Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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hoøa adj. saturated

      baõo taùp n. violent storm, severe hurricane

      baïo adj. daring, brave, bold

      baïo beänh n. serious illness

      baïo chuùa n. tyrant

      baïo daïn adj. bold, daring, fearless

      baïo ñoäng v. to be violent

      baïo löïc n. repression, violence

      baïo taøn v. to be cruel, to be wicked

      baát baïo ñoäng adj. non-violent

      baùt 1 n. eating bowl: moät baùt côm a bowl of rice 2 num. eight (= taùm): baùt giaùc octagon

      baùt dóa n. bowls and plates; dishes: maùy röûa baùt ñóa dish washer

      baùt ngaùt adj. immense, limitless

      baùt phoá v. to loiter in the streets, to wander about in a shopping center

      baùt quaùi n. eight-number figure

      baït 1 adj. careless, negligent, rash: baït maïng reckless 2 n. epilogue 3 n. canvas: nhaø baït a canvas tent

      baït thieäp adj. well-mannered, polite: con ngöôøi baït thieäp a well-mannered person

      bay 1 pron. you [plural]: chuùng bay you all 2 n. trowel: bay thôï hoà bricklayer’s trowel 3 v. [SV phi] to fly: saân bay airport

      baøy v. (= baày) [SV baøi] to display, to arrange: toû baøy to express, to expose; trình baøy to present

      baøy bieän v. to display, to arrange

      baøy ñaët v. to create unnecessarily

      baøy toû v. to convey, to express

      baøy veõ v. to contrive unnecessary things; to show, to teach

      baûy num. [SV thaát] seven: möôøi baûy seventeen; baûy möôi/chuïc seventy; thöù baûy seventh; Saturday; moät traêm baûy möôi/chuïc one hundred and seventy

      baéc 1 v. to bridge a space with [a plank taám vaùn, brick gaïch]: baéc caàu to build a bridge 2 n. north, northern: phöông baéc the north; thuoác Baéc Chinese medicine; ngöôøi Baéc northerner

      Baéc Baêng Döông n. Arctic Ocean

      Baéc boä n. the northern part of Vietnam

      Baéc Cöïc n. North Pole

      Baéc Ñaåu Boäi Tinh n. Legion of Honor Medal

      Baéc Ñaïi Taây Döông n. North Atlantic

      Baéc Haøn n. North Korea

      Baéc Kinh n. Beijing

      Baéc Kyø n. North Vietnam

      Baéc Myõ n. North America

      baéc phaàn n. the northern part of Vietnam

      Baéc Phi n. North Africa

      Baéc thuoäc n. Chinese domination

      Baéc Vieät n. North Vietnam

      baêm 1 num. thirty [contraction of ba möôi]: baêm saùu thirty six 2 v. to chop

      baên khoaên v. to be worried, unable to make up one’s mind

      baén v. [SV xaï] to fire, to shoot [vaøo at]; to splash: baén tin to drop a hint, to start a rumor, to spread the news

      baêng 1 n. ice: ñoùng baêng/keát baêng to freeze 2 n. [Fr. banque] bank 3 n. [Fr. ruban, bande] ribbon, band, bandage, tape: thay baêng to change a bandage

      baêng boù v. to dress a wound

      Baêng Coác n. Bangkok

      baêng haø 1 n. glacier 2 v. [of king] to pass away

      baêng phieán n. naphthalene, moth balls

      baèng 1 adj. equal to, to be as … as; to be even, level: baèng loøng satisfied; consenting, agreeable; baèng khoâng if not, or else 2 adv. to be made of [some material], run by [some fuel], use [at means], travel or be transported by 3 n. diploma, degree: lónh baèng to receive a diploma/degree/certificate; leã phaùt baèng graduation ceremony

      baèng caáp n. diploma, degree

      baèng chöùng n. (= baèng cöù) evidence, proof: tröng baèng chöùng to give an evidence

      baèng höõu n. friend(s)

      baèng loøng v. to agree, to be satisfied

      baèng phaúng adj. even and flat

      baép n. (= ngoâ) corn, maize

      baép caûi n. cabbage

      baép thòt n. muscle: baép chaân calf

      baét v. [SV boä] to catch, to seize, to arrest; to force

      baét beû v. to find fault with, to criticize

      baét bôù v. to arrest

      baét buoäc v. to force, to compel; to be obligatory, to be compulsory

      baét chöôùc v. to imitate, to mimic

      baét coùc v. to kidnap

      baét ñaàu v. to begin, to start

      baét ñeàn v. to demand restitution, to ask for compensation

      baét gaëp v. to come across, to run into

      baét maïch v. to take a pulse

      baét moái v. to make contact

      baét naït v. to bully

      baét quaû tang v. to catch in the act

      baét tay v. to shake hands [with]; to start

      baét thaêm v. to draw lots

      baác 1 adj. [of wind] northern 2 n. pith: baác ñeøn wick

      baäc n. step [of stairs], rung [of ladder], category, level

      baám v. to press [button, etc.]

      baàm adj. bruised, black and blue

      baåm v. (= thöa) to report [to a superior]/[polite particle]

      baåm chaát n. nature, inborn trait

      baåm sinh adj. innate,

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