Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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luaät n. civil law

      daân löïc n. the strength of the people

      daân nguyeän n. aspirations of the people

      daân phoøng n. civil defense

      daân phu n. laborer, worker

      daân quaân n. militia(man)

      daân quaàn n. the people, the public, the masses

      daân quoác n. republic: Ñaïi Haøn Daân Quoác The Republic of Korea

      daân quyeàn n. civic rights

      daân sinh n. people’s livelihood, welfare of the people

      daân soá n. population [of country, area]

      daân söï n., adj. civilian [opp. quaân söï military]; civil affairs

      daân taâm n. people’s will

      daân thaày n. white-collar workers

      daân thôï n. workmen, artisans, craftsmen

      daân tình n. popular feeling

      daân toäc n. people [as a nation]: daân toäc thieåu soá ethnic minority

      daân toäc tính n. national identity

      daân trí n. intellectual standard of the people, people’s educational standard

      daân trò adj. by the people

      daân tuyeån adj. elected by the people

      daân vaän v. to carry out propaganda

      daân voïng n. See daân nguyeän

      daâ ny n. civil medical service

      daân yù n. popular opinion, people’s will: cuoäc tröng caàu daân yù referendum

      daán v. to push; to rush, to charge

      daàn 1 adv. gradually, little by little, by degrees [follows main verb] 2 v. to beat [precedes object]

      daàn daø adv. slowly, little by little, gradually [precedes or follows main verb]

      daãn v. to guide, to lead, to conduct; to cite, to quote: chæ daãn to show, to guide

      daãn baûo v. to advise

      daãn chöùng v. to produce evidence or proof; to cite, to quote

      daãn cöôùi v. to send wedding presents, to bring wedding offerings to the bride

      daãn daâu v. to accompany the bride

      daãn duï v. to induce; to explain using examples

      daãn ñaïo v. to guide: uyû ban daãn ñaïo steering committee

      daãn ñaàu v. to lead [race, contest]

      daãn ñieän v. to conduct electricity

      daãn ñöôøng v. to show the way

      daãn giaûi v. to explain and comment

      daãn khôûi v. to bring about

      daãn kieán v. to introduce [somebody to see somebody]

      daãn löïc n. attraction

      daãn nhieät v. to conduct heat

      daãn thuûy v. (nhaäp ñieàn) to irrigate [ricefields]

      daãn xaùc v. to come in person

      daän v. to trample, to step on

      daâng v. to offer [tribute, gift, petition]

      daâng v. [of water] to rise

      daäp v. to put out [fire löûa]; to bury, to cover; to be broken; to hit, to knock; to stamp out

      daáp v. to wet, to soak

      daäp dìu adj. bustling with people, getting in a great number

      daäp taét v. to put out [fire]

      daät só n. retired scholar, retired official

      daät söû n. a strange story, an unusual tale

      daâu 1 n. daughter-in-law: con daâu, naøng daâu daughter-in-law; coâ daâu bride 2 n. strawberry

      daáu n. sign, mark, accent mark, accent, tone mark; stamp, seal: ñoùng daáu to stamp, to affix the stamp or seal

      daáu chaám n. period, full stop

      daáu chaám phaåy n. semicolon

      daáu hoûi n. question mark, mark for low rising tone

      daáu huyeàn n. mark for falling tone; grave accent [`]

      daáu muõ n. circumflex accent [^]; mark for secondary stress

      daáu naëng n. mark for low constricted tone; dot

      daáu ngaõ n. mark for creaky rising tone; tilde [~]

      daáu ngoaêïc ñôn n. parenthesis

      daáu ngoaëc keùp n. inverted commas, quotation marks

      daáu ngoaëc vuoâng n. bracket

      daáu phaåy n. comma

      daáu saéc n. mark for high rising tone or primary stress; acute accent [ ù ]

      daáu than n. exclamation mark

      daáu veát n. trace, vestige

      daàu 1 n. oil, petroleum: moû daàu/ gieáng daàu oil well; nhaø maùy loïc daàu oil refinery; haõng daàu oil company 2 conj. (= duø) though, although

      daàu aên n. salad oil, table oil

      daàu baïc haø n. peppermint oil, tiger balm

      daàu caù (thu) n. cod liver oil

      daàu haéc adj. far

      daàu hoaû n. kerosene, petroleum

      daàu hoâi n. kerosene, oil, petroleum

      daàu loøng v. to be kind enough to

      daàu maø conj. although, though, even though

      daàu raèng conj. although, though, even though

      daàu sao conj. (= chaêng nöõa) at any rate, anyway


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