Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      chôn cất v. to bury, to inhume

      chôn chân v. to stay at one place, to confine oneself to

      chôn rau cắt rốn n. native place

      chôn sống v. to bury alive

      chôn vùi v. to bury

      chốn n. place, spot, destination: đi đến nơi về đến chốn to arrive at the right destination and to go home safely, safe trip

      chồn 1 n. fox 2 adj. tired, stiff: mỏi gối chồn chân to have weary knees and stiff legs

      chông n. caltrops, spikes, stakes: hầm chông a spike trap

      chông gai n., adj. spikes and thorns; difficulties, hardship; dangerous

      chống v. [SV kháng] to oppose, to resist: chống lại to be against; chống người lên vật gì to support oneself on, to lean against

      chống án v. to appeal [a case]

      chống chọi v. to resist, to confront

      chống chế v. to defend oneself

      chống cự v. to resist

      chống giữ v. to hold out, to defend

      chống nạnh v. to put arms akimbo

      chống trả v. to oppose, to resist, to fight back

      chồng 1 n. [SV phu, quân] husband: lấy chồng to marry; bỏ chồng to divorce; mẹ chồng mother-in-law; bố chồng father-in-law; con chồng stepchild; ế chồng to be unable to find a husband 2 v., n. to pile up; a pile: một chồng sách a pile of books

      chổng v., adv. to point upward; upward: nằm chổng gọng to lie with one’s legs in the air; ngã chổng gọn g to fall on one’s back

      chộp v. to seize, to catch

      chốt n., v. axle; to bolt, to pin: chốt cửa lại to bolt the door; vấn đề then chốt the key problem

      chột 1 adj. one-eyed 2 adj. stunted, scared, worried: chột bụng/chột dạ startled

      chơ vơ adj. abandoned, forlorn, without protection

      chớ adv. do not, let us not: chớ có/chớ nên nói gì shouldn’t say anything; chớ hề never

      chờ v. to await, to wait for (= đợi)

      chở v. to take, to transport, to carry: chuyên chở to be transported; chở củi về rừng to carry coals to New castle; xe chở hàng truck, goods train, freight train

      chợ n. [SV thị] market, marketplace: hội chợ fair, exposition; phiên chợ market day; chợ đen black market; chợ phiên fair; chợ giời open air second-hand market; kẻ chợ town folk, city people

      Chợ lớn n. Cho Lon, Saigon’s Chinatown

      chơi v. [SV du] to play, to amuse oneself; to play [game, musical instrument, cards, sport]; to be a fan of, to collect, to keep [as a hobby]; to indulge in; to take part in—not seriously— for fun [follows main verb] [opp. thật]: sân chơi playground; trò chơi game; đồ chơi plaything, toy; đi chơi to go for a walk, to go out; to go and visit; đến chơi to come for a visit; chơi bi to shoot marbles; chơi dao to play hopscotch; chơi dương cầm to play the piano; chơi bài to play cards; chơi cờ to play chess; chơi quần vợt to play tennis; chơi bóng rổ to play basketball; chơi tem to collect stamps; chơi lan to collect orchids; chơi đồ cổ to collect antiques; chơi chim hoạ mi to keep nightingales; chơi gái to frequent prostitutes; chơi họ/hụi to take part in a mutual savings and loan group; ăn chơi to eat for fun, as in bốn món ăn chơi hors d’oeuvres, assorted appetizers; nói chơi to say in jest; chơi chơi not to play for money, to play [card game] for fun; dễ như chơi as easy as ABC; giờ [ra] chơi to have a break; chơi chữ to play on words; làng chơi the pleasure world; gái làng chơi prostitute(s); khách làng chơi bawdy house customer(s)

      chơi ác v. to play a dirty trick [on somebody]

      chơi bời v. to be a playboy, to indulge in playing

      chơi khâm v. to play a nasty trick [on somebody]

      chơi lu bù v. to have rounds after rounds of fun [literally and pejoratively]

      chơi vơi adj. lonely, to be in a precarious position

      chơm chởm adj. rugged, craggy, shaggy

      chớm v. to start to, to begin to, to be about to: tình yêu mới chớm to begin to love

      chớm nở v. [of feelings] to be budding

      chớn n. limit: quá chớn to go beyond the limit

      chờn vờn v. to flutter about

      chớp v. [of heaven giời, trời] to lighten; chớp mắt to blink/wink; chớp bóng to show movies; nhanh như chớp as fast as lightning; chỉ trong chớp mắt in a wink; cửa chớp shutters

      chớp ảnh v. to project movies

      chớp bóng v. to project/show movies: rạp chớp bóng movie theater

      chớp nhoáng adv. at lightning speed; chiến tranh chớp nhoáng lightning war

      chợp v. to doze off: chợp mắt to have a wink of sleep

      chớt nhả v. to use non-serious language

      chợt adv. suddenly or unexpectedly [precedes main verb]; alternately: tôi chợt nhớ I remember suddenly; chợt nói chợt cười alternately talking and laughing

      chu cấp v. to support, to assist, to help, to provide

      chu chéo v. to yell, to holler

      chu du v. to travel [around]

      chu đáo adj. perfectly done, perfectly taken care of

      chu kỳ n. cycle, period [of recurring phenomena]

      chu niên n. anniversary: đệ thập chu niên tenth anniversary

      chu tất adj., v. full and careful, perfect; to pay all back

      chu toàn v., adj. to be perfect; to complete perfectly, safe; intact

      chu trình n. circular, cycle [which is sent around]

      chu vi n. circumference

      chú 1 n. uncle [father’s younger brother]: chú ruột uncle [addressed by nephew or niece]; chú họ father’s male cousin; chú thím tôi my uncle and his wife; cô chú tôi my aunt and her husband; hai chú cháu anh Hiển Hien and his uncle,

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