Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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lưu v. to rectify [electric] current

      chỉnh lý v. to re-adjust, to correct and edit

      chỉnh tề adj. correct; tidy, in good order

      chĩnh n. jar [to store rice, salt, etc.]: chuột sa chỉnh gạo to get a windfall [like a mouse falling into a jar of rice]

      chít 1 v. to wrap: chít khăn trên đầu to wrap a scarf around one’s head 2 n. great-great-great-grandchild

      chịt v. to choke, to block: giữ chịt to hold back forcibly

      chịu v. to bear, to stand, to endure, to tolerate, to put up with; to consent; to give up; to receive, to acknowledge: dễ chịu to be agreeable, pleasant, comfortable; to feel fine; khó chịu to be unpleasant, uncomfortable, to feel unwell; không (thể) chịu được unbearable; ăn chịu to buy food on credit; bán chịu to sell on credit; mua chịu to buy on credit

      chịu chơi v. to indulge in playing: anh ta rất chị chơi he is very keen in playing

      chịu cực v. to endure hardship

      chịu đựng v. to bear, to put up with, to suffer

      chịu khó v. to be patient, to work hard

      cho 1 v. to give; to add; to let/allow/permit to, for; as a favor, for you [follows main verb] until; cho đến; cho ăn to feed; cho mượn to lend [tool, money]; cho vay to lend [money]; cho (kỳ) được until one succeeds, until one gets what is wanted; cho nên, thế cho nên, vì thế cho nên that is why; ăn cho no vào eat until you’re full; to make sure you have plenty; muốn cho chóng việc in order to expedite things, in order that things may go fast; cho đến nay up to now, so far, thus far; để cho in order that; cho hay to let know, to inform 2 v. to think, to maintain [rằng, là that]

      cho không v. to give away, to grant

      cho nên adv. therefore, hence

      cho phép v. to permit, to allow, to authorize: cho phép ai làm việc gì to authorize someone to do something

      chó n. [SV khuyển, cẩu] dog: chó săn hunting dog, police dog; chó cái bitch; chó sói wolf; cũi chó dog kennel, dog house; chó con puppy; chó mực black dog; Ðồ chó. What a dog!; chó giữ nhà watchdog, house dog; chó má scoundrel, cad; Coi chừng chó dữ. Beware of dogs!

      chõ 1 n. elbow: cùi chõ elbow 2 v. to direct one’s mouth to; to stick out: chõ miệng/mồm to give one’s unexpected view

      choán v. to take up, to occupy space

      choang adj. bright

      choáng adj. shocked into a daze, to be dazzling: choáng mắt swanky, to be conspicuous

      choáng váng v. to feel dizzy

      choàng v. to embrace, to throw over or around

      choảng v. to stick, to beat, to hit, to come to blows

      choắt adj. dwarfed, stunted: bé loắt choắt tiny

      chọc v. to pierce, to puncture; to tease, to annoy, to bother: chọc tức ai to tease some- one; nhà chọc trời/giời skyscraper

      chọc ghẹo v. to tease

      chọc tức v. to tease

      chọc tiết v. to stick; to bleed: chọc tiết heo to bleed pigs

      choé 1 n. ornamental jar 2 adj. very bright: đỏ choé bright red

      choèn choèn adj. very shallow; too small to be noticed

      choi choi n. warbler

      chói adj. [of light] dazzling, blind, shrill deafens ears.

      chói lọi adj. brilliant, radiant, blazing

      chòi n. shed, hut: chòi canh watchtower

      chọi v. to oppose, to be equal; to fight, to compete with: chống chọi/đối chọi với to compete with [to precede object]; chọi gà cock fight; chọi dế cricket fight; chọi chim hoạ mi nightingale fight; chọi trâu buffalo fight; đối chọi [of two lines] well coupled

      chòm n. tuft [of hair], clump [of trees], bunch [of flowers], group [of stars]

      chỏm n. peak, summit [of mountain], top [of head, tree]; tuft of hair grown on shaven head of a little child: lúc còn để chỏm, thời để chỏm childhood

      chọn v. to choose, to select [làm as]: lựa chọn/kén chọn to select carefully; to be choosy; kén cá chọn canh to be choosy

      chọn lọc v., adj. to select; to choose; selected, chosen

      chọn lựa v. to select, to choose

      chong v. to keep [đèn lamp] lighted: chong đèn suốt đêm to keep the light lit all night long

      chong chóng n. pinwheel; propeller

      chóng adj., adv. quick, fast, rapid, speedy; rapidly, quickly: công việc nhanh chóng quick work; chóng lên Quick! Hurry up!; (chẳng) chóng (thì) chầy sooner or later

      chóng mặt v. to feel dizzy

      chóng vánh adj. prompt, speedy

      chòng chành v. to sway, to roll, to be unstable

      chòng chọc v. to stare at, to look straight at [vào at]: nhìn chòng chọc vào ai to stare at someone

      chõng n. bamboo bench, bamboo bed

      chóp n. summit, peak, top: chóp bu top man

      chót 1 n., adj. the last in a series (= cuối); last, lowest ranking (= bét): giờ chót the last hour, the last minute; ngày chót the last day [before deadline]; hạn chót deadline; bậc chót the highest or lowest rank; hàng chót the last row; hạng chót the lowest class; màn chót last scene, end [of play] 2 v. to have done or to act already [followed by main verb and preceded optionally by đã]

      chót vót adj. very tall/high, towering: cao chót vót very high

      chỗ n. place, location, site, spot; room, space: chỗ ngồi seat; chổ ở residence, address; chỗ làm place of work; chỗ buôn bán place of business; hết chỗ rồi no seats left, no vacancy, full house, full bus

      chốc n. (= lát) moment, instant: chốc nữa in a while; bỗng chốc suddenly; chốc chốc lại every now and then

      chốc lát n. short moment: phút chốc in a jiffy

      chối v. to deny, to refuse: từ chối to refuse

      chối cãi v. to deny, to reject


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