Right Click. Lisa Becker

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Right Click - Lisa Becker

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if he's free tomorrow and we'll go together.

      From: Renee Greene – July 27, 2013 – 5:26 PM

      To: PBCupLover, Shelley Manning, Ashley Gordon

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Thank you! I don't think I can bear the thought of telling him alone. I'll email him now.

      From: Shelley Manning – July 27, 2013 – 5:32 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Don't forget to email me all of the juicy details after.

      From: Renee Greene – July 27, 2013 – 5:34 PM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Shelley! You wicked, wicked girl.

      From: Renee Greene – July 27, 2013 – 5:45 PM

      To: Mark Finlay

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Hey, Mark. Wanted to see if you were free tomorrow night? Can we grab a drink or dinner or something?

      From: Mark Finlay – July 27, 2013 – 5:52 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Cass is busy on set this week but I could meet up. Where did you have in mind?

      From: Renee Greene – July 27, 2013 – 5:59 PM

      To: Mark Finlay

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Actually, why don’t I swing by your place with some takeout? I'm going to be near Bamboo Garden. I'll get your usual. How about seven?

      From: Mark Finlay – July 27, 2013 – 6:02 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Bamboo Garden. My favorite. You know me so well. Sounds perfect. See you then.

      From: Renee Greene – July 27, 2013 – 6:04 PM

      To: PBCupLover

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Okay, we're set to take Bamboo Garden over to Mark's tomorrow around seven. I think Gift-Wrapped Chicken might help ease the pain.

      From: PBCupLover – July 27, 2013 – 6:10 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      While I'm sure it's not the "gift" he's looking for, it is the best thing for him.

      From: Renee Greene – July 27, 2013 – 6:11 PM

      To: PBCupLover

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Yeah, I'm afraid it will be the gift that keeps on giving…and not in a good way.

      From: PBCupLover – July 27, 2013 – 6:13 PM

      To: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Major conundrum

      Hold strong. I'll see you home later tonight.

      From: Shelley Manning – July 29, 2013 – 8:52 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Cc: Ashley Gordon

      Subject: Finlay's Folly


      From: Renee Greene – July 29, 2013 – 9:37 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Cc: Ashley Gordon

      Subject: Re: Finlay's Folly

      It was AWFUL! Ethan was going to go with me but of course got stuck at work. His stupid boss William said he needed his help on something. Of course I'm sure it was something totally non-work related, like checking out new cell phones or looking at pictures of hot chicks on his Facebook page.

      Anyway, I started off making small talk and then told him I had something hard to tell him. His first response was, "Is everything okay with Ethan?" Little did he know! I told him that there was something he needed to know and that this was really hard for me to share.

      Then, I pulled out the magazine. He sort of stared at it for a while. After a few blinks, he threw it across the room then ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. From there it was just a jumble of tears and rants.

      I didn't even know what to do or say, so I just let him let it all out. After about 30 minutes he asked me to leave. Thankfully Ethan was home by the time I got there and was a shoulder for me to cry on.

      From: Shelley Manning – July 29, 2013 – 10:12 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Cc: Ashley Gordon

      Subject: Re: Finlay's Folly

      Oh, Sweetie. I'm sure that was hard on you and even harder on Finlay. And as much as I feel badly for him to be cheated on, I must say, "Death to Finnady!" So glad to have that whack job out of our lives. Good riddance, I say. Good riddance!

      From: Ashley Gordon – July 29, 2013 – 11:04 AM

      To: Shelley Manning

      Cc: Renee Greene

      Subject: Re: Finlay's Folly

      I agree with Shelley. Shocking, I know. But I think we are all better off without her, especially Mark. He deserves better.

      From: Renee Greene – July 29, 2013 – 11:08 AM

      To: Ashley Gordon

      Cc: Shelley Manning

      Subject: Re: Finlay's Folly

      It was just so hard to see him so hurt. I wish I could take it all back. Damn toes!

      From: Shelley Manning – July 29, 2013 – 11:17 AM

      To: Renee Greene

      Cc: Ashley Gordon

      Subject: Re: Finlay's Folly


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