Toward a Deeper Meditation. John Van Auken

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Toward a Deeper Meditation - John Van Auken

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      The only real guide that may be relied upon is that subconscious force that is as the police to the entity, both in the physical, material, and in the spiritual planes. And, as this [the subconscious] will guide and direct the entity, in that same way and manner as the police in their regular capacity … in the physical life. [What a fascinating concept. Our subconscious is our conscience, our policing power.] That is, the police, the subconscious mind, represent the law that guides, directs, and that way upon which the entity, which any entity, may rely for the enforcement of that which will keep in peace, in war, in any condition, that straight way for the best interest of each and every individual.


      However, even as physical police departments can become corrupt, so can our subconscious police become misdirected by powerful suggestions of self-doubt, self-condemnation. “In the same way and manner as these (the police) may become subject to all of the vicissitudes that are ever present within the conditions in life, so may the subconscious forces, mis-directed, mis-guided, or seeking to belittle the self … through its experience in the earth’s plane.” (900-243) The only way to protect against this misdirection is to hold to a higher ideal that lifts us beyond our self-doubt, self-condemnation. God does not condemn us; God has erected no barrier. Self is the only obstacle to full enlightenment and reunion.

       Levels of Consciousness

      Cayce identifies three levels of consciousness, or dimensions, of mind: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.

      Conscious mind is the level that we are most familiar with. It is the level within which our personality and three-dimensional self develops and has much of its activity.

      The subconscious is that part of our minds that bridges the outer self with the spiritual self. According to Cayce, the subconscious is both in the body, through the autonomic system, and beyond the body, in the soul realms of telepathy, non-physical life, and timelessness. This mind is the mind of the soul. As the mind of our outer self is the conscious mind and that portion containing our personality, so the subconscious mind contains our developing “individuality,” which Cayce identifies as our true self.

      The superconscious level is the portion made in the image of the Creator, as recorded in Genesis. It is that portion of us that is a god, or godling, as the ancient Egyptians termed it. Cayce explained that the superconscious is a thing apart from anything earthly and only makes its presence known or is knowable when the soul-self lifts itself and portions of the conscious mind up into the vast, expansive level that is the superconscious. This is the portion of our being that Cayce referred to when he said, “Not only God is God, but self is a part of that oneness.”

      To know the superconscious, Cayce says that one must learn to achieve deep levels of meditation. And if a dream feels more like a vision than a dream, then it most likely originated from this highest level of consciousness.

      At death, the conscious mind is gradually absorbed into the subconscious (the mind of the surviving soul), and the subconscious becomes the operative mind, with the superconscious now in the position the subconscious held while incarnate. Later, upon reincarnation, the subconscious projects another portion of itself into the newly developing outer, three-dimensional mind. Intuitions, “knowings,” and psychic perceptions come from the projected subconscious. Cayce explains that not the entire subconscious is projected; some of it remains in very high levels of perception and activity. But the portion that is in the body maintains the autonomic systems of the body (respiration, circulation, digestion, etc.) and the seven spiritual centers, or chakras, which correspond with the seven endocrine glands.

      Mind is our true nature. It is that portion of ourselves that lives forever. What would it be like to live our lives as minds in bodies, rather than bodies with minds? Surprisingly, Cayce considered the mind to be a savior, a redeemer. It is that portion of our being that can mend and restore us. Let’s engage our minds and fully awaken to our spiritual selves.


       Matter, Mind, and Spirit

      Were there really ancient gods that mingled with humans as the myths of most cultures record? If so, where are these gods today? Amazingly, the Cayce readings and modern depth-psychologists have some possible answers. Take, for example, a reading for a woman (1554-3) in which Cayce implies that the ancient Greek gods were actually “mental forces.” He explains to the woman that in that incarnation she struggled against the urges for material gratification by using aid from the gods of the mental forces. This experience gave her powerful reasoning abilities in this present incarnation, abilities to use her mind to overcome the power of matter and material ideals.

      To a young man, in reading 442-5, Cayce warns that he has so lost touch with his soul-mind that matter overcomes mind, making it difficult for him to get fully healthy. Cayce went on to tell this man that he must awaken his mind to these higher concepts and ideals in order to overcome these influences. The “gods” of his mental forces were blocked from conveying their powers upon him by his complete acceptance of the powers of materiality.

      To a woman, in reading 1152-5, Cayce gave what may be his most inspired insight into the power of the mind over matter and the role spirit plays in the quickening necessary for health and enlightenment:

      It is true that the body mentally, the body physically, should be and is capable of resuscitating and revitalizing itself, if it is raised in a spiritual direction. Hence mind over matter is not to be lightly spoken of, nor is there any disparaging remark to be made as to the body-physical being revivified, resuscitated, spiritualized such that there is no reaction that may not be revivified.

      He then says that “any application of any influence in man’s condition … that arouses the nature of … man’s consciousness to the awareness of the God-consciousness to make it a whole” will lift us to a level of consciousness in which God’s Spirit can do its part in our healing and enlightenment. Cayce explains that we have an important role in this co-creative process:

      To man hath He [God] given the ministry of those influences within the material world, where ministry may be made to the needs temporal, the needs mental, the needs spiritual. The ministerations must answer, to be sure, to the divine within; else they cannot, they do not quicken. For God alone quickens into life that which has through any form of error misdirected its flow through even the physical body. Man may minister, man may direct—only the Father, God, can give, does give the increase—the quickening. For it is true indeed, “My Spirit,” saith the Father, “beareth witness with thy spirit that ye are the children of the living Father.”


      As Jesus explained to the woman at the well, God is Spirit. Our minds must change, must reach to the higher levels of the gods of the mental forces that overcome all the seemingly powerful limitations of the physical, material self and this world. The real healing, the real enlightenment comes when our elevated minds open to the quickening power of the Spirit and the Spirit flows into and through us so completely as to revivify, rejuvenate, and make whole our body, mind, and soul.

      Then enter into that quietude in prayer and in supplication for that strength to now manifest those truths as are being, and as have been, gained by the entity, and the entity will find that he does not meet these alone, but with that guiding hand of the Spirit that gives to the entity the power, the force, the words, necessary to bring the condition of chaos unto that quietude, even as was said of Him, “Even the winds

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