Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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吃饱穿暖 idiom have enough to eat and wear

      chíbì dàigòu 持币待购 v to wait to buy with cash in hand

      chìcháo 赤潮 n red tides (in the ocean)

      chīcù 吃醋 v to get jealous

      chǐcùn 尺寸 n measurements

      chídào 迟到 adj late

      chījīng 吃惊 adj astonished

      chīkuáng 痴狂 adj be crazy about

      chīmízhě 痴迷者 n addict (person)

      chìpín rénkǒu 赤贫人口 n people living in absolute poverty

      chípíng 持平 v to hold the line

      chīsùde 吃素的 adj vegetarian

      chíxù 持续 adv last (endure)

      chīxiāng 吃香 adj be very popular

      chóngbài 崇拜 v to worship

      chōngdiàn 充电 v to recharge batteries; update one’s knowledge

      chōngdòngxìng gòumǎi 冲动性购买 n impulse buying

      chóngfù 重复 v to repeat

      chǒnghuàide 宠坏的 adj spoiled (of children)

      chónghūn 重婚 n bigamy

      chōngjì 冲剂 n medicinal granules

      chōnglàng 冲浪 n surfing

      chōnglàngbǎn 冲浪板 n surfboard

      chōnglàngtǐng 冲浪艇 n surfboat

      Chóngqìng 重庆 n Chongqing

      chōnglàng 冲浪 v, n to surf; surfing

      chǒngwù 宠物 n pet (animal)

      chǒngwùdiàn 宠物店 n pet shop

      chǒngwùrè 宠物热 n pet craze

      chǒngwù shípǐn 宠物食品 n pet food

      chǒngwù yīyuàn 宠物医院 n pet clinic

      chōngxǐ 冲洗 v to develop film

      chóngyáng mèiwài 崇洋媚外 n worship and blind faith in things foreign

      chōngzhàng 冲帐 v to strike a balance (accounting)

      chōngzhíkǎ 充值卡 n rechargeable card

      chóngzi 虫子 n insect

      chǒu 丑 adj ugly

      chóubàn 筹办 v to arrange

      chóu èi wěiyuánhuì 筹备委员会 n preparatory committee

      chóuhèn 仇恨 n hatred

      chōujiǎn 抽检 n spot check

      chòuqì 臭气 n odor, bad smell

      chōushuǐ mǎtǒng 抽水马桶 n flush toilet

      chōutī 抽屉 n drawer

      chòuwèi 臭味 n smell, bad odor

      chōuyān 抽烟 v to smoke (tobacco)

      chòuyǎngcéng 臭氧层 n ozone

      chòuyǎngcéng kōngdòng 臭氧层空洞 n ozone hole

      chōuyàng diàochá 抽样调查 n sample survey

      chóuzī 筹资 n, v fundraising; to raise fund

      chóuzī qúdào 筹资渠道 n fundraising channels

      chù 触 v to touch

      chú yú 除于 v divided by

      chū zhǔyi 出主意 v to advise

      chuān 穿 v to put on (clothes)

      chuán 船 n boat, ship

      chuānbàn 穿扮 v to get dressed

      chuáng 床 n bed

      chuángdān 床单 n bedsheet

      chuángdiàn 床垫 n mattress

      chuānghu 窗户 n window (in house)

      chuāngkǒu 窗口 n window (for paying, buying tickets)

      chuànglì 创利 v to generate profit

      chuānglián 窗帘 n curtain

      chuàngyè jīngshén 创业精神 n enterprising spirit

      chuàngyèzhě 创业者 n entrepreneur

      chuàngyì 创意 n, v to create new ideas or concepts; new concepts

      chuàngzào 创造 v to create

      chuàngzuò 创作 v to create

      chuánméi 传媒 n media

      chuánméi dàhēng 传媒大亨 n media tycoon

      chuánrǎn de 传染的 adj contagious

      chuànròuqiān 串肉扦 n skewer

      chuánshuō 传说 n legend

      chuānsuō wàijiāo 穿梭外交 n shuttle diplomacy

      chuántǒng 传统 n tradition

      chuántǒng chǎnyè 传统产业 n conventional industries

      chuántǒngde 传统的 adj traditional

      chuánxùn 传讯 v to call, summon

      chuántǒng wénhuà 传统文化 n traditional culture

      chuánwù gōngsī 船务公司 n shipping service company

      chuánxiāo 传销 n pyramid sales; multi-level marketing

      chuān xiǎoxié 穿小鞋 phr make trouble for

      chuánzhēn 传真 n fax (message)


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