Olonkho. P. A. Oyunsky

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Olonkho - P. A. Oyunsky

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relative was Suor Toyon28

      With the big throat

      As wide as the string of a waistcloth.

      On the opposite side

      Of the furious southern sky,

      At the bottom of the violent hell,

      There was the insidious blue sky

      Under which a vast alaas29 could be found,

      Where eight demons guarded the dark hell.

      There was a land which was a source of treachery,

      Whose whirlwinds

      Turned everything upside down.

      And if ninety-nine great shamans

      Were dragged out of that abyss

      Using the noose of a black rope

      With ninety-nine loops,

      And were thrown right before her –

      Such an evil shrew with sooty face –

      She would not be tamed,

      Her appetite would never be satisfied,

      She would not get her fill.

      That was Khotun Kokhtuya,

      Cunning and insolent;30

      She ruled there

      Sitting on her bloody-mucus ocean,

      She had a pantry at the bottom,

      She had a fence on the shady side,

      She had a shed on the left side.

      I want to tell you

      As skilfully as Akim did,31

      I want to speak

      As expressively as Kylachisap did,32

      I want to paint the story in bright colours,

      As to who was the friend of that smart old woman,

      Who was good enough to share her bed,

      To roll playfully on the bedding,

      Who was the male

      Destined to fertilize her womb?

      It was Ulutuyar Uluu Sorun Toyon.33

      In the hollow of his chest

      As large as a small sitting baby

      There were two birthmarks

      Looking like raw meat.

      A fiery, revolving force whirled down

      From his bleeding wound,

      Which was right in the middle of his throat.

      His spear, thirsting for fresh scarlet blood,

      Glittered and reflected his young teeth and lips,

      If it were driven into his hip socket

      He would awake in a rage

      Slapping his hips,

      Crying out threateningly,

      He would sit down menacingly.

      It was he, her husband,

      Ulutuyar Uluu Sorun Toyon…


       He was as slender as a spear, As swift as an arrow, He was the best among the human beings, The most beautiful among them…

      After the great hot-blooded battle

      Which shook the firmness

      Of the vast surrounding sky,

      Uluu Sorun Toyon’s tribes

      Known as the pugnacious and boastful

      Thirty-nine tribes

      Settled on the right side

      Of the southern swirling sky,

      They say…

      If you want to know

      Who are the men and women

      Of these thirty-nine tribes,

      Here they are…

      There are girls filthy with infectious disease,

      Unable to give birth to a baby,

      Looking like the curved skeletons

      Of sacrificed horses.

      There are boys infected with a dreadful disease,

      Who have never experienced intercourse,

      Looking like the skeletons

      Of sacrificed horses turned upside down.

      If you want an idea of their wealth

      Here are the facts…

      They have a stooping, tall, black stallion

      Which has never covered a mare.

      They have an emaciated, snorting black mare,

      Which has never been mounted by a stallion.

      They have a starving, skinny black foal,

      Plodding along, dying.

      So, these are the greatest devils

      Of the southern white sky.

      If I tell it as Argunov did,34

      If I narrate it as Tabakhyrov did,35

      All bright and lively,

      Kinsfolk of the Under World who begot the tribes

      Born wearing worn-out, ragged fur coats

      And fetters on their feet

      In the ruinous country of Ap-Salbaniki36


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