Mulled Psalms. Marjorie Gray

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Mulled Psalms - Marjorie Gray

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      Prideful hustlers prey on poor families:

      they flaunt obscene lifestyles, kiss up to

      landlords, warlords; they curse You, despise

      your law. Fat-cats brag “Nothing scares us.”

      Bigwigs talk big, pile on threats and lies.

      Cronies bully women, hurt children:

      safety nets are severed while dragnets

      keep ensnaring innocent weaklings.

      Sneaky thieves assume You are blind, God.

      Heaven, hear and rescue beaten ones.

      Why permit perpetrators’ curses

      with boasts that You will never judge them?

      All-Seeing One, You see the suffering!

      Weigh each groan and teardrop, for victims

      depend on You. Break evildoers’

      power; call them to account. Divine

      Judge, You rule the Universe in Peace:

      violent empires have no future.

      Loving God, You draw close to those who

      yearn for shelter, water, food, freedom.

      You move us to care, to encourage,

      to advocate for abandoned ones.

      No more fear of humans or demons.


      We are safe here with You, God.

      Why this fearful urge to flee?

      We see danger and evil

      spiraling—bombs, hijackings,

      crumbling buildings—what to do?

      You preside in Holy Splendor

      shining through all Creation’s facets.

      You observe every person closely,

      prove our intentions sullied or pure.

      You will brand violent people;

      fiery guilt pangs will consume them,

      Great Spirit will sweep them away.

      God, You are good. You love justice.

      You will guide us to face Your love.


      God, help! No one is faithful.

      Humans cannot be trusted;

      everyone’s words are empty—

      bloated untruths, glazed with sweet talk.

      God, please seal flattering mouths.

      Mute minds that boast “We always

      win with words—who can stymie us?”

      Messiah, keep the promises:

      You hear needy people’s groans;

      You will stop thieves of poor folks.

      Your Words gleam like sun on ice,

      Pure as baby’s first teardrops.

      Love, safeguard hassled people;

      extricate us from rat-racers

      who parade degradation.


      Mercy, God, how much longer?

      When, if ever, will we see You?

      When will global conflict end?

      How long will horrors persist?

      Do You realize our confusion?

      Let us see You; help us know You.

      Otherwise we sink and drown while

      gloaters smile to see us flounder.

      But we trust Your loving power;

      your provision keeps us joyful,

      overflowing with new love songs.

      Thank You, divine ever-close Friend.


      Foolish hearts insist there is no God.

      Rotten characters rape and bribe;

      no one is good. God is looking:

      is anyone looking for God?

      Does anybody understand?

      No, all are headstrong; none do right.

      Arrogant critics, can’t You see?

      You are swallowing up people

      and thereby disrespecting God!

      Dread will overwhelm You because

      Holy Advocate stands with victims.

      Though crooks bulldoze poor people’s dreams

      God’s live word resurrects vision,

      spurs actions toward Earth’s Renewal!

      Let the festive singing begin.


      Great Spirit, who is welcome in Your

      Secret Place? Who is at home there?

      Those with bright, clean lifestyles, sincere

      folks who do not backbite or revile.

      These humble, brave souls cannot be

      swayed by vileness or violence.

      They affirm all who respect God.

      No matter the consequences, they


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