Psalms of Christ. Daniel H. Fletcher

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Psalms of Christ - Daniel H. Fletcher

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(I take it as a kingly-host, given the shepherd-king metaphor) in verses 5–6 accomplishes the same purposes as the shepherd in verses 1–4: the gracious host does for the guest exactly what the shepherd does for the sheep—provides food, drink, and shelter/protection.115 The psalmist introduces the primary themes of provision and protection in the first two verses, and these provide the lens for reading the remainder of the psalm. The first verse equates God with a shepherd, only taking two words in Hebrew (YHWH roi, “Yahweh my-shepherd”) to express what English does in five (“The LORD is my shepherd”).116 This is equivalent to stating in mathematical terms, “YHWH = my shepherd.” Not only is the equation stark, it says something about the whole psalm, where the rest of it unpacks the initial metaphor in terms of shepherding (vv. 1–4), finally changing to the royal metaphor in verses 5–6, which continues to expound on the provision and protection themes initially associated with the shepherd metaphor.

      The Lord is the shepherd of his people is a common OT metaphor (e.g., Gen 49:24; Pss 77:20; 78:52; 79:13; 80:1; 95:7; 100:3; Isa 40:11; Ezek 34), but this image does not arise in a vacuum; it has its roots in the exodus event. For example, Pss 77 and 78 are retellings of the exodus story where psalmists reflect on the redemptive history of Israel at a later time. They are recollections of history in that they retell—and in so doing, reinterpret—this pinnacle redemptive event of the OT. As both psalms recall the exodus event, they echo the shepherd metaphor of 23:1–4. After a poetically stylized recollection of the mighty act of God at the crossing of the Red Sea, Ps 77:20 concludes, “You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.” Similarly, Ps 78 recalls the exodus-wilderness event as the grand testimony to God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel—despite its repeated rebellion—and uses the shepherd metaphor to describe God’s power and persistence to deliver his people from Egyptian bondage: “Then he led out his people like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock” (v. 52). These two passages are important not simply because they affirm the shepherd metaphor, but because they do so in the context of the exodus.

      Psalm 23 affirms the daily provisions of the Shepherd-God so that the sheep has no want of anything in addition to God himself (“I shall not want,” v. 1). Here is also an echo of the exodus as Moses reminds the people of God’s faithfulness to them, recalling his provisions in the midst of the treacherous wilderness journey. Moses calls to their remembrance that God knows the plight of his people and provides for the necessities of life: “He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing” (Deut 2:7). Again, this passage is in the context of reflecting on the exodus-wilderness event; it is not a proverbial statement about God’s provisions, but is contextualized in this pinnacle redemptive event in the OT. As the psalmist has no wants beyond the day-to-day sustenance of God, so also Israel “lacked nothing” in the wilderness.

      As the shepherd “leads” (nakhal) the sheep (Ps 23:2), so also God “led” (nakhah) the Israelites out of Egypt and “guided” (nakhal) them into the Promised Land (Exod 15:13). While the Hebrew verb for “to lead” occurs three times in these two verses, the exodus context of the latter passage is even more important as the Song of Moses, which he sang immediately after crossing the Red Sea. Again, the exodus event serves as the backdrop for both passages, placing them in identical redemptive-historical contexts.

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