Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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maø conj. though, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that

      daãu raèng conj. though, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that

      daây n. string, cord: daät daây to pull the strings; nhaåy daây to skip; moät sôïi daây a piece of string

      daây chuyeàn n. necklace

      daây cöông n. bridle

      daây döa v. to drag, to get involved

      daây ñieän n. electric wire

      daây ñoàng n. brass wire

      daây giaày n. shoe lace, shoe string

      daây keõm gai n. See daây theùp gai

      daây theùp n. steel wire [clothes line]; electric wire; telegram

      daây theùp gai n. barbed wire

      daây tô hoàng n. marriage bonds, matrimonial ties

      daây xích n. chain

      daây xích thaèng n. See daây tô hoàng

      daáy v. to raise [troops binh; arm quaân]; to cause: daáy leân to rise up, to rebel

      daäy v. to wake up: nguû daäy/thöùc daäy to get up; ñöùng daäy to stand up; ngoài daäy to sit up

      daäy thì adj. pubescent, pubertal

      deø 1 adj. to be moderate; reserved 2 v. to foresee, to expect: kieâng deø to have consideration for; khoâng deø unexpectedly

      deø bæu v. to slight, to sneer at

      deø chöøng v. to foresee the eventuality of

      deø daët v., adj. to be reserved, be cautious, to be careful

      deø xeûn v. to save here and there, to be parsimonious

      deû n. hazel nut: haït deû chestnut

      deøn deït adj. relatively flattened

      deo deûo adj. relatively pliable and soft

      deûo adj. pliable and soft

      deûo dai adj. enduring, resistant and supple

      deûo dang adj. lithesome, resistant

      deûo queïo v. very lithely

      deûo söùc adj. untiring, indefatigable

      deûo tay adj. agile

      deùp n. sandal, slipper

      deïp v. to put away, to arrange: deïp laïi to put in order; deïp loaïn to repress a rebellion

      deït adj. flat or flattened

      deâ 1 n. [SV döông] goat 2 adj. oversexed, lustful: coù maùu deâ to be oversexed in disposition

      deá n. cricket

      deå ngöôi v. to despise; to scorn

      deã adj. [SV dò] easy, simple [opp. khoù]

      deã baûo adj. docile, obedient

      deã chòu adj. pleasant, nice, comfortable

      deã coù adv. [it wouldn’t be] easy to have

      deã coi adj. attractive; nice, pretty

      deã daõi adj. easy, easy-going, tolerant, lenient, not strict

      deã daøng adj. easy

      deã daïy adj. docile

      deã nghe adj. pleasant to the ear; reasonable

      deã thöông adj. lovely, charming

      deã thöôøng conj. perhaps, maybe

      deã tính adj. See deã daõi

      deät v. to weave: thôï deät weaver

      di v. to change position; to move

      di buùt n. posthumous writing

      di caûo n. posthumous manuscript

      di chæ n. archeological site

      di chieáu n. imperial will, testament left by a dead king

      di chuùc n. will

      di chuyeån v. to move, to transfer

      di cö v. to migrate: daân di cö immigrant, refugee(s)

      di daân n., v. immigrant; to migrate

      di dòch v. to move, to change

      di döôõng v. to nourish, to entertain, to sustain

      di ñoäng v., adj. to move; mobile

      di haøi n. remains [dead body], relics

      di haïi n., v. aftermaths; to leave aftermaths

      di hoaï n. disastrous aftermaths

      di huaán n. last teachings, sayings left by a deceased person

      di ngoân n. last wishes, will

      di saûn n. inherited property; heritage

      di taùng v. to move a corpse to another tomb

      di taûn v. to evacuate

      di tích n. vestiges, relics

      di tinh n. nocturnal emissions

      di truù v. to migrate

      di truyeàn v., adj. to transmit to one’s heir; hereditary, atavistic: di truyeàn hoïc genetics

      di töôïng n. portrait [of deceased person]

      di vaät n. relics, souvenir

      dí v. to press on

      dì n. mother’s younger sister CL baø, ngöôøi stepmother; dì gheû stepmother

      dæ 1 v. [of water] to leak, to ooze; to whisper 2 adj. [han, seùt] to be or get rusty: han dæ rusty

      dó nhieân adj. natural, obvious

      dó vaõng n. the past; past (= quaù khöù)

      dò adj. R strange, odd (= laï); different (= khaùc)

      dò baøo n. different mothers

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