Mulled Psalms. Marjorie Gray
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Mulled Psalms
Moving from I to We
Marjorie Gray
Mulled Psalms
Moving from I to We
Copyright © 2014 Marjorie Gray. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Resource Publications
An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
ISBN 13: 978-1-4982-0439-2
EISBN 13: 978-1-4982-0440-8
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
What better way to satisfy spiritual thirst than with the Psalms’ rich brew? Mulling or reflecting on Holy Spirit-breathed Scripture, we can “be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit” (Eph 5:18–19). Like all poems, the psalms are meant for mulling. Like all Scripture, they are meant for day and night meditation. This savoring begins in the far reaches of our unique psyches at the mysterious, musical borderlines of heart and mind. It continues as, alone or together, we imbibe the potent, spirited brew, reading slowly, audibly, and breathing deeply between the lines. Like divine love and creativity, the delights of psalm-mulling always grow, never end.
God always surges as the strongest current in Psalms’ mullstream. The indescribable Great Spirit is the one with whom we most long to converse. Could this be because God longs even more to reveal Godself as Love in order to commune with us? It’s not surprising that God as Jesus is alive in Psalms. He told two of his early followers: “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms” (Luke 24:44).
Mulling opens our heart eyes to see God as Loving Creator, and humankind as God’s good children, throughout the psalm-stream. Nature’s marvels awe humans today no less than ancient people, hopefully more, due to scientific discoveries. But most hours of most days we’re blinded by self-absorption; our spiritual taste buds are deadened by competition. Psalms of lament or complaint with temptations of revenge resonate in every decade as the almighty dollar mandates violence against people, land, water and air. What relief to realize God’s re-creative reach, however hidden, in every psalm! What encouragement for those working and praying for God’s rule “on earth as in heaven”!
Welcome now, dear readers and listeners, to this outpouring of psalm poems. May you be gently nudged, as I am constantly, from frenzied, false self to God-imaging true being; from ego and empire building to heart, mind, soul worship; from isolation and conflict to family and community. May each mulled psalm inspire new mulling, as well as refreshing tastes of the original psalms and all of Scripture.
Happy ones ignore talking heads;
Glad souls repel liars,
never befriend jabbing jokers.
Rather they savor Live Words at all hours:
like river-irrigated forests God-
freshened, Joyous Peace-seekers thrive.
What of God-denouncers?
Hapless dust-balls, self-made justifiers—
hopeless, ruthless, they are devoid of trust.
God Who sees all knows who is Just.
Violence blinds and self-destructs.
World leaders, why presume? How dare
figureheads flaunt selves, tout isms,
defying the Transcendent One?
Listen, posturing technocrats!
Holy Love laughs sadly. Listen!
Shiver under God’s displeasure.
Hear God name Creation’s Ruler,
empowering Peace Prince to topple
regimes and pulverize shackles.
Kings, presidents, come and kneel now.
Love and serve with Servant Master,
always radiant, always at Peace.
God! Hundreds of adversaries!
Thousands versus only me…us?
Holy Fire, Divine Protector:
keep me shining; buoy our spirits.
From Your wide, high, unbiased View
we trust You will answer our cries.
Every night I sleep serenely;
each new dawn brings Your renewing.
Stalwart angel warriors dispel
worry, dread, every doom carrier.
Holy Master of Tenderness,
free us from cycling avengers.
Void their careless, spiteful lashes;
make them bite their own word bullets.
God, You are our Liberator:
keep us Joyful, ever Peaceful.
God? God, can I get a reply?
See me boxed in, calling, calling.
When will You end people’s mocking,
smoking pipe-dreams, fetish worship?
God, You called us to Your service;
Loving one, we know You hear us.
Now in awe