The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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Christ be magnified in us by life or death.

      Forbid that we abuse our trust or authority in Thy service

      In uncleanness, guile or deceit, covetousness or vainglory

      But rather preach Christ Jesus the Lord

      And ourselves but His servants

      Not as pleasing men, but Thee, O God,

      Which triest and searchest our hearts.

      Strengthen us in Thy power to partake of the afflictions of the Gospel

      Bless us when men revile us, persecute us

      And say all manner of evil against us falsely for Thy Son’s sake:

      Let the Spirit of glory and of God rest upon us

      When we are reproached for the Name of Christ

      And get to Thy Name the glory in us

      As partakers of Christ’s sufferings

      That the Gospel of God be spoken boldly

      In power, in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance.

      And defend, O Lord, we pray, Thy Gospel

      From all that would corrupt us from the simplicity of Christ

      with another “Jesus”, another “spirit,” or “another gospel”

      Which is not another, but would pervert the Gospel of Christ.

      Sanctify Thy Son in our hearts, and enable us

      To give an answer for the hope in us

      With meekness and fear, and a good conversation.

      Make us hold fast Thy faithful Word as we have been taught

      And enable us by sound doctrine

      both to exhort and convince all gainsayers.

      Fill us with the Holy Ghost and faith;

      Give us a mouth and a wisdom

      Which all our adversaries shall not be able to gainsay or resist:

      Make us gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

      In meekness instructing those who oppose us:

      And grant to them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.

      Keep us in Thy love

      As we build ourselves up in Thy most holy faith,

      Praying in the Holy Ghost

      And looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.

      And now to Him that is of power to establish us

      According to this Gospel

      And the preaching of Jesus Christ

      According to the revelation of the mystery

      Which was kept secret since the world began,

      But is now made manifest, and by the Scriptures of the prophets

      According to the commandment of the everlasting God

      Made known to all nations

      For the obedience of faith:

      To God only wise

      Be glory through Jesus Christ forever.


      18. What boldness have we, brethren, now to pray

      1 What boldness have we, brethren now to pray

      And enter into heaven’s holiest place,

      Since Jesus made that new and living way

      Through His rent flesh unto the throne of grace!

      2 Our great Priest standing o’er the house of God

      Now saves His people to the uttermost:

      There, where He entered in by His own Blood,

      He lives and reigns o’er earth and heaven’s host.

      3 In faith then, let us to our God draw near;

      In hope, let us hold our confession fast:

      In love, let us still hold each other dear

      Till that great Day when Christ returns at last!

      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Genesis 29; New Testament: Matthew 18 Psalm: 18

      1 Timothy 2:1–2

      1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

      What to do? How to remedy the terrible bane of “any other doctrine,” of “vain jangling” plaguing the Churches? How can I keep myself and my people on course from “making shipwreck of faith and a good conscience?” Paul does not warrant out a theological commission. Nor does he institute an inquisition. He prescribes no curriculum of books and seminars. The Apostle’s antidote to the power of error begins in the hearts of pastor and people, at Church, in worship, in God’s felt presence: I exhort therefore . . . first of all . . . prayers. Paul puts his arm round Timothy’s shoulder; with fatherly care for “son Timothy” he embodies the mercy of the Holy Ghost as Comforter to saints in his counsel (John 14:26): I exhort therefore—as if to say, “Son, the answer is prayer!” The saint is always safe on his knees; the congregation is secure at prayer; the pastor and elders of Ephesus are best commended to God and the Word of his grace, when Paul kneels down and prays with them all (Acts 20:28,32,36; Eph 3:14–21).

      First of all . . . prayers: This is more than ensuring an elegant, appropriate invocation leads off the service. Paul is bidding us give priority, significant time, and preparation for prayers at Church. Without this, there is no unction of the Holy Ghost for the preacher, and there is no illumination, or conviction of the Holy Ghost for sinners or saints. If God Himself is indeed our Refuge and Strength, if our help is in His Name, then without Him all is vain—so first of all . . . prayers. I exhort . . . supplications, prayers, intercessions, giving of thanks: The Apostle urges us to walk with God Triune through all life, and engage Him in reverent, yet intimate conversation. To seek His presence and counsel in prayer; to present our most pointed petitions at His throne for ourselves in supplications and for others in intercessions; and always to stir up our love for Him, praise to Him, and trust in Him by giving of thanks. This is spending “family time”

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