The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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save our souls from hell—

      One only Mediator,

      The Father sanctified:

      The Virgin-born Redeemer,

      Christ Jesus, crucified.

      3 The fullness of the Godhead

      Dwells in Him bodily,

      For only thus His bloodshed

      Availed at Calvary:

      Our nature, sinless, sharing,

      He lived, thus to provide

      Our righteousness, and bearing

      Our sins, for us He died.

      4 The Savior slain is risen!

      He ever lives to plead

      At God’s right hand in heaven

      Our cause in all our need:

      No other name can save us,

      None to the Father come

      But by this same Lord Jesus,

      Our Savior, God the Son!

      5 God now commands to all men:

      Repent of sin; believe

      This Gospel of salvation,

      And Jesus Christ receive!

      He lives and pleads to save us

      Unto the uttermost:

      Convict, convert and call them—

      Lord God, the Holy Ghost!

      6 O Triune God, Jehovah,

      Beside Thee there is none:

      We worship, praise and bless Thee

      Who hast Salvation won:

      We laud the holy Father,

      the co-eternal Son,

      and Holy Ghost—none other,

      Our God, the Three in One. D

      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 28; New Testament: Matthew 17 Psalm: 17

      1 Timothy: Reading over Chapter 1

      The burden of the Word of the Lord in this first chapter of 1 Timothy has been to preserve the purity of sound doctrine, and through it the saving power of the Gospel. Let me review and reflect on this chapter, hiding God’s Word in my heart, praying that my heart might be sound in His statutes.

      Prayer for the defense and confirmation of the Gospel:

      Glory to God in the highest

      And on earth peace goodwill toward men!

      Glad tidings of great joy to all people hast Thou published to us

      O Lord God:

      To us a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

      His Name is Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins.

      Thou hast anointed Him, and the Spirit of the Lord is upon Him

      To preach good tidings to the poor

      Deliverance to captives, sight to the blind, liberty to the bruised!

      He has come to seek and to save the lost

      To give His life a ransom for many to save sinners.

      And we have received this Gospel.

      For our sins He has died according to the Scriptures

      He was buried and rose the third day according to the Scriptures

      This same Jesus Thou hast made Lord and Christ

      Exalted to Thy right hand, O Father,

      He has received the promised Holy Ghost

      shed Him forth abundantly

      with the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Spirit

      to justify us by grace and make us heirs of eternal life.

      In His Name

      Repentance and remission of sins is now preached to all nations

      As we go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.

      To us hast Thou entrusted the Gospel.

      We are separated unto the Gospel of God

      Set for the defense and confirmation of the Gospel.

      How can men hear without a preacher?

      How can we preach except we be sent?

      God Triune, be pleased to make our feet beautiful

      who preach the Gospel of peace

      Grant us to finish our course with joy

      The ministry we have received of the Lord Jesus

      To testify the Gospel of the grace of God!

      Confirm this glorious Gospel, O blessed God, to our lives

      That our daily conversation become the Gospel of Christ;

      That we adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things:

      Teach us to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified

      And preach the Gospel with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven

      In demonstration of the Spirit and power.

      Make us not ashamed of the Gospel

      But be pleased by it to manifest Thy power to salvation

      to all who believe.

      Send us in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ,

      Ready if needs be to lose life itself for the Gospel’s sake,

      to forsake all in its service,

      even to preach in regions beyond where Christ is not named.

      Further the

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