Toward a Deeper Meditation. John Van Auken

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Toward a Deeper Meditation - John Van Auken

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final thing—the first three principles of which I had two. In the midst of all of this, a voice said: ‘All of these are God!’

      Cayce: This dream is presenting to the entity the oneness of purpose, of intent, of the whole being as one. For all is of God, see? And as the entity gains knowledge from living the various phases of oneness, he gains that first principle of which the other two he already has. That first principle is this: God is in you, manifesting to other individuals through every phenomenized situation that is presented in a physical world. For, every force which may not be separated or produced by man is of God and of the Universal Forces. These are the three forces in man: (1) Spiritual—of God; (2) Cosmic—the forces made by man; and (3) Subconscious—the force that bridges the Spiritual and the Cosmic, connecting the spiritual with the cosmic.

      Morton: It seems to me that this dream imagery tries again and again to drive home to my dense physical mind that God is One …

      Cayce: (Interrupting) Correct.

      Morton: God is all of these people passing in the hotel and all of the applicants for the stenographer job …

      Cayce: (Interrupting) Correct.

      Morton: All these people are phenomenized forms of God. Also God is all of these consciousnesses …

      Cayce: (Interrupting) Except that God is not the cosmic forces made by free-will man. These are not related to spiritual forces. These are earth made.

      (Based on 900-147)

      In many of his readings, Cayce explained that evil is man’s misuse of the gift of free will. The Creator allows this because free will is the only way for any soul to reach its original purpose for existence: to know itself to be itself yet choose to be one with the Whole, with the Creator and the creation. If free will is taken away, then the soul no longer has the potential to become an eternal companion with its creator. As the theological concept goes, man was made a little less than the angels but with the potential to judge even the angels. This is why souls misusing free will are allowed more time to discover their true purpose, even if they do much harm along the way. Eventually, as recorded in the Revelation, God will stop time and separate misusers from those who have tried to fulfill their purpose. He/She will then “wipe the tears from everyone’s eyes” and set up “a new heaven and a new earth” for the companionable souls to enjoy with God.

      According to Cayce’s readings and many other classic sources, before anything was created there existed something that caused the creation to begin. The potential for the creation—what Cayce often referred to as “the first impulse, the first cause”—was latent in pre-creation emptiness. A good way for us to grasp how there could be anything before the creation is to think of the infinite emptiness as a consciousness, much like our own, except that this consciousness was infinite and perfectly still; no thoughts; quiet. Imagining this with our own minds is one of the states of meditation: a clear, quiet mind—hard to do for even a few minutes. At some moment, this infinite mind began to move, to conceive, and the creation began. Imagine how the idea of light awoke, and playing with this idea, the infinite mind conceived of stars and galaxies of all shapes, sizes, and colors. At some moment in this conception process, Cayce says, the Universal Consciousness conceived of companions to itself, companions made in its own image: minds, with life, creativity, and free will. Countless little minds were conceived in the one, infinite mind.

      At first, we all remained consciously connected to the One Mind. But as we began to use our free wills to experience individual consciousness, we focused more on our own consciousness and gradually lost our connection with the Infinite Mind. We did not go anywhere. There was nowhere to go beyond the Whole. We simply lost consistent consciousness of our oneness with the Infinite Consciousness. Today, billions of years after it all began, we struggle to regain and retain conscious awareness of the One Mind within which we all exist and with which we are all destined to consciously companion forever—if we choose to.

      Just as this is all getting clearer, Cayce tosses a brick into our thinking when he says such mind-boggling things as “there is no time, no space.” He explains that at a deep level, there actually is no beginning, no end; all time is one. He explains that there actually is no here and no there. As demonstrated by his own readings, he could tell someone what he or she (the deeper self) thought eons ago, as if it were yesterday, and could physically be in Virginia Beach while viewing a person in San Diego! During his readings, there was indeed no time, no space. All was one.

      Cayce said it this way: “Learn these lessons well: First, the continuity of life. There is no time; it is one time. There is no space; it is one space. There is no force, other than all force in its various phases and applications. The individual is such a part of God that one’s thoughts may become crimes or miracles, for thoughts are deeds. That that one metes must be met again. That one applies will be applied again and again until that oneness of time, space, force are learned and the individual is one with the whole.” (4341-1)

      Fortunately for our three-dimensional selves, he did instruct that time and space are helpful tools for developing souls to use in our day-to-day, step-by-step process of application and enlightenment. But his deeper mind did not want us to get lost in the limitations of time and space, encouraging us to budget some time and space for experiencing the timelessness and spacelessness; in other words, the oneness. He also instructed seekers to “watch the self go by”—watch the self interact with others, watch one’s mind thinking about situations and people—and see if one’s words, actions, and thoughts reflect the truth of the oneness or the illusion of separateness, multiplicity, and diversity.

      From Cayce’s trance perspective, the greatest evil in the earth and in the hearts and minds of individuals is contention, faultfinding, lovers of self, and lovers of praise, because these forces separate. The greatest good in the world is love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and understanding, because these forces unite, for “these are times when every effort should be made to preserve the universality of love.” (877-29) He instructed one person to “study the truths about oneness, whether Jewish, Gentile, Greek, or heathen!” (136-12) Among religions, Cayce said that wherever the principle of one God and one people is taught, there is truth. And that in many of the world’s great religions, the principle of oneness is there, but men have “turned this aside to meet their own immediate needs, as a moralist or the head of any independent power, but ‘Know the Lord thy God is One!’ whether this is directing one of the Confucius thought, Brahman thought, Buddha thought, Mohammedan thought … there is only one. The whole law and gospel of every age has said, ‘There is one God!’” (364-9)

      As with all of these concepts, they begin within our individual minds and hearts, and since there is oneness, the more individuals believe in the oneness and live it in their lives, the more it makes an impression upon the Collective Consciousness and finds its way into other individual minds and hearts. We are the leaven that can leaven the whole loaf of humanity. Let’s budget time to experience the oneness in meditation. Let’s practice oneness in our thoughts about others and interactions with others. Ultimately, despite all the indications to the contrary, the world and humanity will be one.


       Mind Is the Builder

      From his deep attunement to the Mind of God, that “Universal Consciousness,” Edgar Cayce stated that mind is the light, the builder, and the bridge to liberation and enlightenment. Here are some of his perspectives on the mind:


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