Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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光碟 n CD

      guǎnggàocí 广告词 n jingle (advertising)

      guǎnggàorén 广告人 n advertising man; ad man

      guānggǔ 光谷 n optical valley

      guǎngjiāohuì 广交会 n Canton Fair; Guangzhou Fair

      guǎngkuòde 广阔的 adj broad, spacious

      guāngpán 光盘 n CD

      guāngpán yuèdúqì 光盘阅读器 n CD-ROM

      guāngtōngxùn 光通讯 n optical communication

      guāngtūde 光秃的 adj bald

      guānguāng bāshì 观光巴士 n tour bus

      guānguāng diàntī 观光电梯 n sightseeing lift

      guǎngyùwǎng 广域网 n wide area network (WAN)

      Guǎngzhōu 广州 n Guangzhou (Canton)

      Guǎngzhōuhuà 广州话 n Cantonese

      guànjūn 冠军 n champion

      guānkàn 观看 v to view, look at, watch

      guānle 关了 adj off (turned off)

      guǎnlǐ 管理 v to manage, succeed

      guānmén 关门 adj closed (door/shop)

      guānshàngle 关上了 adj closed

      guānshuì 关税 n duty (import tax)

      guānshuì bìlěi 关税壁垒 n tariff barrier

      guānshuì pèié 关税配额 n tariff quota

      guàntóu 罐头 n can, tin

      guānxìwǎng 关系网 n network

      guānyú 关于 conj concerning

      guānyuán 官员 n officials (government)

      gǔběn 股本 n share capital

      gǔdài 古代 adj ancient

      gùdìngde 固定的 adj regular, normal

      gūdú 孤独 adj lonely

      gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī 股份有限公司 n limited liability company

      gǔfènzhì 股份制 n share­holding system; joint-stock system

      gǔgàn qǐyè 骨干企业 n key enterprise

      gūgu 姑姑 n aunt (father’s younger sister)

      guǐ 鬼 n ghost

      guì 贵 adj costly, expensive

      guìbīn 贵宾 n guest of honor, VIP (Very Important Person)

      guīdìngde 规定的 adj compulsory

      guīgǔ 硅谷 n Silicon Valley

      guīhuán 归还 v to return; to give back

      guījiù 归咎 v to blame

      guījù 规矩 n rules

      guījùde 规矩的 adj well-behaved

      guìtái 柜台 n counter (for paying, buying tickets)

      guīyī sānbǎo 皈依三宝 v to become a Buddhist

      guìzi 柜子 n cupboard

      gǔjì 古迹 n remains (historical)

      gǔmín 股民 n stockholder

      gūmǔ 姑母 n aunt (father’s older sister)

      gùn 棍 n stick, pole

      gūniang 姑娘 n girl

      guō 锅 n pan

      guò 过 v to cross, go over

      guò yīhuǐr 过一会儿 adv later

      guóbǎo 国宝 n national treasure

      guòcuò 过错 n fault

      guòde kuàihuó 过得快活 v to enjoy oneself

      guòdù kāikěn 过度开垦 n excess reclamation

      guòfèn 过分 adj too much, excessive

      guójí 国籍 n nationality

      guójì 国际 adj international

      guójì àowěihuì 国际奥委会 n International Olympic Committee (IOC)

      guójì biāozhǔnhuà zǔzhī 国际标准化组织 n ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

      guójì guànlì 国际惯例 n international practice

      guójì hǎiyù 国际海域 n international waters

      guójì huòbì jījīn zǔzhī 国际货币 基金组织 n IMF (International Monetary Fund)

      guójì láogōng zǔzhī 国际劳工组织 n ILO (International Labor Organization)

      guójì rìqībiàn gēngxiàn 国际日期变更线 n International Date Line (IDL)

      guójì xiàngqí n 国际象棋 chess

      guójì zhǔyì 国际主义 n internationalism

      guójiā 国家 n country (nation)

      guójiā jítèshū jīntiē 国家级特殊津贴 n special state allowance

      guójiā kònggǔ gōngsī 国家控股公司 n state-controlling company

      guójiā pǔtōnghuà shuǐpíng kǎoshì 国家普通话水平考试 n National Proficiency Test of Putonghua

      guójiāduì 国家队 n national team

      guójiǎo 国脚 n player of the national football team

      guǒjiàng 果酱 n jam

      guókùquàn 国库券 n treasury bonds


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