùi]

      bò 1 n. bag, knapsack 2 v., adv. to suffer or experience something unpleasant or disastrous; to be: beân bò can the defendant, the accused [opp. beân nguyeân ñôn the plaintiff]

      bò caùo n. defendant

      bò ñoäng adj., adv. passive; passively

      bia 1 n. [SV bi] tombstone, stone slab, stele: bia ñaù tombstone 2 n. bull’s eye, target [for archers, marksmen]: bia ñôõ ñaïn cannon folder 3 n. [Fr. bìere] beer

      bìa n. book cover; cardboard: ñoùng bìa to bind [with a hard cover]

      bòa v. to invent, to fabricate

      bòa ñaët v. to invent, to fabricate

      bích chöông n. poster

      bích baùo n. newspaper posted on the wall

      bieác adj. [SV bích] green or azure blue

      bieám hoaï n. cartoon

      bieân 1 v. to write down, to note down, to jot down 2 n. R edge, border, limit, boundary, frontier

      bieân baûn n. report, log, minutes

      bieân caûnh n. frontier area

      bieân cheùp v. to write, to copy

      bieân cheá v. to arrange staff: giaûm bieân cheá to cut staff

      bieân cöông n. frontier, boundaries, border

      bieân giôùi n. frontier, border

      bieân lai n. receipt

      bieân soaïn v. to edit, to compile, to write

      bieân taäp vieân n. editor, writer

      bieân thuyø n. frontier, border

      bieán 1 v. to disappear, to vanish 2 v. to change, to turn into

      bieán caûi v. to change, to transform

      bieán chuyeån v. to change, to develop

      bieán coá n. event, happening, occurrence

      bieán ñoåi v. to change, to fluctuate

      bieán hoaù v. to change, to evolve

      bieán loaïn adj., n. rebellious; turmoil

      bieán soá n. variable number

      bieán thieân v. to change, to vary

      bieàn ngaãu n. parallel, couple [stylistics]

      bieån 1 n. [SV

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