The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts. James R. McConnell

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The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts - James R. McConnell

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as well as others’) focus on the audience reception of the proofs and evidence presented in speeches line up in conjunction. And the evidence from antiquity, from Cicero himself and from numerous others,205 clearly points to the fact that in the ancient world, it was accepted that the gods were intimately involved in the affairs of humanity, which included their pronouncing judgment on human beings as well as guiding their affairs. From the first half of De divinatione, it is readily apparent that there was a worldview in Cicero’s time that included human-divine communications, a worldview which Cicero seems to desire to counter in the second half of the treatise.206 Because this attitude toward and acceptance of the divine existed, it is no surprise that an orator would exploit it in order to win conviction.

      A second example is found in the Plutarch’s De superstitione, in which he satirizes dreams207 and ridicules the idea of a soul being tormented after death. As will be demonstrated in the chapter five, however, dreams are extremely important in Plutarch’s Lives, especially when the subject of the bios is near death. Also, in De superstitione, Plutarch attacks eclipses as portents,208 but in the Lives, eclipses are seen as both scientific/natural phenomena as well as omens for the subject of the Life.209 I have shown that in the writings of Cicero, even though he was possibly not personally convinced of the validity of augury and divination, he was not reserved in his use of divine testimony as proofs. In chapter five, I will demonstrate the same point for Plutarch: although in Superst. Plutarch expresses reluctance in completely believing that natural phenomena represented portents, he, too, is quite willing to cite them as proofs in his writings.

      Before moving into the analysis of the use of the topos of divine testimony in ancient narratives, including Luke-Acts, it is important to return to the work of W. Wuellner.210 Wuellner argues that the choice of topoi by ancient authors from which they built their arguments was a culturally-conditioned process and was determined by the rhetorical situations they faced.211 Therefore, given first-century culture, a culture which is dominated by the concept of gods who are intimately involved in the lives of human beings and who communicate their pleasure and displeasure through various methods, it is easy to understand why a speaker or author in the first century would select the topos of divine testimony as evidence of what that person is trying to prove.

      In sum, in this chapter I first addressed how the term topos is currently being applied to NT studies. The conclusions from this study were that the term topos, when applied to NT studies, is somewhat polyvalent. It can refer to a line of argumentation, literary themes, or moral topoi that receive extensive treatment in philosophical treatises, categories that overlap to some degree. I then surveyed the ancient rhetoricians in order to ascertain their definitions of topos/locus. I have shown that one possible definition for topos is a source of proofs from which an orator can draw in order to bring evidence in a forensic or deliberative speech. In the Latin rhetoricians, and particularly in Cicero, there is a strong emphasis on legal applications of topoi and the use of rhetoric in service to the State. My argument here is that this particular definition is underrepresented in NT studies involving rhetoric and topoi.

      I then moved to a particular topos described in many rhetorical writings, the external topos of divine testimony, which receives its fullest explanation in Cicero’s Topica. Through many examples I demonstrated that the testimony of the gods, which occurs through various means, was widely applied in ancient speeches and treatises when arguing a case or seeking to persuade an audience. Specifically, orators often applied this form of testimony in order to praise one’s client, or, conversely, to denigrate an opponent. Likewise, the testimony of the gods was used to demonstrate the gods’ support or lack thereof for a potential course of action. Finally, I argued that ancient audiences would have perceived this particular form of evidence as extremely persuasive.

      Given this position, the next task is to examine Luke-Acts and other similar extra-biblical works in order to investigate if and how the topos of divine testimony is applied in these more narrative genres. In the next four chapters of this study, I will attempt to demonstrate that the topos of divine testimony was used rhetorically by ancient authors of narratives, including histories and biographies, in order to praise and denigrate characters, and to convince readers of the validity or inconsistency of a particular course of action.

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