Psalms of Christ. Daniel H. Fletcher

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Psalms of Christ - Daniel H. Fletcher

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whether in the calm countryside, the darkest valley, or at table. The NT reaffirms God’s presence among his people not in terms of mere metaphors, but in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. Matthew 1:23 calls Jesus “Immanuel” (“God with us”) at the beginning of his Gospel and affirms the same at the end (“I am with you always, to the end of the age,” 28:20).149 This emphasis on Jesus Christ as the divine presence in the world serves as the bookends for Matthew’s Gospel. Given the connection between God as shepherd and host in Ps 23 and Jesus as the good shepherd and host in the NT, it seems obvious to add to these the divine presence. As McCann concludes, “In New Testament terms, Jesus is shepherd, host, and Emmanuel.”150 When thinking of Jesus as shepherd, host, and “God with us,” Christians read Ps 23 as pointing to God’s end-times Messiah who ultimately fulfills the manifold imagery of the psalm.

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