Dating Hacks Handbook. Hugo Villabona
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A little more?
Up to you and your date. There’s no rule as to whether it’ll work if you wait to have sex. You may celebrate your 80th anniversary decades after that night. Or not. Life’s a gamble.
Part two?
If you had a good time (or if you didn’t), say so. Be direct, but not pushy, about wanting to see your date again.
Beyond Basics
You can go beyond the simple coffee or drinks, but run your ideas by your date first. Showing you care about their interests will make a good impression before you even leave the house.
• Bowling
• Aquarium
• Amusement park
• Art museum
• Zoo
• Rock climbing
• Sports game
• Theatre
• Arcade
• Observatory stargazing
• Concert
Looking for Lovin’ //
Date Two?
So your first date is over, and you’re frantically checking your phone for new messages. Will they call back? Are you dreading it if they do? Here’s how to handle the post-date aftermath:
“Hey :D”
To text or not to text.
Don’t be shy about wanting to see your date again, but don’t come on too strong, either. Something like, “I had a great time yesterday, hope we can go out again soon,” should do the trick. Add emoticons at your leisure.
Que sera, sera.
If your date doesn’t write back or gives you a lukewarm response—let it go. If you’ve been clear about your intentions, it’s probably a no. There are plenty of other opportunities out there.
Nope, negative, nein.
If you had a terrible time or you just didn’t click with your date, be honest with them if they contact you. Thank them for the date and wish them luck in the future, but admit you don’t think it’ll work out.
The “friend zone,” as some like to call it, is not a real thing. Sor-ry, lovebirds, but friendship isn’t a consolation prize for not getting nooky. If your first date is a dud, you can opt to be friends. Don’t offer to be a friend if you don’t want to be, especially if it’s out of false hope. That’s a waste of everyone’s time. And be respectful of acquaintances or friends who turn down even the first date.
If you do want to be friends after the date, tell them you had a great time but you feel you’d prefer to be friends. Maybe you’ll have a new BFF if they agree.
Date Two?
[no image in epub file]
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