Email "Messages". Steven A. Crane

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Jesus claimed divinity through his miracles. Jesus stressed that the signs he performed were a sign of the coming of the kingdom of God: “If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you” (Luke 11:20). Although others performed miracles, Jesus did not consider himself simply to be a miracle worker, but the one in whom and through whom the promises of God’s kingdom came to pass.

      Finally, one last indicator of Jesus’ claim to divinity can be seen in his post-resurrection encounter with Thomas. Knowing that Thomas had doubts about the resurrection, Jesus offered him the opportunity to personally check out the evidence for himself. As Thomas looks at Jesus he proclaims, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Jesus’ reaction is telling. It would have been blasphemy to have knowingly received Thomas’s worship unless Jesus really was God. But Jesus does not rebuke Thomas. Actually, Jesus praises Thomas: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (20:29). In the same way, when Jesus asks Peter, “Who do you say I am?”, Peter responds, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:15–17). Jesus does not try to correct Peter, but affirms that this was revealed to him by God himself.

      For further reading: See Jesus Is the Christ: Studies in the Theology of John, by Leon Morris.

      Email “Messages”

       Inbox [10/70]

      To: Dr. Crane []

      Subject: Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

      ---Original Message---

      Isn’t it possible that Jesus didn’t really die on the cross? Could Jesus have been in a coma and simply resuscitated?


      Many have certainly made this claim. The Koran, for example, claims that Jesus only pretended to be dead (Surah IV:157). Others have claimed that Jesus was drugged, but revived in the tomb. Still others have suggested (as you have) that Jesus was simply in a coma.

      This question is of utmost importance, because if Jesus did not die, there is no significance in a resurrection—it is no miracle for a live man to walk out of a tomb. In order for one to speculate that Jesus “swooned,” critics must overcome the preponderance of evidence. Let me give you ten facts as we know them.

      1. There is no evidence to suggest that Jesus was drugged. He turned down the common painkiller that was usually given to crucifixion victims (Mark 15:23).

      2. The loss of blood makes death highly probable and survival highly improbable (in the garden, from the beatings, the crown of thorns, the nails, the spear).

      3. Jesus was beaten and whipped repeatedly by the cat of nine tails (a whip with pieces of bone, rock and pottery). This type of scourging was often called the “half-death” by Roman soldiers because half of those beaten died from this alone.

      4. Jesus suffered five other major wounds: a crown of thorns, three 5–7 inch nails used to secure his hands and feet to the cross, and a spear in his side.

      5. The thrust of the spear through the rib cage, pierced Jesus’ right lung, the sack around the heart, and the heart itself. This insured that Jesus was dead.

      6. The professional executioners did not break Jesus’ legs because there was no doubt in their minds about his demise.

      7. Jesus was embalmed in nearly 100 pounds of spices. This alone would have killed him. Jesus was then wrapped in bandages from which he could not have escaped.

      8. Many hours (parts of three days) were spent in a cold, dark tomb. This would likely have sent Jesus into hypothermia—even if he had somehow survived the events to this point.

      9. Pilate asked for assurance that Jesus was really dead.

      10. If Jesus merely appeared to witnesses after having been resuscitated, his appearance would not have convinced the world that he was indeed a resurrected Savior.

      Add to this list the fact that Jesus himself testified that he was risen from the dead. Are we to conclude that he was lying? All these facts point to the logical and insurmountable conclusion that Jesus truly died for our sins.

      Email “Messages”

       Inbox [11/70]

      To: Dr. Crane []

      Subject: Did Jesus Really Rise Again?

      ---Original Message---

      What is the evidence regarding the resurrection of Jesus?


      Christianity lives or dies with the resurrection. Understanding this, opponents of Christianity have tried to explain away the resurrection by every possible means—to no avail. Here are twelve obstacles critics must overcome in order to deny the resurrection.

      1. There was an empty tomb.

      2. There were grave clothes lying on the shelf of the tomb, neatly wrapped and folded.

      3. Jesus’ body could not have been stolen—the tomb was sealed with an official seal and guarded by Roman soldiers.

      4. The Jews and Roman authorities had no desire to steal the body, in fact, they wanted it kept in the tomb. Even if they did remove the body, they would have produced it when the disciples began to preach the resurrection.

      5. Three women visited the empty tomb. Peter and John also ran to the empty tomb. Even if you suggest they all went to the wrong tomb, why didn’t the Roman authorities correct them when they proclaimed the resurrection?

      6. Jesus did not merely “swoon” or come out of a coma. If he did, how could he find the strength to unwrap himself, push away the stone, overpower the Roman guards, walk to Jerusalem on wounded feet, and then convince the world he was “resurrected with power”?

      7. The resurrection was evidenced by twelve different post-resurrection appearances by more than 500 people: Mary Magdalene (John 20:11); other women (Matthew 28:9–10); Peter (Luke 24:34); two disciples (Luke 24:13–32); to ten apostles without Thomas (Luke 24:33–49); to the apostles with Thomas (John 20:26–30); to seven apostles in Galilee (John 21); to all the apostles (Mattthew 28:16–20); to all the apostles again (Acts 1:4–9); to 500 people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6); to James (1 Corinthians 15:7); and to Paul (1 Corinthians 15:7).

      8. Thomas was encouraged to touch his hands and feet and to place his fingers in the nail holes and his sword-pierced side.

      9. The changed lives of the apostles are proof they saw the resurrected Christ.

      10. The apostles’ willingness to die for their belief in the resurrection evidences its reality.

      11. The growth of the church in Jerusalem immediately following the resurrection.

      12. The continued growth of the church throughout the centuries.

      The historical evidence is overwhelming in favor of the resurrection—Christ died for our sins, he was buried, and he was resurrected on the third day. His life and teachings have influenced and shaped the world as no other. The evidence validates his claims.

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