The Self-Donation of God. Jack D. Kilcrease

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The Self-Donation of God - Jack D. Kilcrease

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faithfulness. He elects Moses to do what Israel cannot do. In this sense, Moses the mediator represents both God and Israel.

      As the narrative of Exodus progresses there are several interesting developments in regard to Moses’s mediatorship. The first development is in regards to the content of the Word of YHWH that he receives. Over the next ten chapters of Exodus, the pattern and accoutrements of the tabernacle are revealed. Before Moses is called to the mountain and the laws are given, YHWH tells the prophet that Israel is a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (19:6). Therefore all the works of the nation are the works of a priestly people and thereby a kind of liturgical service. The prior grace of God at having bound himself in the promise of grace to the patriarchs and having redeemed the people from Egypt is the presupposition of such service. The Ten Commandments themselves contain the preface: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (20:2). As a priestly people, Israel lives out the true human destiny of divine service as a response to prior divine favor given to them. In other words, their works of obedience are a liturgical activity in response to sheer divine love and grace. Israel is then a liturgical community in the truest sense. Prophetic mediation is then ordered to the establishment of priestly-liturgical worship of the one true Lord.

      Having entered into the presence of the glory of the Lord, the elders return again to the camp, while Moses is called to again ascend to the heights of Sinai in order to see the pattern of the tabernacle and receive the instructions regarding priestly worship (Exod 25–31). Meanwhile, the Israelites come to doubt Moses’s mediatorship and turn to Aaron for help. Aaron’s solution is to cast a golden calf and announce to the camp: “These are your gods [or possibly ‘your God’], O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!” (32:4).

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