Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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回家 v to go home

      huíkòu 回扣 n kickback, rake-off

      huílái 回来 v to come back

      huīlǐng 灰领 n gray-collar

      huíqù 回去 v to return, go back

      huīsè 灰色 n, adj gray

      huítóu jiàn 回头见 phr see you later!

      huítóukè 回头客 n regular customer

      huíyì 回忆 n memories

      huìyì 会议 n meeting

      hūjiào děngdài 呼叫等待 n call waiting

      hūjiào zhuǎnyí 呼叫转移 n call forwarding

      hūlāquān 呼啦圈 n hula hoop

      hùliánwǎng fúwù tígōng­shāng 互联网服务提供商 n ISP (Internet Service Provider)

      húluóbo 胡萝卜 n carrot

      hùnhé 混合 v to mix

      hùnhéde 混合的 adj mixed

      hūnjièsuǒ 婚介所 n dating agency, marriage agency

      hūnlǐ 婚礼 n wedding

      hùnluàn 混乱 adj confused (in a mess)

      hūnnèi qiángjiān 婚内强奸 n marital rape

      hùnnítǔ 混泥土 n concrete

      hūnqián xìngxíngwéi 婚前性行为 n premarital sex

      hūnshā shèyǐng 婚纱摄影 n wedding photo

      hūnwàiliàn 婚外恋 n extramarital affair

      hùnxiáo 混淆 v to confuse

      hūnyīn zìyóu 婚姻自由 n freedom of marriage

      huǒ 火 n fire

      huò duō huò shǎo 或多或少 adv more or less

      huǒbàn 伙伴 n partner (spouse)

      huǒchái 火柴 n matches

      huǒchē 火车 n train

      huǒchēzhàn 火车站 n train station

      huódòng 活动 n activity

      huǒjiàn 火箭 n rocket

      huǒshān 火山 n volcano

      hùshēn fǎbǎo 护身法宝 n amulet

      huòshèngzhě 获胜者 n winner

      hútòng chuànzǐ 胡同串子 n peddler

      huóxiàlái 活下来 v to survive

      huǒxīng 火星 n Mars

      huózhe 活着 v, adj to live (be alive); alive

      huòzhě 或者 conj or

      hūshì 忽视 v to ignore

      hùshi 护士 n nurse

      hútu 糊涂 adj confused (mentally)

      húxū 胡须 n beard

      hùzhào 护照 n passport


      jī 鸡 n chicken

      jǐ 几 adj several

      jì 系 v to tie

      jì 寄 v to post, mail

      jì bù ... yòu bù 既不 ... 又不 conj neither ... nor

      Jǐ ge? 几个? how many?

      jǐ shí 几十 n tens of, multiples of ten

      jiā 加 v to add

      jiā 家 n home, family

      jiǎ dòngzuò 假动作 n feint (sports)

      jiā xiāngliào de 加香料的 adj spicy

      jiābān 加班 n, v overtime; to work overtime

      jiābīn 嘉宾 n honored guest, VIP

      jiǎchàng 假唱 n lip-synch

      jiǎde 假的 adj false (not true)

      jiǎdìng 假定 v to suppose

      jiàgé 价格 n cost (price), tariff

      jiàgé tīngzhènghuì 价格听证会 n public price hearings

      jiāgōng chùlǐ 加工处理 adj processed (food)

      jiǎgǔwén 甲骨文 n oracle bone inscriptions

      jiājù 家具 n furniture

      jiāmì píndào 加密频道 n encoded channel

      jiāmì 加密 v, adj to encrypt; encrypted

      jiǎmào wěiliè chǎnpǐn 假冒伪劣产品 n counterfeit and shoddy products

      jiǎmàode 假冒的 adj false (imitation)

      jiān 煎 v to fry

      jiǎn 减 v to minus

      jiàn 件 n piece, item

      jiàn 建 v to build

      jiàn 键 n key (computer)

      jiānbǎng 肩膀 n shoulder

      jiǎnchá 检查 v to inspect, examine

      jiǎncǎi 剪彩 n, v ribbon-cutting ceremony; to cut the ribbon

      jiānchí 坚持 n to stick to

      jiǎndān 简单 adj simple (uncomplicated, modest)

      jiǎndāo 剪刀 n scissors

      jiāndìng 坚定 adj firm (definite)

      jiāndū bùmén

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