Translated Christianities. Mark Z. Christensen

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Translated Christianities - Mark Z. Christensen Latin American Originals

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doctrine. For their part, Protestants generally desired individuals to gain personal understandings of the doctrine through vernacular translations of religious texts, including the Bible. The Catholic Church likewise recognized the need to successfully educate its fold and addressed such issues in the Council of Trent (1545–63). But the translation of scripture into the vernacular remained restricted, and the responsibility for the laity’s education primarily fell to ecclesiastics. Trent ordered, for example, that “the bishop shall see to it that on Sundays and other festival days, the children in every parish be carefully taught the rudiments of the Faith.”3

      Authors and Ghostwriters

      Thus far, we have discussed the importance of native-language religious texts in the evangelization of the Nahuas and Mayas, their printed and manuscript forms, and their relative abundance among the Nahuas vis-à-vis the Mayas. But who wrote these texts? The title pages of printed texts propose Spanish ecclesiastics as the sole authors. Yet upon closer examination of the historical record and the texts themselves, the contributions of Nahuas and Mayas as assistants, scribes, ghostwriters, and authors become increasingly apparent.

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